Our Demands:
These demands listed represent collective efforts by Black students to address widespread institutional inequity. These student-led efforts are crucial to addressing larger systemic issues and serve as a catalyst to dismantle institutions that promote and engage in anti-Blackness.
National Demands:
1) WE DEMAND at the minimum, Black students and Black faculty to be reflected by the national percentage of Black folk in the state and the country
2) WE DEMAND free tuition for Black and indigenous students
3) WE DEMAND a divestment from prisons and an investment in communities
Campus Demands:

University of Missouri Demands:
1. We demand that University of Missouri System President, Tim Wolfe, writes a hand-written apology to Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demonstrators and hold a press conference in the Mizzou Student Center reading the letter. In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white privilege, recognize that systems of oppression exist, and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demands. We want Tim Wolfe to admit his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators, consenting to the physical violence of bystanders, and lastly refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department used excessive force with demonstrators.
2. We demand the immediate removal of Tim Wolfe as UM system president. After his removal, a new amendment to the UM system policies must be established to have all future UM system president and Chancellor positions be selected by a collective of students, staff, and faculty of diverse backgrounds.
3. We demand that the University of Missouri meets the Legion of Black Collegians’ demands that were presented in 1969 for the betterment of the black community.
4. We demand that the University of Missouri creates and enforces comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments and units, mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a board comprised of students, staff and faculty of color.
5. We demand that by the academic year 2017-18, the University of Missouri increases the percentage of black faculty and staff members campus-wide by 10 percent.
6. We demand that the University of Missouri composes a strategic 10-year plan on May 1 2016 that will increase retention rates for marginalized students, sustain diverse curriculum and training, and promote a more safe and inclusive campus.
7. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding and resources for the University of Missouri Counseling Center for the purpose of hiring additional mental health professionals, particularly those of color, boosting mental health outreach and programming across campus, increasing campus-wide awareness and visibility of the counseling center, and reducing lengthy wait times for prospective clients.
8. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding, resources, and personnel for the social justice centers on campus for the purpose of hiring additional professionals, particularly those of color, boosting outreach and programming across campus, and increasing campus-wide awareness and visibility.
Amherst College Demands:

1. President Martin must issue a statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration, and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latin@ racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism. Also include that marginalized communities and their allies should feel safe at Amherst College.
2. We demand Cullen Murphy ‘74, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, to issue a statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration, and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism
3. Amherst College Police Department must issue a statement of protection and defense from any form of violence, threats, or retaliation of any kind resulting from this movement.
4. President Martin must issue a statement of apology to faculty, staff, and administrators of color as well as their allies, neither of whom were provided a safe space for them to thrive while at Amherst College.
5. President Martin must issue a statement to the Amherst College community at large that states we do not tolerate the actions of the student(s) who posted the “All Lives Matter” posters, and the “Free Speech” posters that stated that “in memoriam of the true victim of the Missouri Protests: Free Speech.” Also, let the student body know that it was racially insensitive to the students of color on our college campus and beyond who are victims of racial harassment and death threats; alert them that Student Affairs may require them to go through the Disciplinary Process if a formal complaint is filed and that they will be required to attend extensive training for racial and cultural competency.
6. President Martin must issue a statement of support for the revision of the Honor Code to reflect a zero-tolerance policy for racial insensitivity and hate speech.
7. President Martin must release a statement by Friday, November 13th, 2015 by 5:00 pm that condemns the inherent racist nature of the unofficial mascot, Lord Jeff, and circulate it to the student body, faculty, alumni, and Board of Trustees. This will be followed up by the encouraged removal of all imagery including but not limited to apparel, memorabilia, facilities, etc. for Amherst College and all of its affiliates via a phasing-out process within the next year.
8. Dean Epstein must ask faculty to excuse all students from all 5 College classes, work shifts, and assignments from November 12th, 2015 to November 13th, 2015 given their organization of and attendance at the Sit-In.
9. Do not threaten the jobs of the faculty, staff, or administrators that support our list of demands. Such threats will result in an escalation of our response.
10. The Office of Alumni and Parent Programs must send former students an email of current events on campus including a statement that Amherst College does not condone any racist or culturally insensitive reactions to this information.
11. Dean Epstein must encourage faculty to provide a space for students to discuss this week’s events during class time.
Atlanta University Center Consortium (Morehouse, Spelman, Clark Atlanta, ITC) Demands:

WHEREAS, the executive authorities and law enforcement of the aforementioned have cultivated a culture of opposition against the fulfillment of our civic duty through direct action and grassroots organization.
WHEREAS the students and patrons of these institutions have not held themselves to a standard of accountability for the knowledge of, and commitment to, the liberation of our people. #AUCShutItDown demands that we emancipate the disenfranchised, silenced, and erased individuals of the Diaspora.
WHEREAS, all parties mentioned continue to neglect the subjugated inhabitants of the historic West End of Atlanta. The AUC is comprised of privileged intellectuals who enjoy the comforts of security, access to resources, and opportunity for elevation; yet, the surrounding West End exists in a condition of depravity and exploitation. We are indebted to offer and supply the West End – and the greater Atlanta Metropolitan area – our resources, service, and aid.
#AUCShutItDown wholly dedicates itself to the eradication of harmful practices that provide for the perpetuation of these grievances. These harmful practices include but are not limited to: state violence against black and brown lives, such as police brutality, erasure and reconstruction of history, and allotment of resources; the exclusion of women, LGBTQIA, differently-abled, non-Christian, poor, and neurodiverse or mentally ill persons in addressing public issues; and the upholding of respectability tactics in the wake of calculated, widespread targeting of black and brown persons.
With full respect to the administration, faculty, and law enforcement of each institution of the AUC and Atlanta officials, we cannot allow the conservative policy to restrict the execution of our service to the revolution and movement.
Babson College Demands:

Curriculum redesign
1. We request a full audit of Babson’s current undergraduate and graduate curricula and faculty to determine:
a. The diversity of existing cases (written, video, etc.) (e.g., protagonists, context, etc.)
b. Teaching notes and lectures that incorporate issues of domestic diversity and inclusion, racism, etc.
2. We request the introduction of diverse (i.e., address issues of domestic diversity, inclusion, racism, etc.) cases, teaching notes, and lectures to Babson’s undergraduate and graduate curricula. These teaching tools should be made available to faculty, staff and administration so that they can be leveraged across the campus, and perhaps most importantly, in the classroom.
3. We request the utilization of orientation as a platform for not only open discussion but also to set explicit standards for students to follow in terms of diversity and inclusion; this should be made a priority alongside other discussions such as alcohol.
a. Include the graduate school’s start-up week intercultural communication session
4. We request the redesign of the First-Year Seminar as a key touch point to include more conversations around diversity, inclusion, socio-economic diversity, etc.; to promote cultural awareness, difference, acceptance, and sensitivity.
a. Similar to Alcohol-Edu that students are required to take prior to coming to Babson, they can take an online “Diversity-Edu” course in the same manner
b. Pair an online module with in-class dialogue
5. We request the redesign of the required course programs so that Babson’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is institutionalized across the curriculum.
6. We request the institution of a milestone course requirement (i.e., a graduation requirement), similar to the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, that requires all students to be educated to think and work cross-culturally, living and promoting diversity and inclusion.
Faculty recruitment, training, and evaluation
1. We request a funded commitment to recruit, retain and promote more domestic diverse faculty (Opportunity Hires), specifically those of Black/African-American, and Hispanic-American backgrounds
2. We request the resources to train faculty who are not yet prepared to be involved in such courses to be able to do so, and to allow for team-taught courses that would allow faculty to share approaches and knowledge across disciplines. We also request the resources to create warehouses and databases of texts, cases, and other resources to support these courses and the new, diverse curricula.
3. We request that the diversity competency be embedded into formal evaluations of faculty, staff and administration. If Babson truly values this competency, key stakeholders should be assessed on this competency.
Resources and reporting
1. We request a report on the current state (e.g., numbers, positions, time in position, salary) of domestic diversity amongst Babson’s current faculty and staff to ensure equity
2. We request that the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer (CDIO) have resources (financial, staff, office space) to effectively execute a campus-wide Strategic Diversity Initiative.
3. We request a better, more accessible, and properly marketed Bias Incident Report Protocol in which more visibility is brought to any incidents that may occur, and further that they are properly addressed by the community.
Bard College Demands:
1. Bard College must hire more people of color as faculty members, counselors, and administrative staff members. It is unacceptable that the vast majority of professors and staff members are white. People of color muse adequately represented on this campus, especially considering the rising population of black and brown students at this institution.
2. We recognize that part of the job of any university is to prepare students for life beyond the university. As such, it is an act of deliberate negligence that there is no explicit requirement to learn about any form of social justice or anti-racism at this college. Whether this takes the form of an academic requirement (such as a class) or an extracurricular requirement (such as training each semester), we demand that Bard College come together to ensure that faculty, staff, and students at all levels are able to engage with social justice and anti-racism productively without putting anyone in unsafe or compromising positions.
3. The “Rethinking Difference” requirement must be rethought. The goals of this requirement must make clear to students as it is unacceptable that students at this college fulfill the requirement without even knowing that they have fulfilled the requirement. In addition, students should be told how faculty decide which classes “rethink” differences and which classes do not.
a. What is being r-thought muse is thoroughly examined. What qualifies as a Rethinking Difference class? Stricter guidelines and criteria for what counts as a Rethinking Difference credit are needed. There is currently a lack of explicit intention in taking a class that is “rethinking difference.” Curriculums make room for questioning.
b. FYSEM should allow students to question why the canon is what it is. It should give students the space to read authors that are not in the canon and talk about why they are not in the canon. The changing nature of our society and world muse reflected in the FYSEM curriculum in terms of diversifying the authors chosen for the class. It is unacceptable to introduce a black author only in the context of slavery; while such a text like Equiano is necessary, it must be the only voice of color examined in the class. Intellectually training students and having diverse, thought-provoking curriculums are not mutually exclusive goals.
4. Bard College supports and ensures the establishment and provision of Diversity and Sensitivity Workshops multiple times a semester to faculty and staff at all levels. These workshops will provide continuous in-person training regarding cultural understanding, engagement with bias, the use of inclusive language, etc.
5. The Multicultural Diversity Committee (MDC) at Bard College muse made more visible, transparent, and accessible to the Bard community regarding its roles and responsibilities on campus. Members of the Bard College community should be informed about the committee’s role in the diversity and inclusion hiring process as well as the committee’s weekly meetings and progress made by the MDC throughout the semester.
6. Bard must support the establishment of a student-run Diversity, Inclusion, and Accountability Board:
a. This board would consist of no more than 10 students (2 seniors, 3 juniors, 2 sophomores, 2 freshmen, and 1 graduate representative) and 1 Bard faculty or staff member serving as an advisor to the board. This board could either take the place of the Multicultural Diversity Committee of the Student Government, expand its role on campus, or serve as an entirely separate entity. The tasks of this board would be to:
i. Assist in the creation of required faculty and staff diversity training– either in the form of workshops or incorporated into divisional faculty meetings. This must be put in place to ensure that all members of the Bard College community are held personally responsible for creating an inclusive and safe environment for all students. Furthermore, inclusiveness must not only be considered in terms of the physical classroom setting but also in the texts and discussions that students are engaging with in class. Some of the current discourses and practices regarding race in classes on campus have created unsafe environments where students of color are singled out, personally targeted, or invalidated during classroom discussions where race, ethnicity, and culture become part of the discussion. While this hostility may not be overtly recognized by the professor teaching the class, the lasting impacts result in feelings of fear from the student when approaching the next class discussion.
ii. Be in attendance at the faculty/staff training, meetings, or workshops in order to ensure that the issues of diversity and inclusion are properly discussed by the faculty and staff present.
iii. Participate in meetings regarding bias incidents involving faculty or staff. Each meeting will be used to discuss any incidents or reports that have arisen within the school and solutions to rectify the situation. This time will also be used to discuss any notable progress that has been made in the program. This time will also be used as a place to discuss bias incident reports filed and progress made. See the example below:
1. “Student in the John Doe’s ARTH section anonymously reported being singled out in class for speaking up against a certain topic. Issue was brought to the attention of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Accountability Board in writing. There was a follow-up with the professor where it was determined to be a misunderstanding.” Cases may be anonymous if the Bard community member chooses to remain anonymous. In addition, issues to be brought up could be a push to incorporate or remove a text, bring attention to certain language that was used in class by peers, etc.
b. Diversity, Inclusion, and Accountability Board will be responsible for writing written outcomes for any substantial changes from departments which will be sent to the graduate and undergraduate student classes.
7. Bard College must encourage dialogue between students and the local towns of Red Hook and Tivoli with their respective officials about race and diversity.
8. A plan of action must be developed by the college, in tandem with students of color, to address racial equity in the coming years. Yearly benchmarks will be determined as a means of tracking the progress being made on this and related initiatives.
9. The Office of President Leon Botstein must release a Statement of Accountability: a. We ask that president Leon Botstein personally address the Bard Community in a written statement acknowledging the student testimonies and grievances voiced at the campus-wide Black Out on Wednesday, November 18th as well as the ongoing systemic racism and microaggressions faced by students of color on a daily basis on campus. This statement should also address the silence from the president’s office during the following events:
i. Threats against black students in Missouri, Yale, and other schools across the country. No statement was released expressing solidarity or support for students of color on Bard’s campus.
ii. Ongoing violence and disruption of education at Bard College’s campus in the West Bank, Al-Quds. No statement was released addressing the current state of the campus and the ongoing chaos Bard students at Al-Quds have been subjected to since September. iii. The incident at Bard College’s campus in Simon’s Rock regarding the Diversity Day Boycott and the ongoing complaints expressed by students from Simon’s Rock on November 18th, 2015.
10. We demand that President Botstein, relevant members of the Senior Administration, and members of other relevant faculty-led Committees (such as the Diversity Committee) here at Bard College meet regularly with students of color to discuss short- and long-term solutions to attaining racial equity on campus.
Beloit College Demands
1. More programs for students of color aside from TRJO. Programs that include students who may not fit TRIO qualifications:
a. Bridge programs for students of color who don’t qualify for TRIO.
b. Create more opportunities, or make opportunities more accessible, for undocumented students who do not qualify for SSS/Trio, Federal grants and loans, McNair, or even varsity Sports, without a social security number.
c. Academic networking and community support for Students of color.
d. Beginning of semester orientations where students of color can meet other students, faculty, and staff of color.
2. Craft a protocol for handling hate crimes, separate from the harassment procedure.
a. There needs to be a separate policy outlining steps of communication and action based on a zero-tolerance stance on hate crimes resulting in perpetrators being dismissed.
b. Clear delineation, enhanced communication, and greater awareness of policies, procedures, and outcomes.
c. Non-consequential reporting system for students to disclose microaggressions, for monitoring incidents and tracking campus climate similar to the non-mandatory reporting of sexual assault
3. Explicit attention to the recruitment and retention of POC (student, faculty and staff including security)
a. Courtney Patterson’s tenure status – actually retain faculty of color
b. Emphasis on recruiting community members as staff
c. More transparency about hiring efforts and potential obstacles encountered
d. Review the hiring practices of professors of color in the STEM fields.
4. Recurring Diversity sensitivity Training for faculty and staff to promote better inclusivity for students of color in classroom, office, and administrative spaces.
a. Department Heads, senior staff, and administrators need to participate in at least two semesters of the faculty/staff Sustained Dialogue group.
b. Critically using end-of-year evaluations and suggested reporting systems to recommend/require participation in faculty/staff SD groups or other sensitivity training.
Boston College Demands:

Institutional Commitment
1. Approve 3 Point Guide Info Graphic for Posting & Printing
2. Release 2013 Campus Climate Data, Conclusions & Next Steps
3. Appoint a Diversity Officer at Every College to Sit on a University-wide Diversity Council
4. Include Students in the Hiring Committee for the New Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Diversity, and Include Questions regarding Systematic Oppression as part of the Interview Process
5. Collaboratively Design & Launch the Bias Response Team (BRT) with Students of Color
6. Require Diversity & Anti-Oppression Training for the BC Community
7. Reform Pedagogy & Curriculum to Reduce Eurocentric Focus and Address Racism and diversity in the classroom
8. Publicize Issues and Progress on Addressing Institutional Racism at Boston College
9. Publicize Statistics on Students, Faculty, Staff & Board of Trustee Members of Color, International Status, and Female and/or Gender Nonconforming.
10. Increase Recruitment & Retention of Students, Faculty, Staff & Board of Trustee Members of Color, International status, and Female and/or Gender Nonconforming.
Bowling Green State University Demands:
BGSU CTA (Demands presented to administration originally Nov 1st, 2013.)
Demand 1
Create BGSU Multicultural/Ethnic Student Centers that foster diversity education and inclusion on campus.
Demand 2
Increase the representation of marginalized communities within faculty, staff, and the board of trustee membership.
Demand 3
Establish required cultural diversity education sessions and curriculum in the BGSU academic plan.
Demand 4
Increase the student organization budget funds allocated to minority student organizations on campus.
Demand 5 (MET)
Implement the Action Plan as the protocol for dealing with issues of hate, discrimination, and unjust treatment, action, or comments
Brandeis University Demands:

