Nutrisystem for Women Explained | Nutrition + Sample Menu

woman wink

Nutrisystem for Women: Nutrisytem is America’s #1 home delivery weight loss program. The diet is based on: portion control, balanced nutrition, and frequent smaller meals to achieve healthy weight loss. Their monthly prepared-meal delivery means that there’s no guesswork in either the menu or portion sizes.

In fact, you could say that Nutrisystem tells us what to eat and when including when to add fresh fruits and vegetables. Nutrisystem offers three plan levels, (Basic, Core, Uniquely Yours) and they differ between women and men based on the unique nutritional requirements of each gender.

All Nutrisystem plans, including CORE (most popular) and Uniquely Yours, now kick off with FreshStart®, so you hit the ground running and the goal of losing 13 pounds and 7 inches in your first month.

You can get more info on how it works in our review, (plus the cost, and if it works?) but for now, let’s focus on how women lose weight with Nutrisystem.

The First Month Of Nutrisystem is Called, “FreshStart®”

The short video above explains how Nutrisystem works the first month, plus includes some jazzy stock music (from the 70’s?) that just makes you want to dance off those pounds! (ha, ha)

You can learn more about this program (while applying a discount) here:

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*Click to view this promotion, or see all coupons here.

How Many Times a Day Do You Eat? (Women)

On Nutrisystem, women eat smaller meals or snacks every 2-3 hours, which adds up to 6 meals a day. Because women are smaller on average than men, they get slightly less food, and as a result, the plans for women cost less.

Nutrisystem: How Many Calories a Day? (for Women)

Nutrisystem diet provides women 1200-1500 calories per day to lose weight at a sustainable rate of 1-2 pounds per week. The menu changes every day, but your 6 meals will add up to a total caloric intake in this range.

This is the same number of calories recommended by most credible authorities for women trying to achieve sustainable weight loss.

What Kind of Food Do You Eat?

When you join Nutrisystem your menu is assembled for you the first month. You can continue to have “chef’s choices” sent to you, or change the menu from your online dashboard. There are over 150 meal options categorized by: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. If you aren’t a fan of a certain meal, just delete it. If you have favorites, just add them!

Nutrisystem’s prepared meals are complimented by your own grocery store food. These store-bought foods are categorized by: SmartCarbs, PowerFuels, Vegetables, and Extras.

The details of these recommended grocery store foods are in their handy grocery guide.

Nutrisystem for Women: Sample Menu

Before signing up for any 28-day plan, it’s important to know what you’ll be eating. Here’s what a sample menu looks like for women on Nutrisystem:

nutrisystem women sample menu
Sample menu for a day on Nutrisystem (women)

*View sample 1-week menu

As you can see from the sample menu, you’ll be eating 6 smaller meals each day.

Nutrisystem for Women: Nutrition

nutrisystem nutritional breakdown
Nutrisystem is high in protein and low-glycemic carbs

As you can see, most of your calories come from (healthy) low-glycemic carbohydrates and protein. Here’s a breakdown of the nutrition in a day food on the Nutrisystem diet for women.

Nutrisystem for Women: Is It Healthy? 

Losing weight is one thing, but is this diet really good for you?

To answer that question, let’s compare the nutrition in Nutrisystem’s 28-day plan for women against the recommended allowances in a 1200-1500 calorie per-day weight loss diet:

FDA Recommended:Nutrisystem (Women):
Carbs (% kcal):45-65% (130g)50% (120g)
Sodium:2300 mg*2100-2200 mg
Total Fat (% kcal):20-35%25-30%
Sat. Fat (% kcal):<10% (10g)8-9% (6-9g)

As you can see, the number of calories, carbs, protein, and sodium compare favorably against the recommended nutrition for women trying to lose 1+ pounds per week. You’ll need to buy fresh fruits and veggies from the grocery store to get all the vitamins and minerals that you need, and remember that daily exercise is important for any healthy lifestyle!

Food: Nutritional Facts:

Besides knowing the nutritional estimates for a day of food, you can find out the exact calories, sodium, protein, and more for each meal or snack. Just select any food item, and you’ll get quick info on customer reviews, nutritional facts, ingredients, and more.

nutrisystem food nutrition

What Does All This Cost a Hard-Working Woman?

Nutrisystem costs about the same as other meal-delivery diets including the popular South Beach Diet, (review | cost | coupons) at about $10 a day for the CORE plan. (more about the price here

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Click to view this promotion, or see all coupons here.

The good news is that as a new customer, you can take advantage of their 50% off promotion, which gives you the best price online and locks in the promotional rate. Or, view all of their specials and coupons to see what discounts are available today.

*Sorry, Brad Pitt 1991 not included in Nutrisystem for Women plans

Important Vitamins for Women’s Health

No single meal delivery diet gives women all of the vitamins that they need each day. If you’re a woman, make sure you are getting enough of these important vitamins:

  1. Antioxidant vitamins (A, C, and E) – These fight free radicals, the underlying cause of aging and many diseases
  2. Vitamin D – Being in the sun is good for you! Dairy is also high in Vitamin D
  3. Vitamin K for strong bones and preventing heart disease
  4. Folate & Other B Vitamins – Important for your metabolism and brain functions. Also very important if you plan to become pregnant
  5. Iron – Prevents anemia, especially important during menstruation. Found in meat, leafy greens, eggs, and fish more

Thanks for reading; if you are a woman who has tried Nutrisystem, please drop us a review or comment below!

*Did you know that Nutrisystem has plans specifically for diabetics and vegetarians?