weight watchers for men

Weight Watchers for Men: How Does it Work, Man?

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Our WW (Weight Watchers) for Men review: In the 1960’s WW founder Jean Nidetch began inviting her friends to her house to discuss how to best lose weight. These were the first Weight Watchers meetings, and apparently, men weren’t invited!

That’s OK because the men were probably consumed with football and thoughts of the Roman Empire, anyway.

Anyway, while Weight Watchers started as a weight loss plan for women, it didn’t take WW long to realize that men could lose weight in exactly the same way. Well, not exactly the same, as even though the plan, pricing, point system, and coupons are the same, it’s marketed differently to men.

Here’s our review of Weight Watchers for Men, including points, the WW App, WW Connect, and workshops.

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Weight Watchers for Men: How it Works | WW App | WW Connect | Workshops | Cost?

How WW for Men Works:

Men and women have different metabolic rates, primarily due to differences in body composition and hormonal levels. Because of this, the Weight Watchers program adapts to men’s unique needs.

Probably the most important thing about WW to understand is this: instead of counting calories on Weight Watchers, you’ll count points. This is the foundation of the WW program and was quite a revolutionary idea from the beginning.

WW knows that 200 calories from a donut is completely different than 200 calories from grilled salmon. Sounds obvious, right? However, most diets don’t make this important distinction!

It’s All About the Points, Man!

Now, let’s talk about points because it’s how WW values all foods.

Men are assigned an amount of daily and weekly points based on height, weight, age, and gender.

man weightwatchers app

So, as a man, you might get 36 points to “spend” on food each day. Think of it as your budget for buying your food. While unhealthy foods are not forbidden, they will cost you more.

Healthy foods are worth fewer points, and most fruits and vegetables are free. If you are counting WW points, you’ll quickly realize that healthy choices cost fewer points and are a smarter choice.

While WW plans are the same for men and women, men are treated a bit differently when it comes to point allocation. That’s because men are generally bigger, taller, hairier, and have more lean muscle mass.

Weight Watchers for Men is the same program and point system, but men usually get a few extra points to spend each day. All of this point-tracking is done from the palm of your hand with the Weight Watchers app.

*Learn more about WW for Men on WeightWatchers.com!

Men: Behold the Weight Watchers App:

Just like the ladies, men also use the Weight Watchers app to track points every day. Tracking points helps you understand what you’re eating and keeps you within your budget.

The idea is to train you to make better choices with food, which is a life-long benefit of Weight Watchers. The app is included in the price of all plans, and the most important tool to weight loss success.

So, how does the Weight Watchers app work? Here’s what the WW app looks like on an iPhone:

weightwatchers app screenshots
WW app on iPhone

Hopefully, the infographic above is pretty self-explanatory. Weight Watchers encourages men to track their points after every meal or snack, and not wait too long to track because accuracy is key for tracking.

WW Connect Offers Support to Men:

Weight Watchers Connect offers men support and access to valuable resources.

As phones and social media have evolved, so has Weight Watchers. Men used to have to login to the Weight Watchers website to find support, but no more. Online support has evolved into “WW Connect,” which is more of a social network of Weight Watchers members.

Did you know that 1/3 of men in the U.S. are obese? That’s a scary number, and men often don’t get the same social support that women enjoy.

WW Connect gives men the chance to interact and find support from thousands of other men who are on Weight Watchers. Connect is an important component of Weight Watchers that you won’t get with other free dieting apps like MyFitnessPal.

Most diets fail, often because of a lack of motivation. Taking advantage of Connect’s supportive community provides the daily motivation that’s crucial for any diet’s success. Men are encouraged to post:

  • Photos or videos of your journey
  • Favorite recipes & exercises (sample)
  • Things that inspire you
  • Encouragement for others

Popular hashtags just for men include the popular #WWbros which you can also find on Instagram with before and after photos from men on WW (Weight Watchers) like this:

Hey, that guy is on Weight Watchers and he looks pretty cool! Here’s another #WWbros post from a guy on Weight Watchers for Men:

Support from others is really important. I’ve tried buying exercise equipment to work out by myself at home, but I always lacked the motivation I got from going to the gym and connecting with others. I guess other men would say that Connect helps fill this “motivation void” in the same way.

*Related: How Does NOOM Work for Men?

Men: Workshops (aka, “Meetings”)

men meeting
50 shades of gray men

Meetings have been proven to double the long-term success rate of Weight Watchers. Why? Those two important factors again: motivation and accountability.

Weight Watchers has done a good job of providing both of those through WW Connect, but some people do better with more personal attention.

Have you ever used a personal trainer or taken classes at the gym? A lot of men benefit from personal attention, and make more progress with the extra help.

With WW Workshop (aka Meetings / Studio) meetings, you get personal attention, and the weekly weigh-ins and support from others provide both motivation and accountability. Men are less likely to stray from their diet when they know they must be accountable.

Most men opt to do just Digital, which is through the WeightWatchers app and online. That’s because meetings don’t fit into the average man’s busy schedule and they cost more, ($50+ per month). Plus, there are a lot of women at Workshops, so what man would want that, right? Oh, I see… never mind!

Anyway, it’s worth seeing if there is a meeting location near you, as for some men it may be the difference between success and failure.

*Related: How Do WW meetings work?

Weight Watchers for Men Cost?

Men join the same WW plans as women, and there is no price difference. For the popular WW Digital plan, men pay about $20 per month. If you’d like to incorporate meetings, choose Workshop for a total of $55 per month. WW also has an app and text message-based Personal Coaching plan for $55 per month.

Remember, WW plans do not include food, so factor in groceries and dining out to estimate the total monthly cost of being on WW for Men.

DJ Kalid Explains Weight Watchers for Men:

“I want to carve some of my, like sculpture… greatness. We gonna lose weight, and continue winning!”

OK, well, if DJ Kalid doesn’t motivate you to be a better man, nothing will!

WW (Weight Watchers) for Men: Same Program, Different Marketing

marketing for men
Men apparently respond to different advertising!

So, in conclusion, know that WW (Weight Watchers for Men is the same program at the same price that the ladies enjoy, but the advertising is different. The only difference is that because men are generally taller and heavier, they might get a few more daily points.

I hope you learned a bit more about Weight Watchers for men! It’s consistently ranked as the best weight loss diet, (by U.S. News) and at about $20 per month, it’s quite reasonable.

Good Luck!

Bonus: The Difference Between Men & Women

If you have a couple of minutes, you should really watch Chris Rock explain the difference between men and women: (PG-13)

If you’re a man who has tried Weight Watchers, let us know with your review below. If you haven’t, check out today’s best membership offers like 3 free months, $10 per month, or even a free digital scale.

*Related: How Nutrisystem for Men Works (Does It?)