Dear President Lynch,
“The university that carries the name of the justice who stood for the rights of individuals must be distinguished by academic excellence, by truth pursued wherever it may lead, and by awareness of the power and responsibilities that come with knowledge.”
– Last paragraph of Brandeis University’s Mission
We, the concerned students of Brandeis University, take pride in being Brandeis students. We care deeply about the future and progress of this university and want this university to continue to attract and produce the world’s greatest and most critical minds. This is why we are dedicated to the needs of our fellow students and believe we must hold this beloved university to its mission.
As a University, we have failed. We have failed our Black students. We have failed our Black professors. We have failed our Black staff members. We have failed our Black community. We, e as a university, must not continue to claim ignorance of said failures. Black students across the nation are standing up against racial injustice on their campuses. We, as concerned students, need our university to stand with us and to work with us on addressing issues of injustice, as they unfold on our own campus. The only way for this institution to move forward is to address these failures directly. This is what we, as concerned student leaders of Brandeis University, have done.
Attached to this letter you will find a list of demands, which we feel will resolve a few of the most pressing issues Brandeis students, faculty, and administration face today. We write these demands as we reflect on the social justice values upon which Brandeis University was founded in 1948. This list is a call for action This is a call for Brandeis to acknowledge its failures and correct them as soon as possible. You have twenty-four hours to devise and publicly issue a plan that will address the demands we have presented to you.
We are moving our people towards a liberation that has long been denied. This is a liberation that those of all races can understand. By uplifting one facet of our community that has been kept down or simply ignored, we uplift us all. Therefore, we ask that our brothers and sisters from all backgrounds stand with us, as Black students are granted the rights they have been denied for far too long at this institution.
“The proof that one truly believes is in action.” – Bayard Rustin
1.Increase the percentage of full-time Black faculty and staff to 10% across ALL departments and schools, while prioritizing the following:
a. Anthropology, Heller, History, HSSP, Fine Arts, IBS, NEJS, Sciences, Sociology, and Theatre.
2. Increase the number of tenure tracks for Black faculty across ALL departments and schools.
3. Implement educational pedagogies and curriculums that increase racial awareness and inclusion within ALL departments and schools.
4. Mandate yearly diversity and inclusion workshops for all faculty and staff with optional workshops being offered consistently throughout the academic year.
5. Employ additional clinical staff of color within the Psychological Counseling Center in order to provide culturally relevant support to students of all backgrounds.
6. Increase funding of Black student organizations and programs.
7. Appoint a Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion.
8. Increase the admittance of Black students via the general admission process to 15% within both undergraduate and graduate schools.
9. Establish an Office of Ombuds within Academic Services.
a. Ombuds is an intermediary administrative body appointed to receive and investigate complaints made by students against abuses or capricious acts of university officials, faculty, and staff.
10. Increase the minimum wage for all hourly-paid university employees by 15%.
11. Increase the number of professional development workshops specifically tailored for Black students.
12. Issue a public apology to Khadijah Lynch from Senior Vice President Andrew Flagel.
13. Brandeis’ current Interim President and the Brandeis Board of Trustees will fulfill these demands:
a. Interim President Lisa Lynch will call an emergency meeting with the Brandeis Board of Trustees and will hold this meeting in the next 24 hours.
b. The Board of Trustees will meet all of these demands and write these demands into the contract of the new Brandeis president-elect for the president-elect to sign.
Brown University Demands:
1. We demand an increase in faculty of color hires and retention. The current plan to double faculty of color is insufficient due to the dearth of tenured faculty of color, as well as the countless faculty of color who have left Brown due to a lack of competitive pay. Brown must set higher goals and expectations than the federal expectation of diverse hiring practices to which it adheres. The 2013 Diversity Action Plan outlines that, by 2025, Brown will double its current faculty-of-color ratio. Doubling the current number of 64 faculty of color—out of 720—to 128 is not enough, and we cannot wait 10 years for such a fundamentally important goal to manifest. We demand that the Corporation of Brown University fund tenure-track hiring lines for specialty positions in each department across disciplines, and the continued cluster hires of junior faculty of color as done in the Departments of American Studies and History. By “specialty positions” we are referring to the deliberate hiring of faculty who work on critical issues related to social justice such as topics on race, gender, sexuality, ability, and class as they pertain to specific disciplines. Furthermore, we would like the instantiation of hiring committees that would ensure Brown offers competitive salaries to top faculty of color working in the aforementioned areas. In accordance with this demand, we implore Brown’s administration—with the inclusion of undergraduate and graduate students of color—to create an external board tasked with the responsibility of reviewing each department’s progress in hiring, retaining, offering competitive salaries, and creating opportunities for advancement for faculty of color who work on social justice issues.
2. We demand visible and administrative accountability for departments and centers that have a tradition of racist hiring and retention policies and anti-Black pedagogy. With regards to accountability, we demand that these departments and centers meet with representatives from graduate organizations that have signed below along with the Vice President of Academic Development, Diversity, and Inclusion, and the incoming Dean of Diversity Initiatives and comply with all prescribed actionable steps provided to them at these meetings. Furthermore, we demand annual public fora and an annual report be made publicly available to assess all racist hiring and retention policies and anti-Black pedagogy. Furthermore, we demand that the university support monetarily and otherwise departments and centers committed to social justice, as evidenced through anti-oppressive pedagogy, and the satisfaction and retention of undergraduate and graduate students and faculty of color. These departments and centers must be incentivized to continue their work with increased departmental resources and faculty hiring lines, like target-of-opportunity hires, cluster hires, postdoctoral fellows, and additional funding for centers.
3. We demand better quality of life for graduate students of color. Significant numbers of graduate students of color are leaving campus due to referrals to Counseling and Psychological Services or extremely hostile environments. We demand the introduction of compulsory, in-person, and regular anti-oppression training for faculty, staff, DPS, and administration. Anti-oppression trainings should be led and organized by people of color with significant experience in anti-oppression activism or scholarship. Furthermore, those leading these efforts should be compensated and acknowledged for their labor. This needs to be implemented beginning spring 2016, since many of these key facilitators of anti-oppression training are already present at Brown and in the Providence community.
4. We demand in-person and compulsory Title IX training for faculty, staff, DPS, administrators, and students that includes an intersectional framework. The current non-compulsory online Title IX training module is ineffective and does not address the structural racism, queerphobia, economic violence, and transphobia that are foundational to sexual violence on campus. Women of color––particularly Black, Brown, and racial minority trans* people––are at the highest risk for sexual assault on college campuses, yet the debate over Title IX has thus far been framed as predominantly White. Statistics from across North America show that women of color, and especially trans* women of color, are at a higher risk for sexual assault than their white counterparts on college campuses and beyond.
5. We demand that Brown “hold itself accountable for the past, accepting its burdens and responsibilities along with its benefits and privileges” by meeting fully those recommendations set forth in the following: (1) The spring 2015 Graduate Student Diversity Forum; (2) the reporton Title IX issues facing graduate students submitted to the Sexual Assault Advisory Board last spring; (3) the Samuel M. Nabrit Black Graduate Student Association response to the Committee on the Events of October 29th, 2013; (4) the second report from the Committee on the events of October 29th, 2013; (5) the 2006 Diversity Action Plan; (6) the report by the Center for Slavery and Justice committee in 2006; (7) the 2001 letter by the Third World Coalition to the Visiting Committee on Diversity; (8) the 1991 letter from the Third World Coalition on the Visiting Committee on Minority Life and Education at Brown; (9) 1986 Report of the Visiting Committee on Minority Life and Education at Brown; and (10) the initial demands of the 1968 Pembroke student led walkout. Ways in which Brown can better follow through and be consistent with the recommendations made by this group include:
Reissuing the history of slavery and justice report and circulate the document to new faculty, staff, and students;
Integrating the history of Brown’s role in the slave trade into orientation for both graduate and undergraduate students;
Designating an annual day of remembrance and a series of sponsored events;
Publicly and regularly assessing the ethical implications of Brown’s current global investments;
Committing resources to better educational opportunities across the state;
Providing low or no-cost professional advancement opportunities for state educators.
We demand that the Brown Corporation and administration comply with the demands of the graduate and undergraduate students. President Christina Paxson, Provost Rick Locke, and Graduate School Dean Peter Weber must provide, at minimum, a written response to the graduate students’ demands by November 24, 2015. The written response should include a timeline of actionable steps to meet our demands. Furthermore, we demand a public forum within the first two weeks of the spring 2016 semester to assess what progress has been made over winter break.
California State University, East Bay
1. We demand support and funding for a Black Student Government that will allow students to create and provide resources, tutoring services, funding, and academic necessities for our African American students. This will serve as the ultimate support for our black clubs and organizations.
2. We demand support and funding for an Afro Room. We would like to provide a safe space for African American students that would be operated and run by the Black Student Government.
3. We demand an increase in the funding for CSUEB’s Ethnic Studies Department in order for the department to offer year-round courses to students such as “Hip Hop Nation” taught by Shaida Akbarian.
4. We demand a vote in determining the professors that are tenured on CSUEB’s campus.
5. WE demand an increase of African American counselors in AACE (Academic Advising and Career Education).
6. We demand an increase in African American counselors, doctors, and administrators in the Student Health and Counseling Center.
7. WE demand a mandatory cultural awareness/racial sensitivity training take place for all incoming employees, staff, faculty, and the University Police Department at CSUEB.
8. We demand a minimum o at least three African American employees be staffed on CSUEB’s Administrative Team.
9. We demand an increase in the amount of African American Head Coaches and staff members in the athletics department.
10. We demand that we receive a response and plan of action from President Leroy M. Morishita by January 6th, 2016 by 12 pm (noon).
California State University, Los Angeles:
1. WE DEMAND $20,000.00 dollars per quarter allocated to the Black Student Union, an organization necessary for Black student development. The Black Student Union is one of the largest student organizations; yet, there is currently no operating budget.
2. WE DEMAND a CSLA Anti-discrimination policy. Furthermore, we demand that cultural competency training be given to all faculty and staff. It is a shame that discriminatory and racist incidents continue to happen on campus, and those responsible do not face any repercussions. An anti-discrimination policy would outline exactly what discriminatory behavior looks like, and what the consequences are when such policy is violated.
3. WE DEMAND a $30 million dollar endowment to help support Black students financially, akin to the initiative that is being implemented at UC Berkeley. Many Black students must work 2-3 jobs in order to pay for the continually rising cost of education. Funding is one of the reasons why many Black students do not apply to CSLA, and also a hindrance to many that are accepted. For a University that is as “diverse” as CSLA, something must be done to make sure that Black students are financially secure.
4. WE DEMAND Black scholarships geared to black students who are both athletes and non-athletes.
5. WE DEMAND that the Pan African Studies Department projects, programs, and initiatives be fully funded beginning with an additional $100,000.00 for the 2015/2016 academic year.
6. WE DEMAND the creation of a Master’s program in the Pan African Studies Department.
7. WE DEMAND the hiring of ten tenured track professors in the Pan African Studies Department. We also DEMAND a continuous commitment to the hiring of Black faculty across all academic disciplines. We want one in-house advisor for the Pan African Studies Department.
8. WE DEMAND $500,000 in funding for outreach programs that will focus on the recruitment of Black high school students as well as transfer students. This program should be facilitated and overseen by the Pan African Studies Department. There must be an increase in the Black student body from 4% to 15% minimum within two years and to increase in Black student admissions to 25% within five years. Additionally, there must be an implementation of programs specifically designed to increase the admission, retention, and graduation rates for Black students.
9. WE DEMAND the hiring of 3 full-time and permanent Black faculty counselors at the Student Health Center. There must be Black student representation on the Board of Directors and Black public safety and police officers.
10. We Demand more Black students hired for on-campus, student assistant, and work positions.
11. WE DEMAND CSLA immediately divests ALL its investment holdings (active, passive, direct, and indirect) from the private prison corporations of Corrections Corporation of America and the GEO Group. We further demand that CSLA immediately divest from Wells Fargo and any other institution that funds and bankrolls the for-profit private prison industry.
12. WE DEMAND first and second-year students fulfill a minimum of two ethnic studies courses, with one being a Pan African Studies course, as a graduation requirement.
13. WE DEMAND the creation and financial support of a CSLA housing space delegated for Black students and a full-time Resident Director who can cater to the needs of Black students. Many Black CSLA students cannot afford to live in Alhambra or the surrounding area with the high prices of rent. A CSLA housing space delegated for Black students would provide a cheaper alternative housing solution for Black students. This space would also serve as a safe space for Black CSLA students to congregate, connect, and learn from each other.
14. Lastly, WE DEMAND an in-person meeting with you on Monday, November 23, 2015, at 3:00p.m in the Pan African Student Resource Center. During this meeting, we will discuss the fulfillment and implementation of each demand. We are dedicated to seeking equality and security for each Black student on Cal State L.A’s campus, and we will not stop until each demand has been met.
California Polytechnic State Black Student University
Campus Culture and Leadership
I. Greek Life
A. We demand the formation of a Greek Life Diversity and Inclusivity Task Force made up of students from cultural clubs on campus, staff, faculty, administrators, and greek life members.
B. We demand that Greek Life conduct an annual review of its impact on the campus climate for underrepresented groups including the compilation and interpretation of data to form goals for inclusion and diversity within their organizations.
C. We demand the hiring of a full-time Greek Life advisor for the United Sorority & Fraternity Council. This advisor must hold extensive experience with cultural greek organizations.
II. ASI Student Government
A. We demand transparency, streamlined communication, and active education on the part of ASI, to the student body regarding how ASI works, operates, and is organized.
B. We demand increased funding allocation to ASI social programming geared towards underrepresented populations on campus.
C. We demand the formation of a Diversity and Inclusivity position in each ASI branch.
D. We demand the allocation of funds for lowincome students to campaign for ASI elections.
E. We demand spending limits on student campaigns.
F. We demand the formation of an affinity group in parity with what has been proposed for the alumni council institutionalization (See Resolution ASI #1404).
III. Orientation
A. We demand diversity and inclusivity programming, education, and topic areas throughout Soar and the Week of Welcome, including an awareness program specifically covering diversity.
B. We demand orientation social events centered around underrepresented groups.
C. We demand mandatory online cultural sensitivity training for new students before coming to Cal Poly in addition to all of this, so students are thinking of these issues before they even arrive.
IV. University Housing
A. We demand overhauled diversity and inclusivity training for CA/RA’s.
B. We demand gender-neutral or cogender housing options for any student living on campus in locations other than PCV or Cerro Vista.
C. We demand that first-year residence halls provide a comparable level of genderneutral facilities to gendered facilities, in restroom facilities, and living arrangements.
V. Academic Affairs & University Advancement
A. We demand that the Poly Reps program be reviewed as to how the campus is presented to prospective students (i.e. diversion of areas or events on campus) and that incoming students are made aware of the reality of our campus climate.
Education and Curriculum
I. We demand that Cal Poly institute mandatory Women’s & Gender Studies or Ethnic Studies courses for students in every major.
II. We demand the reevaluation of the USCP requirement, assessing the current model of “Out of 100 options, take 1.” This could model the area “Z” GE requirement at CSU Fullerton, or could be divided into a handful of topic areas, like “Race and Ethnicity,” “Sexuality,” “Gender,” with students required to take at least 2 or 3 courses from different topic areas.
III. We demand a first-year seminar focused on topic areas related to gender, race, sexuality, and culture.
IV. We demand the implementation of a cultural sensitivity class around privilege, oppression, culture, society, and campus climate. Students mandated to take such courses would receive adequate education around these topics.
V. We demand the implementation of a Queer Studies minor.
VI. We demand the establishment of a Women’s, Gender, & Queer Studies major.
VII. We demand the hire of tenure-track faculty members to teach Women’s, Gender, & Queer Studies.
VIII. We demand increased resources and curricular opportunities in Ethnic Studies, including courses in Arab American Studies.
IX. We demand the hiring of tenure track faculty members, as to enable Ethnic Studies to provide ethnically specific concentrations for students (AfricanAmerican/Black studies, AsiaAmerican / Pacific Islander studies, Chicanx / Latinx studies, etc.)
X. We demand that Engineering students be required to take an additional GE area to supplement not taking D5 or F. This GE area, perhaps a D6 or G, should only include courses that provide an introduction to feminist and antiracist science and technology studies.
XI. We demand that STEM students should be exposed to feminist and antiracist perspectives in their curriculum.
XII. We demand Faculty and Staff training so that all members of the campus community are aware of issues facing underrepresented students.
Admissions, Faculty, Staff, Retention, and Support
I. We demand that Cal Poly recruit faculty of color across all colleges.
II. We demand that Cal Poly increase the number of Cross Cultural Centers staff to more than just one representative of each ethnic minority. Currently, the small staff is stretched too thin to fulfill all of the roles necessary.
III. We demand that Cal Poly dramatically increase tenureline faculty of color hires across all colleges (At least 3% increase every year until faculty demographics are representative of the State of California).
IV. We demand that a department leader in diversity is implemented in every department (Model after College of Business).
V. We demand guaranteed transfer procedures for students transferring from Cuesta and Hancock colleges as well as other Community Colleges in California, similar to TAG agreements that exist at other UC’s and CSU’s.
VI. We demand Pathway programs for local k12 students, with an emphasis on schools that have the highest percentage of free or reduced lunch, undocumented students, and students of color.
VII. We demand the support of veterans’ success on campus through resources, staff, and programming.
VIII. We demand the position of Executive Director of Diversity and Inclusivity be raised to the Vice President level.
IX. We demand the moving of the Cross Culture Centers from Student Affairs to the OUDI.
X. We demand at least one multistall All Gender Restroom in every building on campus, in compliance with ASI Resolution #1506, and at least two in buildings with capacities exceeding 500.
XI. We demand that staff in the Cross Cultural Centers be given the opportunity to work on a 12-month working schedule.
Data, Transparency, and Accountability
I. We demand the expansion of the Student Ombuds service to encompass bias incident reporting systems specifically targeting instances of racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, or queerphobiaincluding an online reporting system with ties to the Ombuds office.
II. We demand quarterly updates from the President’s Office and other campus entities highlighting specific actions that have been taken in the last quarter to address our demands and improve campus climate.
Claremont McKenna College Black Student Demands:

