My family and I love to go camping.
Actually, that’s not true.
My family and I love the idea of camping. However, the reality of camping is quite different, and usually involves hours of packing, dirt, mosquitoes, smoke, bears (bear rape?), raccoons, and bodily pain from a terrible night’s sleep.
For that reason I decided to make a bunch of camping memes that you can share with your friends, who may also be under the delusion that camping is simple and fun. Here are my camping memes, plus a couple of other funny hate-camping memes I found online. Enjoy!
Funny (I Hate) Camping Memes:

We spend more on supplies to go camping for our $20 campsite than it would cost to get a room at the Ritz-Carlton. So much stuff!

Camping without kids can be fun!
Did someone say camping?

Hate camping? Don’t worry; your odds of being murdered in the woods are pretty small.
Are you ready for a night of terrible sleep and two days of back aches?

I mean, I had to do a Game of Thrones meme… sorry, It’s required.
This is what my first attempt at setting up the tent usually looks like:

Did I mention big hairy spiders?

There’s a rumor going around that you swallow a few spiders every year in your sleep. That’s probably not true, but it could happen! Hopefully, the raccoons and snakes will eat most of the spiders.
People in sleeping bags are the soft tacos of the bear world:

I found this funny bear / camping meme online and had to include it.
What if I told you that camping is just middle class white people pretending to be homeless?
I guess we’re trying to channel our ancient, dirty ancestors. Why else would we spend a lot of money to live like we’re homeless?
I’ve been camping a number of times, and usually, the raccoons come out just as we’re getting ready for bed. They probably just want our food, but you never know.
Tip: I recommend wearing a supportive cup while camping so that a raccoon can’t easily steal your penis
Camping: Bear Rape Memes
I don’t know why, but my friends and I are obsessed with the idea that bears might rape you while you’re camping. I think it started when one of us when to go poop in the woods, and my friend Brett yelled, “don’t get raped by a bear!” Then, it just stuck.
So, enjoy these bear rape memes before I have second-thoughts and take them down.

Here we go again with the whole bear rape thing. Sorry.

Camping is pretty much just a 1980’s horror movie without the pretty girls.

Get it!? You know, “intense?” Nevermind.

That’s what I usually feel like emerging from my tent in the morning.

If you think about it, it’s kind of true. And, unfortunately, the post-apocalypse will be more than just one night. (Although, no kids on cell phones will be a plus!)

Or, perhaps you prefer to compare camping to a little refugee crisis. (with s’mores, of course!) Mmm… I do love me some s’mores.
Ah, at least camping makes you appreciate your own bed!

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*Related: Funny Diet / Weight Loss Quotes

Please share these camping memes! If you add them to your website, please just add a link back to this page. THANKS, and happy (unhappy?) camping!