What does Noom mean? If you are thinking of joining Noom, you’ve probably done your homework. You probably know that the wellness program was developed by behavioral psychologists and is based on a color system assigned by calorie density. However, the one answer which might be eluding you is how Noom got its name.
Sure, we’ve talked a lot about Noom including how much it costs, user reviews, and how to start a free trial, but now let’s talk about exactly where the name, “Noom” came from.
How Noom Got Its “Loony” Name
The name itself doesn’t have a definition, and since it’s not an acronym, the letters don’t stand for anything. Also, it shouldn’t be confused with the obscure Thai boy name, “Noom” or “Noomi.” Here’s what the name Noom means:
The name “Noom” was chosen for the wellness app because Noom is “moon” spelled backward. Noom President and co-founder Artem Petakov adds that “the moon is calm, wise, and always there for the whole world. Plus the name works in many languages.”
Oh, now that abstract Noom logo makes sense!

Wow, that’s pretty Zen.
Ironically the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion sent a letter to Noom saying, “It is programs like yours that are turning the tide in the fight against the epidemic of type 2 diabetes.”
Noom hopes that their wellness program continues to have a positive “lunar” effect on people’s health and wellness, and turns the tide on obesity!

OK, so now you know what Noom means. (or doesn’t mean!) We also answer other questions like:
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