1. Diversity Chair in Dean of Students
2. Institutional funding for multicultural clubs
3. A resource center for students of color, similar to SCORE at Scripps College
4. Greater diversity in faculty and staff
5. A mentoring program for first-year students of color
6. Require a GE in ethnic, racial, and sexuality theory similar to at Scripps College
7. Expose students to systemic oppression through FWS and FHS-this includes but is not limited to issues on race, sexuality, gender, class, and ability. The need for such programs to educate the student body is evidenced by numerous microaggressions felt by students of color. The cultural insensitivity on campus is further highlighted by race-themed party proposals, such as an Indian Wedding Party and Colonial Bros, Pilgrims, and Navajos-themed TNC
9. Regular talks including dialogues on the intersectional experiences of students of color and relevant current events such as Ferguson, the Chapel Hill shootings, and DACA.
10. Yearly sensitivity training available to students, faculty, and staff on what qualifies as Islamophobia and its harms. Muslim students have reported feeling stereotyped, isolated, and invalidated by their peers.
11. Mandatory and periodic racial sensitivity training for all professors. The majority of the 20 students at the first social recalled instances in which professors made racially insensitive remarks, asked students to represent their race in class, or repeatedly mistook students for other students of color in the class.
12. More diverse course offerings for critical race theory, community engagement, and social justice issues
13. Improved diversity in speakers brought to CMC, particularly at the Athenaeum
14. Improved mental health services that cater to the unique and diverse needs of students of color.
15. Annual surveys on the climate of race and ethnicity at CMC. These surveys should be accessible and should guide improvements made to the campus climate after these proposals.
16. The Athenaeum, College Programming Board, and research centers should have diversity initiatives. We believe that when resources that students value to care about diversity, the student body will follow. Diversity initiatives include bringing a diverse forum of speakers, both on the basis of area of expertise and identity.
Clemson University Black Student Demands:
1. We want President Clements to immediately make a public statement from Clemson University—to students, alumni, faculty, staff, administration, and media—denouncing both the Crip’mas Party and hateful statements from members of the Clemson Family via social media (Yik Yak, Facebook, Twitter). Additionally, we want a public commitment from the Clemson University Administration to prosecute criminally predatory behaviors and defamatory speech committed by members of the Clemson University community (including, but not limited to, those facilitated by the usage of social media).
2. We want the construction of a multicultural center, a safe space for students from underrepresented groups.
3. We want more funding for organizations whose primary constituencies are of under-represented groups (international students, students of color, LGBTQIA community, etc.).
4. We want the percentage of people of color in faculty and administration to increase.
5. We want the names of offensively named buildings, ex. Tillman Hall changed.
6. We want incentivized diversity training for administrators and faculty.
7. We want “Diversity” included as a Clemson University core value, starting with a “diversity”/university history component added to the CU1000 course.
Colgate University Black Student Demands:
Because we understand that our earliest hopes for and expectations of Colgate are formed during our admissions process, we ask
1. that admissions staff, ambassadors, and tour guides be engaged in sustained diversity training (the training must include issues of race, class, ability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity etc.)
2. that all admissions tours address issues of diversity more fully in order to articulate our complex history and our hopes for the future
3. that Recruitment Programming, including Multicultural Visit Weekends and April Visit Days, be reconsidered and restructured in ways that address varied multicultural experiences, and that prepare student for the challenges in our campus climate once they arrive on campus
4. that we create formal assessments of admissions processes to determine the efficacy and inclusivity of admissions programs and protocols
Because we aim to make Colgate accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic status, we ask for these reforms in our Financial Aid system:
that financial aid administrators and staff be engaged in sustained diversity training and that the Office of Financial Aid hire a more diverse staff
2. that our financial aid system be held accountable for providing full work-study opportunities to all students who are guaranteed them in their financial aid packages; and that ample campus jobs and funds are available to meet that promise; indeed, that more monies are available to award to need-based students
3. that, because Financial Aid cannot remedy systemic socio-economic disparities, including access to transportation services, Colgate reinstates a free and safe transport system to and from Syracuse for the entire population at Colgate. This would work to alleviate the experience of isolation on the basis of socio-economic status.
Because campus life is shaped so fully and vibrantly by students’ relations with faculty as well as with their engagement with the curriculum, we ask:
that all faculty, staff, and administrators, regardless of tenure positions or academic departments, be engaged in required and sustained diversity training, through programs such as NCBI (National Coalition Building Institute) or IGD (Intergroup Dialogue) in order to bring issues of diversity and intersectionality fully into the curriculum
2. that all applications to work for Colgate (faculty and staff) state that Colgate requires or strongly suggests each candidate be familiar with conversations/issues about diversity, privilege, and intersectionality on college campuses and in the world
3. that our CORE curriculum be revised to bring in explicit study and understanding of systemic power dynamics and inequities; and how these shape even our most personal relationships with others and ourselves
a. including revising the GE requirement so it reflects the original proposal where there are discussions about international relations, imperialism, privilege, political conversations about “studying abroad,” critical conversations about “difference” etc. Professors should also be capable of having those conversations as a prerequisite for teaching the course.
b. additionally, ensuring the CORE courses include national and worldwide perspectives, not just Western traditions
4. that we hire and retain more faculty across aspects of minority identities, as noted above, from both domestic and international backgrounds; and that we actively create the conditions for them to thrive
5. that we offer full financial support to current efforts that seek to establish an Intergroup Relations Program as an academic discipline
6. that we fully publicize the EGP (Equity Grievance Panel) accountability structure so students can effectively address issues of classroom bias and inequity
a. we ask for stronger disciplinary action for hate speech of any kind
7. that we offer specific training for faculty advisors so they can help students address previous educational experiences that have left them less prepared for Colgate’s curriculum. One way this could be possible is by making the training Colgate already provides, “Academic Advising of the Whole Student,” mandatory. Initiatives like these show that Colgate both acknowledges and responds to systemic disparities in education.
8. we ask for training for Colgate students and faculty as preparation for studying abroad. This training will include some literature and conversation about the politics of studying abroad, what it means to be “immersed” in another culture, “voluntourism”, and cultural awareness. These study abroad trainings should also include conversations on engaging with differing structures of power and privilege on a global scale. One conversation, for example, might advise students of color when they study abroad in predominantly white countries.
9. a specific faculty member within the natural sciences to advise underrepresented students
Additionally, to address issues that affect student life, we ask:
1. for the addition of multicultural sororities and fraternities to our community as they have the potential to provide nation-wide networks that are currently unavailable for all students
2. for cameras with audio on the cruisers as a means of accountability. This initiative responds to reported instances of racism, aggression, and micro-aggression that take place on the cruiser.
3. for a Campus climate survey specifically on race (not “diversity”)
4. for the retention rate of racial minority groups to be published alongside each class year’s racial breakdown
5. for a professional staff-level supervisor on the BAC whose job is to ensure resources are being distributed equitably across all recognized student groups (keeping in mind that some groups require more funding than others; equal distribution of funds is not always just)
Dartmouth College Black Student Demands:
Undergraduate Admissions
1. Increase enrollment of Black, Latino, and Native students to at least 10 percent each.
2. Increase outreach to prospective qualified undocumented students (see Harvard College Act on a Dream link).
a. The admissions office and the financial aid office shall release a guide to be placed on their websites explaining the financial aid and admissions application process for undocumented students by the beginning of the fall 2014 term.
3. Organize external review of the Admissions Office.
a. The acceptance rate for Black and Latin@ students has stayed the same for the last 5 years even though the number of applicants have doubled and tripled, respectively.
b. Although the number of Native students being admitted to Dartmouth is increasing incrementally, the recruitment of Native students from more diverse backgrounds should be more of a focus.
c. Admissions Office will increase transparency about data of the applicant pool. For example, how many Black, Latino, and Native students applied their test scores, class, etc.
4. Place all undocumented students in the domestic/U.S.A. applicant pool, not the international admissions pool. If not placed in the domestic pool, the admissions office shall release a statement explaining the processes taken in admissions for undocumented students.
a. Create an optional supplemental form on the Dartmouth College application for undocumented students to be able to identify themselves as undocumented.
5. Release a public statement in which Dartmouth commits to increasing diversity across underrepresented communities.
6. Ensure that Dartmouth Bound aims to bring 500 rising seniors and current seniors to campus each year to encourage them to apply to Dartmouth.
a. The 500 should be comprised of Black, Latin@, Native, undocumented and first- generation students from low- and middle-income backgrounds.
b. The students should come from a wide range of schools and regions.
c. There should be a similar program designated for students from rural New Hampshire with a special preference for children of college wage workers.
Undergraduate Curriculum
1. Convert the African and African American Studies (AAAS), Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies (LALACS), and Native American Studies (NAS) programs into departments in order to provide curricular autonomy.
a. Give each department an increased budget and the authority for hiring more faculty (esp. tenure-track faculty).
b. Increase each department’s budget to fund student research.
c. Incorporate into each department at least one queer studies class.
d. Increase the number of AAAS, LALACS, and NAS post-doctoral fellows.
2. Establish an Asian American Studies department with the above privileges.
a. Asian American Studies is distinct from the existing Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) program in its focus on the history, culture, and experiences of the Asian diaspora in the Americas. It is closely related to other Ethnic Studies disciplines, such as AAAS, LALACS, and NAS, and is recognized as a distinct academic discipline
i. (Association for Asian American Studies: http://aaastudies.org).
b. At Dartmouth, 81 percent of Pan Asian students self-identify as Asian American, yet the College still does not have an academic program or coursework focused on the Asian American experience. Many other comparable institutions of higher learning have a formal Asian American Studies department.
3. Increase the number of courses in South Asia and the Middle East within the existing AMES program, which is currently skewed towards courses on East Asia.
a. Include more AMES courses related to all spheres of study, such as courses on economics, politics, and contemporary society. The focus of many AMES courses now is still Orientalist topics like ancient culture and religion.
4. Establish Korean and Hindi-Urdu language programs within the Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literature (AMELL) department. Dartmouth is the only Ivy League institution without Korean and Hindi-Urdu language courses.
5. Increase the number of Asian faculty hires in AMES and AMELL to teach language, literature, and culture classes. A majority of AMES and AMELL professors are not Asian; in higher education, we need multiple perspectives, and in the AMES and AMELL faculty, we lack the perspective of the very cultural groups we are studying.
6. Create a class that discusses the history of undocumented immigrants to the United States, analyzes the contemporary immigration reform movement, and how the DREAMers changed the civil rights movement. Essentially, it will be a class that accurately illuminates the undocumented immigrant experience.
7. Increase the number of courses in the LALACS Department.
a. Create a subgroup of classes in the area of Chicana/o Studies.
8. Increase the interdisciplinary academic focus on sexualities.
9. Enact curricular changes that require all students to interrogate issues of social justice, marginalization, and exploitation in depth. Each student should have to take classes that will challenge their understanding of institutionalized injustice around issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, etc. This learning objective could be embedded in all first-year seminars.
Faculty and Staff
1. Make a multi-million dollar commitment coupled with hired positions focused on increasing numbers of faculty/staff of color (i.e. Asian, Black, Latin@, and Native faculty/staff) in all departments and offices at Dartmouth College and the Dartmouth graduate schools (Tuck, Thayer, Geisel).
a. Every search committee must explicitly state in writing how their hiring will further Dartmouth’s mission for diversity.
b. Each departmental hiring pool should reflect the demographics of the pool of earned doctorates in that field.
c. E.g., University of Pennsylvania has committed $100 million and Princeton University has committed $30 million to faculty diversity.
2. Ensure that 47% of post-doctoral students are people of color.
a. They should match the student of color population at Dartmouth, and will be a resource for a hiring pool for professorships.
3. Create a professor of color lecture series; bring a professor of color once a month in order to expose the Dartmouth community to a wide range of ideas (e.g., University of Pennsylvania).
4. All departments will outline and make public how their hiring and tenure processes work. Because professors of color are often called upon for mentorship and service work, tenure processes should recognize these forms of labor.
5. Departments that do not have womyn or people of color will be considered in crisis and must take urgent and immediate action to right the injustice.
6. Human resources will publish demographics from each applicant pool when a search commences.
7. Departments should explicitly notify campus before, during, and after a search for a new hire.
8. There will be required exit interviews for departing faculty conducted by Human Resources.
9. Ensure that department cultures are inclusive of diverse faculty and student bodies
a. All professors will be required to be trained in not only cultural competency but also the importance of social justice in their day-to-day work.
10. Mandate sensitivity training for all faculty to reduce incidents of racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, and ableism by faculty towards students.
11. Significantly increase the budget of the Black Caucus and create equivalent advocacy groups to support staff, faculty, and administrators of color.
a. These groups are needed to support people of color who work for the College and who support students in ways not asked of their white counterparts.
12. Increase staff benefits and support.
a. Increase wage and healthcare benefits (including lowering the cost of co-pays).
b. Pledge to not subcontract any more jobs.
13. Ask staff/faculty to use students’ and employees’ preferred gender pronouns.
14. Provide full transgender health coverage for all employees – without pressure to agree to particular measures. We demand body and gender self-determination.
15. Expand the pool of professionals of color and womyn in Student Accessibility Services, Dick’s House, and Safety and Security.
Financial Aid
1. Organize external reviews of the Financial Aid office.
2. Better and make more transparent Dartmouth’s financial aid policy for middle-class students.
a. E.g., Harvard’s financial aid policy asks that families with incomes above $120,000 and below $180,000, and with assets typical for these income levels, pay 10 percent of their incomes.
3. Include student advocates on the committee to review special circumstances in financial aid cases.
4. Train all financial aid officers to address the wide range of needs and conversations in relation to students, including undocumented students.
5. Eliminate student contribution for students on full financial aid and for non-DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) holders.
6. Allow undocumented students to be able to work similarly to international students.
7. Expand financial aid to cover extraneous FSP costs.
8. Lower the cost of transferring credits.
9. Increase and redesign the Fund for Educational Enrichment to cover expenses incurred by the graduate school and job applications/interviews.
10. Creating a budget that subsidizes travel costs for students whose families cannot afford to come to visit during graduation.
11. The financial aid office shall continuously aid the Dartmouth Coalition For Immigration Reform, Equality, and DREAMers (Dartmouth Co-FIRED), in creating a collection of grants and internships that undocumented students and holders and non-holders of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) are qualified for at Dartmouth College starting the spring 2014 term.
Residential Life
1. Renovate Cutter-Shabazz.
a. Enlarge bedrooms so that Cutter-Shabazz is the desired living space for students.
b. Modernize and increase the number of common living spaces.
c. Organize an active learning program linked to AAAS.
d. Designate an on-site resident advisor for the residence hall.
e. Change the name of ‘Cutter-Shabazz Hall’ to ‘Shabazz Hall.’ The building should celebrate Blackness and human dignity, not the legacy of Victor Cutter, who was a corporate dictator for United Fruit Company in Latin America and the Caribbean.
2. Establish Asian American affinity housing to allow students to understand and explore Pan-Asian identity. Other comparable institutions of higher education have an Asian American studies center and/or Asian American house.
a. Establish Japanese Language affinity housing, Korean Language affinity housing, and Hindi-Urdu Language affinity housing. Currently, the only AMELL language program housing arrangements are in Arabic and Chinese.
3. Gender-neutral housing must be available to all students, regardless of what year they are in. The college needs to ensure that gender-neutral housing does not get stigmatized.
4. Both gender-specific and gender-neutral bathrooms need to be available in every residential building on campus.
5. Require ORL to confirm preferred living arrangements for all students who are assigned (rather than those who choose) housing (e.g. first-years, students added to existing doubles/triples/etc.) each time an assignment occurs.
6. Require that all ORL spaces are accessible to all students, regardless of physical condition/ability.
Campus Climate
1. Organize continuous external reviews of the College’s structural racism, classism, ableism, sexism, and heterosexism.
a. The review board should be selected based on students, faculty, staff, workers, and administration. The review board will examine how these structural inequalities are still at work at the College.
2. Create a policy with serious consequences against hate speech/crimes (e.g. Greek house expelled for racist parties).
3. Create a policy banning the Indian mascot (e.g., turn away people from sporting events who are wearing Indian head shirts).
4. Require that the Review give up the “Dartmouth” part of their name if they refuse to abide by the requests to stop using the term “Indian” in their paper.
5. Eradicate internal judicial processes for students who break laws, those crimes will be reported directly to the police.
6. Expel any students convicted of sexual assault/rape.
7. Increase support (including counseling services and legal aid) for survivors of sexual assault/rape.
8. Allocate funding for the formation of an external commission of higher education professionals and scholars whose task is to:
a. Evaluate the status of Greek life at Dartmouth as it relates to sexual assault.
b. Examine the ways Greek life adversely affects womyn, people of color, and low-income students.
c. Publish a summary of the current state of affairs.
d. Give recommendations for improvement, including a timeline for completion.
Advising and Support
1. Increase OPAL’s budget to support student organizations that represent Asian, Black, Latin@, Native, Undocumented, Queer, and Differently-Abled Students.
a. Increased funding for OPAL programs in leadership development, community building, and co-curricular programming.
b. Support OPAL in creating institutional memory for respective underrepresented communities.
2. Pre-orientation programing
a. Increase budget and support for FYSEP and pre-orientation STEM program for students who come from under-resourced backgrounds.
3. Release a statement of recognition on the existence of undocumented students at Dartmouth and support for their community.
a. A letter from the President shall express commitment to providing the resources (stated in these demands) necessary for the success of Dartmouth’s undocumented students. This statement shall be released during the Dartmouth Co-FIRED’s event on “Dropping the ‘I’ Word Campaign” in the second week of Spring Term 2014.
4. Release a statement of assurance from the Office of Visa and Immigration Services (OVIS) stating that in case of deportation/ immigration proceedings undocumented students at Dartmouth will be defended, acknowledged, and supported by the college.
5. Provide pro bono legal assistance and financial assistance at Dartmouth College for undocumented students to better understand each of their unique legal statuses, as well as for re-applying for DACA and other immigration procedures and counseling.
6. Mandate training for all staff and faculty (across all departments) that adequately prepares them to aid undocumented students in regard to future professional and academic plans.
a. OVIS & International Student Advising Office is trained, prepared, and ready with the necessary resources for undocumented students by one year from the release of this document.
7. Provide more US-based internship, LSA, and FSP opportunities for undocumented students due to legal and physical barriers.
8. Formally integrate the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) with the Dean’s Office.
a. Provide funding through SAS and Dick’s House for psychiatric and learning disability testing, etc.
b. Move from a crisis-based advising praxis to a wellness-based advising praxis.
9. Provide more information, advising, and opportunities in the Center for Professional
a. Development (CPD) for students interested in non-finance and non-marketing careers.
10. Institutionalize Latina/o Heritage Month.
11. Increase funding from the College or the President’s Office for the Dartmouth College Powwow.
a. The amount of funding that the President’s Office gives to the Powwow has remained the same for over a decade.
12. Transform the Native American Program
a. Better the Native American Program to provide student support services to Native students at Dartmouth, in order to counter the dropping retention rates and fragmentation.
b. Create a Native American Cultural Center (e.g. Stanford University) with a dean, associate director, graduate recruitment, and retention coordinator positions in the Native American Program.
c. Increase funding for the Native American Pre-Orientation Program.
1. Every Dartmouth student should be taught and made aware that the land they reside on is Abenaki homeland. This should take place during all major Dartmouth ceremonies, especially during orientation and commencement.
2. Ban the use of “illegal aliens”, “illegal immigrants”, “wetback”, and any racially charged term on Dartmouth-sanctioned programming materials and locations.
a. The library search catalog system shall use undocumented instead of “illegal” in reference to immigrants.
b. Institutionalized in the Dartmouth handbook for students, faculty, and staff.
3. Both gender-specific and gender-neutral facilities (bathrooms and changing areas/locker rooms) need to be available in every building on campus.
4. Safe rides not only for individuals, but for groups too. People who are marginalized on this campus are not automatically safe just because they’re walking in a group.
5. When students and their families pay tuition, they should be allowed to decide what their “Student Activities Fee” is used for.
6. All male-female checkboxes should be replaced with write-in boxes to make forms, surveys, and applications more inclusive for trans*, two-spirit, agender, gender-nonconforming, and genderqueer folks. This should be a campus-wide policy.
Duke University Black Student Demands:
1. Bias Report Policy and University Standard
A. Make the reporting of discriminatory events easier by mandating that the Task Force on Bias and Hate Issues revise the Bias Report Policy.
1. The Bias ReportPolicywillapply to all individuals regardless of race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, class, and other protected identities.
B. Establish mandatory learning on institutional racism and anti-oppression practices for both students and faculty.
i. Implement DSG’s suggestions on incorporating mandatory bias, institutional racism, and anti-oppression topics into the first-year curriculum. The content of the classes should not only include ideals of diversity and cultural competency but the historical and current implications of institutional racism.
C. All members of the interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council on Duke’s campus must engage in additional bias and diversity training as a part of university policy.
D. All professors, Student Affairs faculty, and DUPD must participate in cultural competency and implicit bias training overseen by the Task Force on Bias and Hate Issues.
E. Members of the university that are reported to have worn culturally insensitive costumes or attended/host culturally insensitive parties will report to student conduct for bias/harassment infractions.
2. Protocol for Hate Speech and Racial Incidents
A. Establish a clear university policy responding to students perpetuating discriminatory hate speech and racial harassment toward students of color.
i. “Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or other traits.”
B. Steps taken during the investigations of students accused of hate speech or actions will be conducted in the most transparent manner legally possible. Repercussions will be explicitly outlined in the Duke Community Standards handbook.
C. Professors, staff members, and non-academic employees will be in danger of losing their jobs, and non-tenure track faculty will lose tenure status if they perpetuate hate speech that threatens the safety of students of color. They will also be liable if the discriminatory attitudes behind the speech could potentially harm the academic achievements of students of color.
D. Establish a detailed and comprehensive annual report of hate speech incidents on campus.
3. Increased Diversity in High-Ranking Faculty and Administration
A. Increase the number of women, Black, Asian, Latino/a, Native American, and Queer people of color serving as faculty.
B. Attain representation of women and professors of color in regular ranked and tenured faculty positions equal to their representation in the student population by 2020.
4. Cultural Climate Consultations
A. Hire a third-party consultant to run a climate assessment of Duke University every year for the next I O years.
B. A consultant must be contracted from an external company and the findings of the climate assessment must be published and made accessible to the general public.
5. Increased Socioeconomic Diversity
A. Federal, state, and university loans will be eliminated from financial aid packages and must be replaced with grants.
B. Students of families who earn under $75,000 will not have to pay for tuition, room, or board.
C. Reporting SAT/ACT scores on admissions applications must be optional.
D. By meeting these demands, the Duke community will benefit from allowing more students of color and more students from lower and middle socioeconomic backgrounds to access this university. The campus climate would be more inviting to students of color if the student body was not made up of a majority of students who come from upper-class, homogenous communities
6. Greater Emphasis on Mental Health
A. CAPS mental health professionals will be representative of cultural and racial diversity on campus.
B. STINF forms will include mental health trauma and debilitating conditions in the list of “incapacitations ” allowing excused absences from class, especially those arising from racial incidents on campus.
7. Representation of Distinguished Black Individuals on Buildings and Monuments on Campus
A. Name the new West Union “Abele Union” after West Campus architect Julian Abele.
B. Erect a statue in honor of Julian Abele
8. An administrative position with the sole purpose of addressing institutional inequities and working with students of color to improve their experiences on campus
A. Oversee the inclusion of Black, Latino/a, Asian, and Native American students in the formation and leadership of the Task Force on Bias and Hate Issues.
B. Avoid shortcomings of the President’s Council on Black Affairs (PCOBA) by holding the administration responsible for addressing student demands.
9. Living Wages and Rights for Staff and Adjunct Faculty
A. Commit in writing to an immediate end to the union-busting activities meant to intimidate non tenure-track faculty from organizing a union, including but not limited to captive audience meetings, the maintenance of the “One-to-One” website, and emails meant to misinform and discourage organizing faculty.
B. Mandate or create a new policy that allows faculty and staff to freely criticize Duke’s institution without fear of losing their jobs.
C. Duke University will cease to engage in business with companies and contractors who do not meet North Carolina Department of Labor standards. Based on the known grievances of construction workers working illegally long hours without adequate breaks, conduct a thorough investigation of Duke’s contracted companies.
10. Further Communication in Regard to These Demands
A. By 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 24th, 2015 an email will be released to faculty and students. Attached to the email will be the statement provided by the authors of these demands, signed by President Richard Brodhead, Provost Sally Kornbluth, and Dean Valerie Ashby.
B. By Sunday, December 6th, Dean Valerie Ashby, Dean Stephen Nowicki, vice president of Student Affairs Laurence Moneta, and the co chairs of the Task Force on Bias and Hate Issues will meet with representatives from the group of authors in order to hear them explain the intentions and research by which the demands are supported, discuss how the demands will be implemented, and negotiate a timeline by which the demand will be met.
C. Starting in January of Spring 2016, send monthly emails to the student body and faculty outlining progress on fulfilling these demands in order to increase transparency between those who make decisions within Duke University and those who are affected by the decisions made.
Eastern Michigan University Black Student Demands:

1. We demand that the amount of black faculty should match the number of black students. Excluding all faculty in the Africology department. Meaning the ratio needs to match without including the black faculty in that department.
2. We demand all students should take a general education race, ethnicity, and racism course.
3. We demand Black studies built into the curriculum of every major.
4. We demand Annual cultural competency for all faculty and staff including DPS.
5. We demand a CMA that has the capacity to host large groups of marginalized students in a safe space without restrictions on outside food. We demand a functioning CMA allowing proper space and giving proper recognition.
6. We demand low-income meal plan option/not requiring students who live on campus to acquire a meal plan.
7. We demand several black financial advisors whose sole purpose is to find and distribute scholarships and financial aid to and for black students specifically.
8. We demand a separate committee, made up of students selected by BSU, for Black Homecoming Week with the autonomy and power to schedule and hold events for Black Homecoming.
9. We demand a Doctorate and Master’s Program for Africology and African American Studies with adequate funding and no less 3 full-time graduate assistantships.
10. We demand the Women’s Resource Center dedicate at least 3 programs a year to black women specifically. We demand a black resource center under the umbrella of the Center for Multicultural Affairs.
Emmanuel College Demands:
To President Sr. Janet Eisner and the Administration of Emmanuel
We have gathered here today to outline our demands for this administration so that it will be held accountable for improving the social and academic experiences of its black students at Emmanuel College. This is a follow-up to last year’s letter of demand (which is enclosed).
We, the members of the Black Student Union and fellow students of color demand to be holistically and institutionally included as part of Emmanuel College’s student body, to have our demands heard on campus, and to be recognized and respected as an integral group on this campus as well as black individuals, not simply as numbers to fill the institution’s diversity quota.
WE DEMAND a written statement addressed to the Emmanuel College community, within 48 hours, from the President of Emmanuel College, Sr. Janet Eisner, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Patricia Rissmeyer, and Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Bill Leonard, to commit to these demands by the specified deadlines via an action plan that works towards a more equitable and inclusive campus environment. This statement should highlight the administration’s inaction and lack of dedication to adequately support students of color and acknowledge the ways that the senior administrators have failed the black students and student of color community, including but not limited to:
Perpetuating the vilification of students of color and their voices
Failing to reach out to the student of color community (Black and Brown students) when campus controversies that directly affect us occur
Perpetuating the devaluation of Black and Brown lives by failing to address the Emmanuel College community and express sympathy and compassion when international tragedies occur outside of Europe.
No campus update or email of condolence was sent in response to the Kenyan tragedy at Garissa University. No message of condolence was sent in response to the bombings in Yola and Kano, Nigeria.
In November 2015, The Student Government Association sent a campus update expressing solace for the attacks in Paris and then organized a campus-wide vigil. No message of condolence was sent in response to attacks in Beirut, Lebanon or other major tragedies where the Black and Brown body has been valued.
WE DEMAND cultural competency training for all staff, faculty, student leaders, and student workers. The President’s office as well as the President’s Commission has until the end of the semester to provide a date for the mandatory training. We strongly suggest that ACE and Orientation be appropriate times to implement this training in addition to the spaces that we will occupy.
The failure of the institution to mandate cultural competency for all faculty and staff alludes to Emmanuel College’s history of ignoring the needs of students of color.
WE DEMAND that a course on the history of marginalized peoples is incorporated into the Social Analysis requirement. We believe that learning about marginalized groups, their cultures, their oppression, and structures of privilege is just as important as any science or quantitative reasoning course.
WE DEMAND a cultural space on campus dedicated specifically to students of color within the multicultural program, and this space be within the Marion Hall Building and clearly marked. The naming of this space should be at the students’ discretion in order to avoid naming it after a white benefactor or person with bigoted beliefs.
WE DEMAND the creation of a website similar to the one implemented at the University of Missouri (https://transparency.missouri.edu/) for the administration to provide updates on the progress of these initiatives and demands and to provide transparency.
WE DEMAND that the RISE Program be reinstated by the arrival of the next incoming class.
The re-organization of this program should be mainly orchestrated by previous RISE alumni in order to ensure that future students of color are able to have the same experience as previous RISE alumni.
WE DEMAND that the administration provide increased funding for multicultural clubs to facilitate events such as conferences, lectures, and workshops that increase cultural awareness on campus, educate the Emmanuel College community, and provide resources
WE DEMAND that $3000 be immediately allotted for a collection of African Diaspora Literature. Library staff will collaborate and directly consult with black students at Emmanuel College and the joint Africana Studies program at Simmons College to create the list of books that should be purchased. Library staff will then consult with these two entities (black students at EC and Simmons Africana Studies department) to group books into their respective disciplines.
Example: Black literature, narratives, politics, sciences, art and aesthetics, popular culture, theatre, theology, history, contemporary works, critical thought, philosophy, music, education, etc.
These are the demands from Black students and their Allies at Emmanuel who, in the words of Fannie Lou Hamer, are “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” While we are grateful for the collaboration we have had with faculty and administrators in the past, we make these demands during this unique time to expedite these processes into real, sustainable change.
If There Is Failure to comply with our listed demands, WE WILL have no other choice but to enforce immediate action against the Administration of Emmanuel College.
WE WILL contact media outlets who are willing and ready to listen to the stories of black students and students of color on campus.
WE WILL contact the Alumni of Emmanuel College and express the administration’s lack of response to the issues expressed in the 2014 letter of demands handed to the administration, which included racial incidents and biases that take place on campus.
WE WILL be present on Admissions Tours to educate prospective students, families, and guidance counselors on our shared experiences at Emmanuel College.
WE WILL conduct a campus-wide protest with neighboring Colleges in the Fenway and neighboring colleges in Boston.
To ensure that these demands will be met, we request that President Janet Eisner physically sign this letter.
The Black Student Union and Allies
Emory University Student Demands:
1. Emory University must recognize traumatic events that black students experience on campus.
2. We need institutional, primarily, financial support, for black students in the face of trauma and other racial events on campus, nationally and in the world at large.
3. We need support beyond just CAPS which does not think about the unique psychological needs of black people. CAPS does not take into consideration that our psychic health is compromised due to systemic oppression (social, racial, economic, gender, etc).
4. We would like to see repercussions or sanctions for racist actions performed by professors, administrators/staff, and students alike. Bias incident reports are not sufficient. Our micro and macro-aggressions should not be regarded as just data collection but should, in fact, be taken seriously and met with the highest level of urgency and care.
5. Black students and students/staff/faculty of color should be consulted when making diversity initiatives that are university-wide. Diversity initiatives should not be made from the standpoint of the dominant group (white men and women). When diversity initiatives are implemented they are surface level, and often marginalize the opinions of the black students that they have consulted to be on various committees.
6. Black staff and administrators should receive an increase in their financial compensation or salaries. Changes should be made to the hierarchical structure of Campus Life which puts primarily white males at the top of the structure. More Black staff and staff of color should be in higher positions of power so that they can implement the changes that black students wish to see in the university.
7. The people who are currently in positions of power have done minimal or no work for black students, so how can they implement diversity initiatives when they have not consulted the people who can bring about the most change?
8. Black/POC administrators and staff are overworked and underpaid, but they are the most influential on campus. The staff needs to be paid more for the work and time that they spend ensuring that the black community has what it needs.
9. Administrators are told to stand by racist/problematic faculty in order to “show one face” from the university. Threats like these pressure the livelihood of Black administrators. Job security needs to be guaranteed when they’re earnestly working on behalf of black students.
10. Black student organizations are underfunded and overpoliced. Forcing black organizations to collaborate with predominantly white organizations that are interested in surface level interactions and superficial celebrations of diversity is violent. Black student organizations are often told that their events are exclusive. These claims are unfounded because events are created specifically for black students because they do not exist anywhere else on campus.
11. There needs to be an increase in the hiring of or the mere existence of faculty of color in ALL departments and disciplines. The African American studies department has been a great resource to black students, however, they too can be overextended. Thus, we need black professors in all disciplines, traditional and non-traditional.
12. Black professors when in non-traditional or traditional disciplines must not be abused by the overwhelmingly white academy. Professors, too, need protection from the violent, racist, and sexist incidents that they endure from their white colleagues in their departments.
Georgia Southern University Demands:

1. We demand the University System of Georgia Board of Regents establish Interim president Jean Bartels as President of Georgia Southern University.
2. We demand by the academic year of 2020, Georgia Southern University increases the total number of black professors to 12%
3. We demand a campus climate survey.
4. We demand an audit of the Multicultural Student Center.
5. We demand Georgia Southern University to establish the Catherine Davis Center, which would house the Multicultural Student Center and honor the accomplishments of black alumni.
6. We demand further advancement and promotion of the Africana Studies Program.
Grinnell College Student Demands:
Policy Review and Implementation
1. Education to develop clarity around Bias-Motivated Incident Protocols
2. Overall improvement of our data collection and ongoing assessment of diversity and inclusion initiatives
3. Review of work-study regulations and the implications on students coming from a lower SES
4. Publish the results of reviews and consultant visits Implement a class-free day of programming for faculty, staff, and students to discuss social identities, power, and privilege Divestment from for-profit prisons
Curricular Recommendations
1. Time devoted in every tutorial class to discussing –isms in contemporary society
2. Additional curricular offerings that directly address –isms in contemporary society
3. Creation of African-American Studies Major and Concentration
Co-Curricular Recommendations
1. Raising awareness around contemporary issues of Indigenous Peoples
2. Programming around knowing your rights when faced with discrimination
3. Portion of the Innovation Fund is dedicated to projects focused on Diversity and Inclusion
4. Student Advisors in the Residence Halls expanding their programming to include diversity and inclusion dialogue
5. Bringing in more speakers of color through the Rosenfield, Wilson, Departmental programs (also curricular)
6. Continuing to raise awareness on Title IX, Race-Related issues, individually and their intersectionality
7. Provide funding for opportunities to connect to schools, regional, and national organizations that are involved in diversity and inclusion and work full-time
City of Grinnell-Grinnell College Relations
1. Partnership with City Officials to develop protocols around responses to bias-motivated incidents that occur in the city of Grinnell
2. Create community relations and mentor programs to facilitate the increased meaningful connection between the college and the City of Grinnell
3. Partner with Grinnell Police Department to educate about issues of bias related to students
Training and Development Opportunities
1. Ongoing and regular diversity and inclusion training for staff, faculty, and students that address the curricular and co-curricular experience
2. Expanding diversity and inclusion programs during and beyond New Student Orientation for all students
3. Fall and Spring semester diversity and inclusion training for student leaders and student groups that includes how to have hard conversations, implicit bias, microaggressions, privilege, and power
4. Address the cultural appropriation in menu nomenclature and theme nights in the dining hall
5. Providing additional information and context to our international students of color about the history of U.S. racism and training on how to navigate their identities in that space
Recruitment and Retention Strategies
1. Increase recruitment of faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds
2. Increase recruitment of students from diverse backgrounds
3. Increase retention efforts for students, staff, and faculty of color, including exit interviews for underrepresented staff, faculty, and students who leave
4. Departmental review to examine successes and failures at retaining underrepresented faculty and staff Increase the number of shuttles to cities across the state (Des Moines, Iowa City, Cedar Rapids)
5. Provide a concerted effort to ensure that students, staff, and faculty have access to mental health providers from diverse backgrounds who are trained to work with diverse populations
Alumni Connections
1. Developing a focused mentoring program for alumni and students
2. Establishing an intercultural alumni weekend so that current students can network with underrepresented alumni
Physical Spaces
1. Decorating spaces (art, murals, etc.) that reflect the various identities on our campus
Guilford College Student Demands:

A coalition of student activists drafted the following list of demands in order to create a new vision of Guilford that will decenter whiteness and become a holistically liberatory space for all community members.
• By 2020 the majority of people in the United States under 18 will be of color.
• By 2043 people of color will be the majority in the United States.
• In other words, marginalized students are not by any means minority students.
Guilford is founded on values based on Quaker social testimonies: Community, Diversity, Equality, Excellence, Integrity, Justice and Stewardship. There is no integrity in simply labeling and marketing ourselves with these values. We must commit to doing the work it will take to truly live in them.
We demand:
1. The creation and implementation of a publicly overseen diversity plan. We insist on a shift towards the intentional and responsible representation of diversity in marketing, rather than the tokenizing of students of color in marketing material that exists now. Guilford is marketed as a safe space for students of color, but that is not the reality.
2. The hiring of more people of color in faculty, staff, and resident advisor positions.
- Comprehensive diversity training written into job contracts.
- Students of color must be able to feel as safe and comfortable as white students when talking to elders and leaders on campus.
- We demand that by the academic year 2016-17, administrative divisions must present transparent plans for increasing diversity in hiring pools, so that by 2020-21, Guilford increases the percentage of faculty and staff members of color campus-wide by 10 percent in all academic and administrative divisions.
3. Students of color be treated with respect and dignity.
4. A proper breakdown and accountability process for our school’s public safety. o Accountability in the form of annual reports and open forums with the head of public safety concerning diversity and treatment of black students on campus. Guilford must institute compulsory diversity, racial justice, sexual assault
College administrators, professors, and staff must publicly acknowledge their racism, be it overt, covert, or passive.
5. College administrators, professors, and staff must publicly acknowledge their racism, be it overt, covert, or passive.
6. Full and clear accountability from Campus Life in relation to the judicial process. o The release of comprehensive statistical data on judicial proceedings and their impact on people of color, queer students, and other marginalized students by the start of the spring semester.
7. The college must investigate hateful Yik Yak posts and comments to the utmost of their ability. Should these posts turn overtly violent, students demand that the college report them to the proper authorities and that they be treated no differently from other anonymous hate crimes.
8. Guilford College must embark upon a transparent strategy to increase retention rates for marginalized students, and sustain diverse curricula for all marginalized students. This process should begin with fully carrying out the action steps laid out in
the “Connecting Community and Embracing Diversity” plan created in May 2009.
9. Departments dedicated to the recruitment, retention, and support of queer students, students of color, and international students must be sufficiently funded and staffed.
- The Bonner Center and the MED must be more adequately funded and supported through the addition of a Bonner Center Coordinator and any other positions recommended by the departments themselves. The college must prioritize the recruitment and retention of undocumented students. These students are denied access to federal financial aid due to their lack of a Social Security number; the College must provide them with sufficient institutional support and financial aid.
- Creation of an endowment with the long-term goal of creating a scholarship for undocumented students, similar to the Undocumented Student Scholarship Fund at Hampshire College.
- We suggest that every week a faculty member come forward and publicly
- Admit their participation in racism inside the classroom via a letter to the editor in the Guilfordian. A public apology must be issued from the people who directed the production of the BLM video to the organizers of Black Lives Matter Week who have been exploited by the administration by way of the marketing video posted by the college following the BLM event of 10/27/2015.
- End-of-the-semester course evaluations must include a clause that gives students space to anonymously speak about racism in the classroom.
- The campus presence of students of color bolsters the college’s marketability through its contribution to diversity statistics and imaging.
- Immediately draft and institute plans for the end of the exploitation of black male athletes. The college must not be able to profit off of black bodies while putting minimal effort into the education and retention of those same students.
- Increase funding for CCE programs: fully reinstate class listings, and prioritize a space on campus, equal or better to that which was taken away..
- The Public Safety Department must immediately hire women of color.
- The Bonner Center and the MED must be more adequately funded and supported through the addition of a Bonner Center Coordinator and any other
- positions recommended by the departments themselves.
- The college must prioritize the recruitment and retention of undocumented students. These students are denied access to federal financial aid due to their lack of a Social Security number; the College must provide them with sufficient institutional support and financial aid.
- Creation of an endowment with the long-term goal of creating a scholarship for undocumented students, similar to the Undocumented Student Scholarship Fund at Hampshire College.
10. The creation of a sovereign Office of Diversity and Inclusion to enforce these demands and keep the administration accountable – these tasks should not solely be carried out through the unpaid labor of students and faculty of color.
Harvard University Demands:
1. We demand that the amount of black faculty should match the number of black students. Excluding all faculty in the Africology department. Meaning the ratio needs to match without including the black faculty in that department.
2. We demand all students should take a general education race, ethnicity, and racism course.
3. We demand Black studies built into the curriculum of every major.
4. We demand Annual cultural competency for all faculty and staff including DPS
5. We demand a CMA that has the capacity to host large groups of marginalized students in a safe space without restrictions on outside food. We demand a functioning CMA allowing proper space and gives proper recognition.
6. We demand low-income meal plan options/not require students who live on campus to acquire a meal plan.
7. We demand several black financial advisors whose sole purpose is to find and distribute scholarships and financial aid to and for black students specifically.
8. We demand a separate committee, made up of students selected by BSU, for Black Homecoming Week with the autonomy and power to schedule and hold events for Black Homecoming.
9. We demand a Doctorate and Master’s Program for Africology and African American Studies with adequate funding and no less than 3 full-time graduate assistantships.
10. We demand the Women’s Resource Center dedicate at least 3 programs a year to black women specifically. We demand a black resource center under the umbrella of the Center for Multicultural Affairs.
Howard University Demands:

We, the students and activists of #OurHouseHU, fully commit ourselves to the liberation of all Black people. We charge the state, the administration, and the collective student body with the duty to battle offenses committed against black, brown, and poor communities. All parties at some point have neglected to fulfill this duty. Though secured in some aspects, we do not believe that these agencies will protect us from state violence. It is our duty to fight for our freedom and for the freedom of those in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) .
As an independent student coalition, we stand in solidarity with Black students across this nation who have faced terroristic threats from racist agitators. Black students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) are united in their struggle against systems of racial violence, and we declare our solidarity with one another.
We support the Black student body of the University of Missouri and #ConcernedStudent1950. Without their bravery and courage in a time of adversity, the nation will continue to be oblivious to blatant racism and violence perpetuated against Black students on the campus. We stand with them.
It is imperative that we support our community to the utmost, and help combat the many issues that impact the community, given that we are also affected by those issues as black students.
#OurHouseHU has fully dedicated itself to the eradication of structural and institutional issues that have an impact on the quality and state of black lives. Current issues impacting the community and its students include but aren’t limited to: Gentrification, Police Violence and the ongoing destruction of the black body, State Violence against black, brown, and poor communities, the upholding of misogyny, patriarchy, and respectability in wake of young leaders, the silencing and marginalization of black women, LGBQTIA, mentally ill, non-Christian, and intentionally under-resourced communities and educational institutions, such as Howard University.
We also intend to engage in a struggle against the many issues that affect, inconvenience, or facilitate harm to the students at our university. We refuse to allow the student body’s concerns about the horrendous dormitory conditions, ineffective communication between administration and the student public (especially in times of imminent danger), and the undermining or ridding of significant aspects of Howard culture (i.e. the selling of WHUT) to continue to be irresponsibly unaddressed or mishandled by our administration.
We fully respect and acknowledge the work that administrators, faculty, and policymakers have invested in toward the enrichment of the institution. However, we as students refuse to allow politics or policy to hinder us from achieving the ultimate goal in the movement for black lives; the liberation of all Black people.
For nearly two centuries, HBCUs have stood as a symbol of black self-determination in the United States of America. We do not and will not be intimidated by any threats against the Howard University student body or the community for organizing in this movement. We are #OurHouseHU, and we will protect this black space. We will not have our daily lives influenced by any act of bigotry or racial chaste. This is our university, and it shall remain as such.
This fight will be won by tactical organization, black resistance, black solidarity, and perseverance in the face of adversity. #OurHouseHU is united in the fight for racial justice, and we will not be swayed by any institutional interest group or individual attempt to divide and control us. We are one. Black students across the country will not be divided into factions or categories. We are one and we will fulfill our duty to fight for our freedom as we are confident that we will win.
Students of Howard University
Ithaca College Demands:

The resignation of College President Tom Rochon or for him to be removed from his position.
John Carroll University Demands:
The African American Alliance of John Carroll University has decided that we will no longer stand by as our needs are overlooked on campus. We have been shown repeatedly by administrative decisions through our years of enrollment, that black students do not matter to John Carroll University. This reality is in direct conflict with the vision, mission, and core values of the university as a Jesuit institution. It has been brought to our attention on many occasions that Ignatians take ethical action to resist the violence that comes from long-standing unaddressed issues, and yet as an institution that violence is inflicted upon black students daily.
We demand to be holistically included in the fabric of John Carroll University. To be thought of as a part of the student body and treated as such. To be recognized and respected as individuals on campus, not simply numbers to fill the institutions diversity requirements.
We demand to be heard on campus. Many of the problems we face as black students on campus stem from the simple fact that our issues have repeatedly been ignored by the institution.
We demand that the school implement specific procedures for the Bias Reporting System (i.e. first report: warning, second report: parent contact and course requirement; third report: a monetary fine). This shall also include informing the campus community about all incidents on campus and proactively investigating all reports to the system. Reports to the system shall be made public in the form of easily accessible data reports. Rules for alcohol and marijuana have written and immediate consequences, and issues of bias and racism should be as well.
We demand that a student-led diversity committee be created and implemented on campus. This committee shall act as a liaison between Cultural Organizations and the Student Union. This committee shall be in place to guide programming to be culturally sensitive, as well as have a voting right in passing a bill.
We demand that black students have an actual role and direct involvement in the hiring of faculty and staff. The student-led diversity committee shall be included in the interviews and decision-making process. This also includes requiring the Dean of the College of Business and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to make the Faculty Council hire more black professors and staff members. Seeing as we are an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer, we expect the school to honor that commitment.
We demand that diversity training be required that focuses solely on race for faculty, staff, and student leaders. These training are to be provided by an organization not affiliated with John Carroll University and endorsed by the student-led diversity committee.
We demand the implementation of a position in the counseling center for a black counselor whose main purpose and role is to focus on issues black students deal with.
We demand that John Carroll University increase funding for programs that support black students on campus. This means increased funding for the Pathways For Success Program and the return of the booking voucher for participants. This also means implementing an increase in funding for the operation, programming, and development of cultural organizations with a portion of this funding coming directly from student activity fees.
We demand that the school enhance the representation of black studies and culture in the core curriculum and class listings, as well as actually offer all classes that are listed in the bulletin related to black issues and history, but are rarely offered.
We demand that there be a black cultural center on campus available to black students at all times.
“It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win.” – Marcus Garvey
Johns Hopkins University Student Demands:
1. We demand a public address to be held by the administration (including but not limited to President Ron Daniels, Provost Lieberman, Provost Shollenberger, and the Board of Trustees) to The Johns Hopkins community in which President Ron Daniels will announce an explicit plan of action detailing how the following demands will be instated.
2. We demand that Johns Hopkins University creates and enforces mandatory cultural competency in the form of a semester-long class requirement for undergraduate students as well as training for faculty and administration.
3. We demand that the Center for Africana Studies be recognized as a Department.
4. We demand an increase in the number of full-time Black faculty members, both in the Center for Africana Studies and throughout other departments within the institution. Moreover, we demand equal representation of self-identifying men, women, and non-binary Black individuals within these positions.
5. We call on The Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts & Sciences to support the hiring of faculty concerned with the history, culture, and political position of people of African descent. Calls for diversifying faculty are important but equally crucial is attracting faculty whose work creates a scholarly community dedicated to Africana studies.
6. We demand accountability for peers, faculty, and staff who target Black students both inside and outside of the classroom. Attending to such situations must transition from a passive email sent to the student body, to an active stance taken against racial intolerance by the administration. Perpetrators that aim to make Black students uncomfortable or unsafe for racial reasons must complete additional diversity training and face impactful repercussions for their actions.
7. We demand a transparent five-year plan from The Johns Hopkins University Office of Undergraduate Admissions regarding the welcoming of and retention of Black students. We demand black bodies be removed from diversity marketing campaigns until Hopkins addresses the low quality of life here that many Black students experience and the problems with retaining Black students all four undergraduate years and then takes the necessary steps to resolve them.
8. We demand more Black professors within the Women, Gender, and Sexuality program to add a new dimension to the Department on intersectionality and inclusivity that is currently being neglected and ignored.
Kennesaw State University Demands:
We demand an official statement signed by President Papp and the dean of each college assuring students of color (especially black students) safety, acceptance, and a welcoming campus environment. Considering Kennesaw State University is located less than 5 miles away from “Wild Man’s Civil War Surplus” (a store that openly sells confederate and KKK merchandise) a straightforward statement dedicated to separating the university from the racist culture in which it is surrounded would aid in alleviating the climate of anxiety and fear commonly felt by students of color.
We demand an end to respectability policing among students from staff, and an increased commitment to social justice on campus, which is listed as one of Kennesaw State’s values in the Student Code of Conduct. This includes allowing students to express themselves through on-campus protests, chalking, demonstrations, flyers, and other forms of student activism.
We demand student-led diversity training for all advising departments. Following the viral video of Abby Dawson calling the police on a black student – one who was simply waiting to be advised, as is usual – students began to pour out their own stories of similar experiences. Ms. Dawson, who is still employed by the university after the incident, has exposed the need for accountability in ensuring cultural and racial awareness among all advisors.
We demand the adoption of strong repercussions and sanctions immediately added to the policy for offenders of racist actions and racial bias on campus. Current policies listed in the student handbook identify discrimination and harassment as punishable, yet do not sufficiently detail the punishments and repercussions which come with these acts. These repercussions must be sufficient in reach – meaning not just for student offenders, but for staff as well – and they must be clearly stated within syllabi. For example, black students often feel ostracized and offended by racially charged statements made (both in the classroom and in the Marietta Daily Journal) by Dr. Melvyn Fein of the sociology department, yet no black students have been properly advised on the best way to carry out their complaints. There needs to be a clear line of defense for these students which shows them the proper way to make these complaints and be assured action follows. We want to ensure that students of color know all of their options, and know which resources are available to them in the case of discrimination or microaggressions by faculty members, other students, departments, or any otherwise university-affiliated party.
We demand a commitment to funds for an anti-racist education center, which was promised in 2010 by the President’s Blue Ribbon Commission, on the Bartow County land. The land in Bartow County, which was gifted to Kennesaw State University, is the land previously owned by the family of Corra Harris – the woman who in 1899 published a horrendous and widely popular defense of the lynching of Sam Hose– and the university still has not turned the land into a positive space for anti-racist rhetoric or action. Why does our university own this land, one that honors the life of an extremely violently racist woman who was praised for defending the lynching of people of color? What is our university doing to make effective, positive change to this land?
We demand that by the academic year 2017-2018, Kennesaw State University increases the percentage of Black, Latino, Native, and Arab faculty and staff campus wide to represent its student body. According to the Kennesaw State University factbook, white professors account for a whopping 78% of full-time faculty (292 tenured professors) while black professors only account for 8% (34 tenured professors) and Hispanic professors are only 3% (10 tenured professors).
We demand an increase in African, African-American, and other Ethnic based courses within all applicable departments; including Interdisciplinary Studies, Sociology, Criminology, History, Education, Psychology, Nursing and Communications departments. Students and professors over the past year have noticed the amount of African and African-American based/themed classes dwindling, and this must end. We demand an expansion and promotion of courses and programs related to our history. We hold the university completely accountable for continuing the expansion of diversity within the classes offered in the existing departments.
We demand required cultural awareness, race and ethnicity, and intersectional LGBT diversity training for members of Greek Life and all student organizations on campus. No one should be exempt; student members of Greek Life and staff alike. Staff members are not agents of respectability, nor are organization advisory boards breeding grounds for respectability politics; we will no longer accept the tone policing, political bias, and overarching reach of the power of organization advisors. We must be allowed to fully articulate our diversity on our own terms.
Lewis and Clark College Demands:
We, as concerned Lewis & Clark students, are occupying the President’s office to accomplish what we believe to be the President’s work. For as long as it takes, we are committing ourselves to the vision of an inclusive and safe campus, achieved through the implementation of the values outlined below.
Our commitments to the College and to each other are as follows:
- Ensure Student Safety Create an exclusive, full time position for the Chair of the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion.
- Diversify Lewis & Clark Staff and Faculty
- The Buddy System has been up since Saturday, November 21st, created in response to the violent attacks that occurred earlier that morning. It shall be incorporated into a substantial support service that is always available to students of Color and the community.
- Create ten work-study positions for Sexual Assault Response Advocate (SARA) trained students and fill these through an affirmative action process that emphasizes hiring students of color.
- Increase student participation in the Committee:
- Lay out a structure and process for student participation from all three campuses
- Ensure transparency of Diversity Committee documents, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes.
- The process of committee member selection must be open and accessible to the wider Lewis & Clark community.
- Involving students in the selection process.
- Draft a proposal to staff the Health and Wellness Center with physicians of color who can address and treat physical and emotional trauma associated with issues of identity.
- Draft a proposal for an increase in the representation of faculty of color in the form of a 2-year, 5 years and 10 year plan
- Mend Relationships with the Lewis & Clark Community and the globe with the understanding that the Office of the President is a figurehead for the College, and that the President is responsible for conveying the values of the College and its community:
- Have Barry Glassner hold a press conference in Agnes Flanagan Chapel no later than March 20, 2016 where he will present a handwritten, formal statement that will include, but is not limited to:
- A formal apology to the LC Black Lives Matter organizers for his absence during the incident on the night of November 20, 2015, and the lack of communication thereafter
- A verbal commitment to fulfilling LC Black Lives Matter and #WalkTheTalk demands
- An admittance of his failure to prioritize the safety and security of students of Color during his tenure as president.
- A formal statement to the Dallaire Scholarship donors, Roméo Dallaire, the UWC International Office, the Davis Foundation, and the office of International Students and Scholars reaffirming his commitment to the safety of all international students.
- A public acknowledgment of the following facts:
- Lewis & Clark College was built upon stolen land through the genocide of
- Indigenous and Native American peoples.
- Through its name, Lewis & Clark College honors the lives and deeds of owners of enslaved peoples.
- Lewis & Clark College exploits and appropriates Indigenous and Native
- American cultural elements in the architecture of the Agnes Flanagan
- Chapel and the art installations in Aubrey R. Watzek Library.
- Lewis & Clark College replicates the assertion of, and benefits from, the legacy of Anglo-American white supremacy.
- Institute mandatory, campus-wide open dialogues every four years beginning the academic 2015- 2016 school year regarding the personal cultural, historical, and political significances of the individuals Sacagawea and York, and the significance of the statues Sacagawea and Jean Baptiste and York: Terra Incognita on undergraduate campus property.
- Create a Campus Safety Committee
Such a committee will spearhead issues concerning:
Campus Safety’s appearance and the culture of fear and insecurity on campus.
- The implementation of mandatory implicit bias workshops and training conducted every semester.
- The creation of a mode to increase transparency and positive direct communication between the student body and Campus Safety
- The creation of one open forum per semester or academic year discussing issues surrounding Campus Safety, allows students an environment in which they can voice concerns or visions for the future, as well as to bring awareness to the rights that students have.
- Create a Title VI Coordinator position
- This administrator must be trained in Title VI regulations and able to facilitate dialogue about campus race relations and tensions.
We, as concerned students, are holding ourselves and the College accountable for the realization of these goals. This is a collective vision for Lewis & Clark College that is actively dedicated to diversity, inclusion, and social engagement. If any of the aforementioned goals are unable to be met, representatives of the College and students concerned will work together to provide a comprehensive and publicly available explanation.
Lewis & Clark Black Lives Matter
Loyola University Maryland Demands:

1. We demand Mandatory Racial Justice Training for all employees, faculty, staff, and new students. This training must be facilitated by a student-approved third party consultant.
2. We demand that our ALANA (African, Latino, Asian and Native American) Services receives an adequate increase of resources (space, staff, funding, etc.) annually and in proportion to the influx of new enrolled students of color.
3. We demand an increase in the number of hired and tenured faculty and staff of color.
Macalester College Black Student Demands:
Dear Macalester,
BLAC, Black Liberation Affairs Committee has become a part of a wider Black liberation network called, “Black Liberation Collective”. As a response to the treatment of Black students at University of Missouri, Black students from across the country are engaging in collective resistance to improve the conditions of Black Americans at each higher ed institution. The main goals of the Black Liberation Collective are quite simple. The goals are to 1.) Create a Black Liberation Collective Statement of Solidarity for the Black students at Mizzou who are still experiencing anti-black terrorism at school. 2.) Form a national list of demands to improve the conditions of students at their current institutions. And 3.) Attempt to build a National Black Student Organizer Network to provide Black students with resources to assist them to not only survive in higher ed spaces, but to also thrive.
The Black students at the University of Missouri have inspired Black students to be bold and brave enough to demand for a better educational space that caters to our needs. And with that, here are the demands we have for Macalester College.
1. Increase representation of Black professors, faculty members, and students
2. Change the name of Scottish Clans. And the terminology Clan leaders.
3. Professors must engage in racial justice training before school starts to learn how to be allies for black students in classroom settings. Each semester, they should also be evaluated.
4. Admission of black students who reside in the local area. This campus has a tendency of prioritizing international African students and forgetting about local Black ones. The Class of 2020, should have an increase of _% of Black students in general and specifically black local students
5. Bring back the Black House
6. POC should have a say in the facilitators and objectives in the White Identity Collective
7. More mental health professionals of color in Macalester Mental Health.
8. Black students should receive an annual fund that helps them support local black community organizing in the Twin Cities.
Michigan State University Demands:
1. We demand the establishment of a Department of African American and African Studies with an annual supplies, services, and equipment budget of at least $200,000, twenty graduate assistant lines for the doctoral program, and, at minimum, ten tenure-stream faculty members by Fall 2017.
2. We demand the construction of a free-standing Multicultural Center with its own budget from the University to support social and academic programming by Spring 2017.
3. We demand that Michigan State University establish a College of Race, Class, and Gender Studies. This college will be home to the newly created Department of African American and African Studies, and it would establish a Department of Chicano and Latino Studies, Department of Women and Gender Studies, and a Department of Native American Studies.
4. We demand an increase in tenure-stream faculty whose research specializes in Black Politics, Black Linguistics, Black Sociology, Black Psychology, African politics, Black Queer Studies, Hip-Hop Studies, African American Literature, African Literature, and Decolonial Theory. All these faculty hires must be approved by a panel of Black student leaders and will be tenured in the Department of African American and African Studies.
5. We demand an increase in academic advisors, as well as mental health and sexual assault professionals who specialize in dealing with students of color.
6. We demand that Michigan State University provide public, electronic updates that identify the steps the University is taking towards fulfilling the 2011 Black Student Alliance demands during the first two weeks of every fall and spring semester until every demand has been met.
7. We demand that all current and future Residential Advisors and Michigan State University Police receive a mandatory cultural competency training.
8. We demand that the number of students enrolled at Michigan State University from Detroit, Flint, Benton Harbor, Pontiac, Highland Park and other urban areas from across the state and nation be tripled by the 2017-2018 academic year.
Middle Tennessee State Demands:
1. Change Forrest Hall, a group of students, faculty, and community members has one demand: the immediate removal of Nathan Bedford Forrest’s name from Middle Tennessee State University’s ROTC building
Missouri State University Demands
1. We demand that by December 1, 2015 the university issue a public statement that includes the following:
a. An acknowledgment of systemic racism in higher education,
b. A commitment to differentiating “hate speech” from “freedom of speech,”
c. Instituting a zero-tolerance policy for hate crimes, and
d. An explanation for moving Multicultural Services from the Division for Diversity & Inclusion to the Division of Student Affairs.
2. We demand that all plans for the Diversity Center be published in the Standard, in Plaster Student Union, and in its designated space on campus by December 1, 2015.
a. The official name of the office should be: Mary Jean Price-Walls Center of Diversity.
b. We demand that Dominiece Holyfield be named Interim Director of the MRC until this position is permanently filled.
i. Alongside Dominiece, a Cultural Coordinator of, ethnic background, should be recruited (from outside Missouri State University) and hired to work in the new Diversity Center.
c. The construction of any of new buildings associated with or dedicated to diversity should be published on the university’s 10-year plan. The Office of University Advancement is responsible for funding all related projects.
d. The Multicultural Resource Center should be left in tact during and after all construction projects related to diversity. This center is a tremendous asset to minority students.
3. We demand that all Multicultural Services be placed under the complete jurisdiction of the Division for diversity & Inclusion by the beginning of the Spring 2016semester.
a. Given that Multicultural services are governed by the Division of Student Affairs, the current administration is incompatible with the needs of students of color.
b. Last year, Multicultural Services was moved from the Division for Diversity & Inclusion to the Division of Student Affairs. This move has been marketed to students as “beneficial”; however, it has only allowed for negligence toward the concerns and needs of minority students by ill-equipped faculty.
i. Multicultural Services is only one of the seven subsets of Student Affairs.
ii. Access to funding is limited.
iii. This paradigm allows for issues in visibility, representation, and power.
c. Because the Division for Diversity & Inclusion in currently involved in few programs, Multicultural Services will be priority under this division.
d. General functions, as defined by the Human Resources Department, justify the reorganization of these divisions.
i. Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion: Promote consistency of diversity processes to positively impact student development. The Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion maintains strong collaborative working relationships among senior executives, faculty, students, staff, and external constituents, and builds teams that function effectively.
New York University Demands:
1. Formal recognition of the Black & Brown Coalition by New York University.
a. Formal recognition and utilization of all member organizations of the Black & Brown Coalition when issues of racial tension and injustice occur on campus. Member organizations are as follows:
i. Organization of Black Women
2. Mandatory inclusion of the Black & Brown Coalition in all discussions on Campus Diversity and all Student Policies.
3. Creation of special committees in collaboration with B&BC and the Deans within each individual college that would review and consider procedures for addressing particular community racial tensions.
a. Create a college-specific method for having students report safely incidents of racism in the classroom by peers, teaching assistants, and professors.
b. Create a college-specific anonymous method for having students discuss incidents of racism that would be visible to the university, as an act to fight feelings of isolation as was expressed repeatedly during the Diversity Forum on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015.
4. Mandatory allocation quotas for clubs (e.g. Black Student Union), departments (e.g. the department of Social and Cultural Analysis), and programs (e.g. AAP) for Students of Color, LGBTQ, and groups otherwise included within Black & Brown Coalition from the University in the form of significant lump sum budgets to demonstrate true commitment and prioritization of students of color, queer students, and other marginalized communities on campus.
5. Creation of a full-time central diversity staff position within CSALS to oversee different NYU student diversity groups.
a. The approval of said staff must be granted by the Black & Brown Coalition with an interview of the candidate performed by us.
6. A campus climate survey analysis must be performed addressing diversity on the axis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and socioeconomic status with an analysis on race, ethnicity, and gender that is more precise and specific than that of State or Federal norms. More specific data is available or gathered by NYU so that we can have genuine informed conversations on the internal racial/ethnic dynamics of this university.
a. Data must be shown on GPA and financial statistics for each racial/ethnic category, and also for queer students on campus, so that we may be more of aware of what percentage of scholarships and financial aid is going to these groups, and how we as a particular demographic compare to the more privileged students in order to address how the university can better help us.
b. Have a survey done on the total number of queer students on campus intersecting with racial/ethnic identity.
c. Have a survey done on the total number of religious demographics within the university.
d. Have action done on the reality of high drop-out and comparatively low graduation and retention rates for students of color.
7. Increased funding for the Center for Multicultural Education and Programs and the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis; temporary creation of a specific lounge designated for Students of Color within Kimmel Center that would be reservable for our organizations.
a. Within the NYU 2031 Plan, have guaranteed that an entire floor of the mixed-use building in the Southern Superblock plan be entirely dedicated to Students of Color, and another for Queer Students on campus.
8. Create a forum for Students of Color traveling abroad that would include diversity training BEFORE traveling abroad, taught by a POC or QTPOC from the country, or a student from NYU who has gone abroad and can contextualize the lived reality of the site.
9. Perpetual, continuing education on diversity for all university members that exist outside of a module format.
10. NYU must reflect on its role in gentrification and so contribute to the anti-gentrification process via financial and personnel investment.
11. Monitor the number of minority Students of Color enrolled at NYU and see to it that there be no drop of Students of Color per year of admission.
a. Have an increase in the Black population on campus
b. Have an increase of the underprivileged Latino population on campus
c. Have an increase of Amerindian/First Nations population on campus
d. Have an increase in Pacific Islander population on campus
12. Reallocation of funds (donations, endowments and trusts) attached to the names of documented racists such that Students of Color are directly benefited by NYU accepting such funds, e.g. via scholarships, trusts for student groups, or funding of university-wide diversity measures.
13. Reparations
a. Rededicate Library from Elmer Holmes Bobst, a known anti-Semite; removal of Elihu Root’s name from the School of Law Scholarship for being an advocate of US Colonialism; renaming of the Fales Collection of English Literature within Bobst, as Fales family fortunes can be traced to colonial slavery. Rename these for POC or people of marginalized communities in the US who have been leaders in activism and advocacy of oppressed groups, OR leaders of equal style and caliber from the Global South.
b. Give a name to at least half of yet unnamed Residence Halls and academic buildings in honor of social and political activists of color both in the US and abroad, taking into consideration the diverse community of the university, and having the selection of such be achieved and agreed to by both the Black & Brown Coalition and NYU Administration.
14. Mirror Steinhardt School as a university-wide model to implement reforms regarding the safety and respect of Students of Color, with deans looking to Steinhardt leaders for guidance and inspiration
15. Improve Mental Health and Wellness Center dynamics such that the counselors are well trained in racial/ethnic-specific struggles on a psychological level (particularly when dealing with everyday microaggressions) as well as LGBTQ struggles, and increase the number of counselors of color and LGBTQ counselors employed by Wellness Center to be proportional to the amounts of students of color and LGBTQ students that come to the Wellness Center.
16. Mandate that all syllabi meet universal accessibility standards for students with disabilities.
17. Have an amount of faculty/admin that is proportional to the percentage of Students of Color on campus.
18. Make NYU become more accessible to undocumented Students of Color.
a. Expand NYU’s policy regarding the Pilot Program to students outside of New York State.
19. Abolish the Box, remove the question on NYU applications that ask applicants to disclose their history within the criminal punishment system.
20. Recognize NPHC Greeks with chapters present in NYC.
a. Reevaluation of insurance policies for multi-campus Greeks with the goal being a level of institutional recognition.
21. Have as an institutional requirement that the Multicultural Greek Council Advisor be a Multicultural Greek. In the event the position is vacant then Advisory of MGC must fall under the CSALS Diversity Staff illustrated under point (V) in collaboration with the Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life.
22. Mandatory senator seats for significant racial/ethnic groups (e.g. Black, Latino, API, Desi, etc.) and marginalized communities (e.g. Queer, Women, etc.).
a. Restructure student government to include a Student House of Representatives parallel to Student Senate that is comprised of a Black Rep., Latino Rep., Asian Rep., Queer Rep., Women’s Rep., etc.
23. Breaking up of the category of Allsquare Club within the demographics of Student Activities Board member groups to reflect the important, distinct needs of Students of Color Clubs, LGBTQ Clubs, Women’s Clubs, Muslim Clubs, and other marginalized categories so that our voice may be present within the advisory structure of the SAB Committees.
24. Recognition of Fall Recess as Indigenous People’s Day on the Academic Calendar and all University documentation.
25. Recognition of Haitian Kreyol at NYU to fulfill the language requirement of the College Core Curriculum.
26. All Deans, the Student Activities Board, and the Student Senators Council must have continuous and regular conversations with the Black and Brown Coalition.
Northern Arizona University Demands:
We demand that Northern Arizona University administration publicly acknowledge and formally apologize for endangering, harassing, and slandering queer and trans student activists.
2. NAU administration must be in direct and open dialogue with the students it claims to serve. We demand that along with transparency, NAU must have a representative student held position- this student must be attuned to the campus and community needs and receptive to student conversations. This position should oversee various offices and have the power to intervene when the needs of marginalized students are not being met. This position should be protected from any retaliation that may be present when advocating and representing various student needs. This position must be paid and will ensure student involvement and advocacy at the institutional level.
3. The inflammatory language used by NAU staff to label, stigmatize, and target students who openly express concerns about the way NAU has dealt with violence perpetrated on its campus has escalated the danger faced by students rather than addressing student concerns. The dysfunctional effect of this response from NAU staff cannot be understated, the antagonism from certain staff served to ostracize particular students and escalate antagonism between student groups that further endangered and jeopardized student lives. Specifically, a student found the words “go kill yourself” written on the window their car in a university parking lot. We demand that the University recognize the need for student and faculty feedback, as an essential part of creating a healthy and safe learning environment. Rather than retaliating against dissenting feedback in order to protect the public reputation of the university, threatening jobs and student funding, the university must engage in a mediated dialogue with student concerns. NAU administration must take responsibility in engaging with students and student activists in a productive and transparent dialogue, instead of perpetuating violence and risking the safety of students. We demand that NAU administration construct a space conducive to nonviolent conflict resolution, as well as a monthly open forum (with President Cheng and other administration present) to assess student needs and engage directly with student feedback. Further, it is apparent there is a disconnect between administration and the needs of its student body; this forum will directly bridge that gap.
4. We demand that NAU completely redesign their reporting process and conflict resolution procedure in order to better serve the needs of victimized students.
NAU must provide students with an effective silent witness program. Students will be able to use this program to anonymously report violence that has been done to them. Further, this program must exist separately from both NAU PD and the Office of Student Life. Those who oversee this program must have a comprehensive critical understanding of the university structure and processes, but must explicitly use this understanding to protect those who have been victims of violence. Under no circumstances should this program prioritize the university’s reputation; it must always be aligned with the victim’s best interests.
NAU must hold students who perpetrate violence accountable for their actions on and off campus. On multiple occasions, members of NAU fraternities have threatened and assaulted students and other individuals visiting Flagstaff. In several of these assaults, NAU fraternity members specifically and intentionally targeted people of color because of their race. This culture of violence was not absent in the time preceding the deadly shooting that occurred earlier this year and, had NAU been more proactive in preventing violent student behavior, this shooting may never have had happened.
NAU must report staff/faculty/students/departments who use racial slurs and ask black students to act as the spokesperson of their race in class, trainings, and other programs (i.e. Health promotions – did not feel the need for bystander training to combat racial discrimination)
The safety of the students is of higher priority than the university’s public reputation: It is the responsibility of Northern Arizona University’s administration to ensure that NAU’s students, faculty members, and staff are aware of racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, queerphobia, and other forms of injustice that occur on school grounds. Because of this, we demand that acts against marginalized students are accurately and appropriately recorded, then widely reported to the NAU and Flagstaff community.
5. The process for reporting and responding to bias reports and hate crimes needs to be left in the hands of one office with specializations in trauma, disability, race, and the needs of queer and trans students, with adherence to the University’s Safe Work and Learning Environment Policy.
NAU’s bias reporting system is overly bureaucratic with many different offices handling bias reporting. This creates inconsistency among response from the University to incidents of bias and hate crimes, as these offices all operate differently and represent different interests. Further, through the language of a “bias incident,” the University creates an environment in which the severity and systemic nature of discrimination and prejudice is diminished and unacknowledged. We demand an overhaul to the University’s system for reporting hate crimes and bias incidents, as well as for providing support and communication with students who are the victims of hate crimes and bias incidents that prioritizes the safety and wellbeing of students over the University’s reputation.
6. We demand that the University prioritize the safety and well-being of black students, and black student activists above the reputation of the University. Racism and other forms of discrimination should not be tolerated or swept under the rug like it has been many times in the past. Additionally, Northern Arizona University must address racism on campus and in the Flagstaff community to ensure institutional support for black students: just because it does not happen on Northern Arizona University’s campus, does not mean that community and global events do not affect us physically, emotionally, and mentally. We further demand the protection of black student activists and the underrepresented faculty and staff who support these student activists; student activists who are our future leaders pave the way for positive change.
7. We demand that Northern Arizona University provides protection of staff and faculty who support activists and activism, and/or may be activists themselves. Staff and faculty should not have to face losing their job for encouraging and supporting their students, or for statements or action that calls for accountability from the University. There is a rich history of collaboration between professors and students in advancing social movements, and we will not stand for faculty, staff, and professors being silenced and threatened by administration.
8. It is the University’s responsibility to provide and ensure the safety of its students. This includes students living in on-campus housing who do not have homes to return to following the end of the semester, or have extenuating circumstances regarding affording housing. Students of color, trans students, and students with disabilities are particularly vulnerable and susceptible to homelessness. We demand a need-based Crisis Fund to be distributed in a non-meritocratic way. A student’s academic performance should not determine their eligibility for University offered resources.
9. We demand that Northern Arizona University stop expanding its student population at the expense of local communities of color and other marginalized populations. The University’s expansion perpetuates the gentrification of Flagstaff neighborhoods, displacing working-class people and people of color. Regardless of certain statewide initiatives, the University’s expansion should never be prioritized above local communities that NAU claims to support and hopes to welcome within the student body.
10. We demand the review of Northern Arizona University’s contract with Sodexo — an organization that benefits from the pernicious prison industrial complex system that negatively impacts the black community and queer and/or trans* populations on a national and local level.
11. We demand the elimination of the tokenism of administrators, faculty, staff, and students to create “diverse” propaganda for Northern Arizona University that does not display the true nature of NAU’s campus climate. Resources and programs such as workshops, panels and other various ally training must be designed and led by marginalized groups. We demand the consultation of black students and faculty during the implementation of diversity initiatives to create effective diversity training for all first-year students, transfer students, student athletes, student workers, faculty, staff, and administration.
12. Many students, staff, and faculty have expressed discontent and concern with the effectiveness and competency of the University’s current Safe Zone Training in actually providing information and tools necessary for creating safe spaces and an atmosphere of respect for queer and trans students, students with disabilities (mental and physical), and students of color. We demand a paid multi-student review process of Safe Zone in order to cultivate environments which truly serve the needs of the University’s most vulnerable students to its fullest and most immediate capacity. This multi-student review effort must be led by students directly impacted (students of color, students with disabilities, queer and/or trans students) This needs to include, but shall not be limited to, sensitivity training regarding race, culture and ethnicity, knowledge and understanding of disability, and training on the importance of pronouns and names that do not situate them as mere “preferences.” Further, we demand that the new and improved Safe Zone training be mandatory for any person working on campus, including those who are not employed specifically by the University. This not only establishes respect and understanding between students and employees on campus, but also among employees as well.
13. We demand that there is no longer any active police presence at events that are designed to be safe spaces for marginalized populations. NAU administrators have repeatedly relied on police presence in spaces of marginalized groups as a means of control, which, rather than increasing student safety, actually puts students’ safety at risk. At the 2015 NAU Coming Out Monologues, NAU PD was present in plainclothes and forcibly removed a queer, trans student from the building against their will. Later, in the University newspaper, The Lumberjack, this student was cited as being “belligerent” in the Police Beat, while videos and countless eyewitness accounts tell how this could not be further from the truth. Systemically, queer and trans students and students of color are at the highest risk of encountering violence and police brutality, and thus if NAU intends to create a safe space, the police absolutely cannot be present.
14. We demand an increase in faculty of color and trans and/or queer faculty positions in all departments representative of the nationwide population, including an increase in people of color, queer, and trans Resident Assistants, Resident Hall Directors, administrators, faculty, and tenured faculty.
NAU currently does not have a tenure track for the vital department and programs of Women’s and Gender Studies and Queer Studies. These faculty members place equal amounts of dedication and time into their work as any other department and receive significantly less benefits and job security. We demand there no longer be a divide and marginalization between which programs are deemed “more important” and that resources are allocated appropriately and equally.
We demand that NAU create an Ethnic Studies requirement distinct from the cultural understanding: require every student to fulfill at least three Ethnic Studies credits to learn more about diverse populations of people and emphasize the importance of this knowledge as a life enhancement. NAU also must create an undergraduate Ethnic Studies Major; our history should not simply be an elective. The Ethnic Studies major and credit requirements should both be implemented by the Fall semester of 2016.
15. We demand that Northern Arizona University implement gender neutral bathrooms in all buildings on campus. NAU has currently attempted to implement such bathrooms. These restrooms are single-stall “family bathrooms” and do not promote gender inclusivity or an equal space for transgender or gender-nonconforming students. The signs on these bathrooms must be blatantly and directly gender-neutral (not family restrooms). Additionally, these restrooms must be accessible for students with physical disabilities. The office of LGTBQIA Resources and Support has demonstrated “bathroom take overs” during Trans* Awareness Week. These events consist of tabling and distribution of flyers. These flyers consist of information on what it means to be a good ally in the bathroom and how to make trans individuals more comfortable in gendered bathrooms. These flyers are damaging and make trans students hypervisible as well as promote stigmas as to what it means to “look trans”. Transgender students are policed and marginalized on a daily basis by peers and faculty alike. The office of Resources and Support should not contribute to these stigmas and marginalization. Takeovers and assessing the needs of these students should be hosted by the students in need.
16. While the multiplicity of student organizations, departments, courses, and offices represent a wide range of different interests, perspectives, and experiences, we have determined that there is a lack of communication and dialogue among those with interrelated interests. LGBTQIA Resources and Support working nearly exclusively with PRISM has created feelings of divisiveness among student organizations, for example. PRISM is a student-led and ran organization, not the face of the LGBTQIA resources and support office. Therefore we demand that all events by the LGBTQIA office should not be pawned off on PRISM, as PRISM does not represent anyone but the LGBT students of Northern Arizona University. We demand complete separation, as an organization, from the LGBTQIA resources and support office.
17. Students who spend energy transforming an unsafe, hostile working and learning environment on campus must be validated in their work. When it becomes mandatory for student survival to work toward student safety on campus, then academic responsibilities will be compromised as a direct result to this lack of safety. We demand that the sacrifices made by student activists be accounted for. Ethnic Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and Queer Studies especially must accommodate student activist work because of these disciplines’ roots within activism and their courses’ commitments to critical thinking and inclusivity.
18. NAU’s mission statement states that “Our students are at the center of all we do and all we hope to do. They are the reason why NAU exists. And one of the most fulfilling aspects of being a high-performing university is knowing we serve our students well. Their success is more than a mission statement, more than a goal—it’s a value, along with access, and quality, and the excellence of their experience.” If student success and well-being is truly the university’s goal, there needs to be mandatory mental health training for NAU instructors that is sensitive to student mental/psychological health. This training needs to be a distinct and in-depth program for instructors–separate from Safe Zone Training–that prioritizes making students comfortable participating in class and acknowledges self care, mental health breaks, and participation outside of class as viable and acceptable options for neurodivergent students.
19. The University’s current policy to submit a name and gender change in the registrar is inaccessible and results in unnecessary “out-ing” of queer and trans students that comprise their safety and comfortability. While students have been able to get a “preferred name” change for their Jacks Card, this is insufficient as students’ names on rosters, BBLearn, and NAU still reflect the registrar. We demand that the University implement a streamlined process for students to be able to change their name and gender on BBLearn, the University’s assigned gmail accounts, as well as within the registrar itself, that does not require documentation “proving” the student’s gender.
20. Budget cuts resulted in the eradication of disability resource busses. This is unacceptable. We demand that there be a reallocation of funds in order to reinstate disability resource buses as well as other programs that directly support the safety, well-being, and success of marginalized students.
Notre Dame of Maryland University Demands:
By the concerned students of Notre Dame of Maryland University:
1. The administration have more recognition for the needs for non-Catholic students on campus. We need faculty and administration to take all religious holidays into consideration when creating their syllabi and the academic calendar.
2. The university president and any other administrator send out emails in a timely, considerate and inclusive manner about all events that affect students socially, mentally, and emotionally. We require that these emails also take into consideration all victims of world crises.
3. The university president and any other administrator emails and community responses accurately reflect the needs and concerns of students. We demand that these needs be considered above the university taking a passive political stance.
4. The Academic Affairs department must hire, place and tenure more people of color in order to promote diversity on our campus. We believe that this action should be taken immediately.
5. That the incoming class of 2020’s NDMU 100 class be required to include discussions about race theory and relations, with special emphasis on race relations in Baltimore.
6. The Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean Franklin, change the “Cross-Cultural” graduation requirement to become a “Race Theory” class requirement for the class of 2020.
7. To fill the above requirement for the class of 2020, the Vice President of Academic affairs as well as the faculty work to create more race-related classes, which can be either race theory or intersectional approaches to race, class, and gender as it relates to each department.
8. All administration, namely the President, The Board of Trustees, and Academic Affairs be more transparent regarding events and decisions taking place that could affect student life. This transparency should be enhanced by more student representation. This representation must include students of color. This demand also requires that these administrators will be updating students and faculty about the reasoning behind changes made to the curriculum, athletic team, tuition, and marketing strategies.
9. That professors incorporate volunteering into course requirements in order to be in keeping with the school’s mission of social justice. And, also, to establish better connections with those in need in Baltimore.
10. That President Yam will speak to the entire NDMU community regarding the University’s plan to implement these changes.
Occidental College Demands:

1. Immediate removal of President Veitech.
2. Promotion of the CDO to Vice President level.
3. Increase the budget of the CDO office by 50%.
4. $60,000 allocated to DEB to fund programming and provide resources for black and other marginalized students.
5. Creation of a fully funded and staffed Black Studies program, a demand that has not been met for over 40 years.
6. Increase the percentage of tenured faculty of color by 20% for the 2017-2018 school year, and by 100% over the next 5 years.
7. Provide funding for Harambee, the student group for black men which has not received funding for 5 years.
8. Institute mandatory training for all college employees, especially Residential Education, Student Affairs, and Campus Safety, that provides tools to properly assist people from marginalized backgrounds.
9. Immediate demilitarization of Campus Safety. Includes, but is not limited to: removal of bulletproof vests from uniform, exclusion of military and external police rhetoric from all documents and daily discourse, increased transparency, and positive direct connection to the student body.
10. Immediate removal of LAPD’s presence on campus.
11. Ensure the continued existence of the ICA as a longstanding office on campus.
12. Elimination of the First Year Residential Education Program. In its place, restructure CSP classes to fulfill the original purpose of the CSP program: focus on issues surrounding identity.
13. Hire much-needed physicians of color at Emmons Wellness Center to treat physical and emotional trauma associated with issues of identity.
14. Meet the demands that CODE made following the arrest of a community member on September 5th.
Portland State University Demands:
1. We demand a Black Cultural Space on Portland State University Campus by Fall Term 2016, where students can feel safe, accepted, supported and like they belong
2. We demand for a Black task force to be formed to closely examine the success, outcome, retention, and graduation of Black students at Portland State University.
3. We demand for the disarmament of all Campus Public Safety officers on the campus of Portland State University.
4. We demand a wave of hiring for Black professors and administrators in underrepresented positions.
5. We demand increasing efforts to recruit more Black students from local high schools and community colleges.
Princeton University Demands:

WE DEMAND the university administration publicly acknowledge the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson and how he impacted campus policy and culture. We also demand that steps be made to rename Wilson residential college, the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs, and any other building names after him. Furthermore, we would like the mural of Wilson to be removed from the Wilcox dining hall.
WE DEMAND cultural competency training for all staff and faculty. It was voted down on the grounds of trespassing freedom of speech last spring semester. We demand a public conversation, which will be student-led and administration-supported, on the true role of freedom of speech and freedom of intellectual thought in a way that does not reinforce anti-Blackness and xenophobia. We demand classes on the history of marginalized peoples (for example, courses in the Department for African American Studies) be added to the list of distribution requirements. Learning about marginalized groups, their cultures, and structures of privilege is just as important as any science or quantitative reasoning course. We propose that this requirement be incorporated into the Social Analysis requirement.
WE DEMAND a cultural space on campus dedicated specifically to Black students, and that space can be within the Carl A. Fields Center but should be clearly marked. The naming of this space should be at the students’ discretion in order to avoid naming it after a white benefactor or person with bigoted beliefs, as evidenced by the naming of Stanhope Hall.
Purdue University Demands:

1. We demand that administrators, specifically President Mitch Daniels, acknowledge the hostile environment caused by hateful and ignorant discrimination on Purdue’s campus. We also demand that he apologize for his erasure of the experiences of students of color in his email to the student body, where he asserted that Purdue is in “proud contrast to the environments that appear to prevail at places like Missouri or Yale.”
2. We demand that Chief Diversity Officer be reinstated as its own position, with student involvement in the hiring process. Additionally, we demand supporting positions be instated for this role. The positions must address diversity and inclusion of faculty, staff, and students separately, in order to address the unique needs of each group.
3. We demand that Purdue create and enforce a required comprehensive racial awareness curriculum for all students, staff, faculty, administration, and police. This curriculum must be vetted and overseen by a board of diverse students, faculty, and staff.
4. We demand the release of a statistical report, using defined metrics, of the concrete impact of diversity and inclusion initiatives implemented on campus.
5. We demand that the university more actively and effectively advertise and utilize the Report Hate & Bias program.
6. We demand that the free speech policy be revised to address hate speech in person and through social media. We demand the university to follow harassment policies consistently to protect students from hostility.
7. We demand that the university and the Purdue Police follow through with their commitment to form a police advisory board, which will be made up of diverse students, faculty, staff by the end of this fall semester.
8. We demand that there be enforced extensive background checks relating to sexual offense, hate group membership, and discriminatory offenses of all faculty, staff, and police officers.
9. We demand that there be a 20 percent increase of underrepresented minority faculty and staff by the 2019-2020 school year.
10. We demand that there be a 30 percent increase of underrepresented minority students by the 2019-2020 school year.
11. We demand that more merit and need-based aid be given to students.
12. We demand that underrepresented faculty and staff receive more resources, funding and support.
13. We demand that Purdue Student Government and Purdue Graduate Student Government instate C.O.R.E. seats in their representative voting bodies.
Ryerson University Demands:
Dear President Sheldon Levy & Provost Mohamed Lachemi,
On Wednesday, November 18, 2015, a coalition of Black students from across campus held an action in solidarity with Black students at Missouri University and Yale University. These students are committed to challenging the violent and pervasive accounts of anti-Black racism on their campuses. Inspired by their ongoing struggle and in recognition of our solidarity, we must ALL work to challenge the realities of anti-Black racism here at Ryerson University. The Black on Campus Coalition worked to collect and highlight stories shared by members of the community through a rally, banner drop and social media action.
These stories highlighted pressing issues for Black folks here at Ryerson such as feelings of isolation, underrepresentation and fear.
As such, the Black on Campus Coalition is making the following seven demands of our university administration:
1. In solidarity with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, we demand the university administration launch a process to rename the university and remove the statue of Egerton Ryerson. While Egerton Ryerson is celebrated for his contributions to Ontario education system, often overlooked is the role that he played in the creation of the residential school system. In recognition of the devastating generational impacts that the residential school system has had on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities we believe that the university must begin a process to rename our university, prioritizing consultations with the Mississauga’s of the New Credit First Nations, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe.
2. In recognition of the fact that tuition fees limit access to post-secondary education which disproportionately impacts Black communities, we demand that the university administration commit to joining students in a call for more funding to post-secondary education and support the call for a universal reduction to tuition fees. Additionally, we demand that the university administration introduce more targeted grants, bursaries, and scholarships to support access to education for Black students. Post-secondary education has long been considered to be the greatest social equalizer, capable of opening new pathways to economic and social mobility for the most marginalized members of our society. However, the growing income divide coupled with dramatic increases to tuition fees has put post-secondary education out of reach for too many members of our community. Tuition fees are cited as the number one barrier for high school students interested in attending post-secondary education. Canada’s growing income inequality divide along the lines of race and ethnicity means that the people that are most impacted by these economic barriers will inevitably be low- and middle-income Black communities.
3. We demand that Ryerson University create and enforce a comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments, mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a standing committee of the Senate comprised of Racialised students, staff, and faculty.
4. We demand that by the academic year 2017-2018 Ryerson University increase the percentage of Black tenured faculty, upper administration, and full-time staff by ten percent.
5. We demand that Ryerson University expand the number of core courses offered that speak to the histories, experiences and realities of Black and Racialised communities to be taught by tenured Black and Racialised faculty.
6. We demand that Ryerson University stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter-Toronto which is a diverse coalition of Black people working to challenge systemic violence and racism that targets Black people, particularly in our interactions with police and authority figures. Further, we demand that Ryerson University provide a donation to the coalition to support their ongoing organizing efforts.
7. We demand that the university administration restructure the Ryerson Black History Awareness Committee to be comprised solely of Black faculty, staff, and students.
Over the last several years, we have seen a growing commitment to the principles of equity as a response to organizing by students, staff, and faculty on campus. For example, we saw the creation of the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion as a response to the Task Force on Campus Racism (2010). While we view this as a major step forward, we believe that there is still a lot of work to be done.
These demands are essential to progressing our university forward, strengthening our commitment to equity, and ensuring that all students on campus feel safe and welcomed in an institution that is dedicated to communal support. Ryerson University must make a commitment to acknowledge its ongoing racist practices that have contributed to the violence and trauma faced by black people on our campus for the purpose of profit and upholding its investment in white supremacy.
We hope that you receive these demands in good faith and urgency. We look forward to hearing from you to set up a meeting to discuss how you will implement strategies based on our demands. We will continue to take action to ensure that these issues do not go unnoticed.
With love and resilience,
Black on Campus Coalition (Ryerson)
San Francisco State University Demands:
1. Increase of enrollment and retention of Black students, Increase of Black faculty and faculty with tenure.
2. Mandatory racial sensitivity training for all incoming employees, and faculty of San Francisco State University including UPD.
3. Increase support and funding for the College of Ethnic Studies and Ethnic Organizations.
4. Expansion of Multi-Cultural Center and addition of a retention center into The Mashouf Wellness Center.
5. Afrocentric residential floor for Black students to address unrealistic housing fees on and around campus.
Santa Clara University Demands:
a. Reorganize the CORE diversity requirement from a one class requirement to two separate requirements.
b. These two requirements must be fulfilled through one course from the Ethnic Studies Program and one course from the Women’s and Gender Studies Program.
c. To accommodate this additional requirement, reduce the Pathways sequence by one class.
2. Full Majors
a. We advocate the formal creation of Ethnic Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies Departments with standalone major programs. Currently, these are the only two majors on campus that have companion major status.
3. Diverse Faculty:
a. We advocate for an increase in hiring faculty of color as permanent, tenure-track faculty through the Inclusive Excellence initiative.
b. 10% of faculty hired through the Inclusive Excellent initiative should be offered permanent tenure track positions.
c. As of now, most faculty of color are in the College of Arts and Sciences. We would like to see an increased focus on hiring faculty of color in the other colleges in addition to the Arts and Sciences.
4. Cultures and Ideas Event Requirement:
a. We advocate adding a multicultural event requirement once a quarter to all C&I classes. This requirement would mandate students to attend an event that amplifies the voices of marginalized students on campus. Examples include: Difficult Dialogues, MCC Culture Shows, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics sponsored events, etc.
b. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion would maintain the list of acceptable events.
5. EthicsPoint Reporting Information on Syllabi:
a. We advocate for all syllabi to contain information on the EthicsPoint anonymous reporting process for bias incidents and academic integrity reports.
Student and Residence Life
1. Focus on Diversity/Sexual Assault/Alcohol in Online PreEnrollment Program:
a. Reframe the online preenrollment orientation (formerly AlcoholEdu and Haven) to include more focus on aspects of off-campus and oncampus bias incidents that students may face when enrolled. The program should include information on how students should respond to these incidents.
b. Provide engaging and educational content, which will align with a 4year dialogue that starts with the preenrollment program and continues on through Senior year.
c. The conversations are to be carried out through the First and Second years of college with Perspectivebased conversations within Residential Learning Communities.
d. If the current online program does not contain a diversity component, we advocate that the school work to create and implement a diversity component.
2. 4-Year Dialogue:
a. Implement supplementary programs partnering with residence halls and oncampus organizations to continue discussions with students throughout their four years at Santa Clara University.
b. Begin conversations with CFs in the residence halls during the welcoming meeting to provide initial expectations for Santa Clara University students. This initial meeting will also create space for students to ask questions and discuss themes that came up for them during the preenrollment program.
c. Discussions are expected to continue throughout the year and can be modeled off of existing Perspectives Training.
d. Implement an additional online program for students to complete between their junior and senior years. This program will continue the discussion on diversity and sexual assault with students. It will also provide a space for student evaluations on how effective the school has been in addressing issues of alcohol, sexual assault, and biases incidents. This valuable feedback can be used to help the University respond better to issues students face on campus.
3. Contact with Off campus Life, Sororities, and Fraternities:
a. Recognizing that Santa Clara students are still affected by many issues once they move off campus or join Greek Life, we advocate for the ability of oncampus resources to connect with and educate off-campus groups about a variety of topics including, but not limited to: cultural sensitivity, sexual assault, sexual education, alcohol abuse, etc. Examples of oncampus resources that would benefit the off-campus community: Perspectives Committee, the Wellness Center, the Multicultural Center, etc.
4. Off-campus Student Life Orientation:
a. There are a variety of health and safety reasons that support the decision to track on and off-campus living. In addition to those reasons, it is in the University’s best interest to have a record of students living on and off campus.
b. In addition to tracking student housing, we advocate for the school to create an off-campus student life orientation that preps students for living on their own. It should also include a diversity and sexual assault component.
c. This off-campus orientation is expected to be completed by all students. Failure to do so would result in a potential fine or a hold on one’s ability to register for classes until completed.
5. Peer Judicial Board Expansion
a. We advocate for the expansion of the judicial advisory board to include representatives from the MCC, SCCAP, VPP, and RRC.
1. Follow Up Meetings with Unity 4:
a. We request a formal commitment of the Leadership Council to meet with members of Unity 4 twice quarterly over the 2015 2016 academic year.
b. These conversations would ideally take place between the same group of students and administrators currently in a conversation.
2. Quarterly Administrative Forums:
a. We advocate for the establishment of quarterly evening forums organized by the President’s office where all students can directly share their experiences at SCU with high-ranking members of the administration.
b. These forums should follow a town hall format, and administration from every department should be present to answer questions and respond to student concerns.
3. Office of the President Meetings:
a. We advocate for there to be more voices in the meetings held by the Office of the President with the leadership of a variety of organizations on campus.
b. These meetings would include the leaders of ASG, MCC, SCCAP, the Violence Prevention Program, and the Rainbow Resource Center.
4. Inclusion of MCC, SCCAP, VPP, and RRC on Administrative Committees:
a. Currently, several administrative committees have student members appointed to them from ASG. ○ We would like MCC, SCCAP, the Violence Prevention Program, and the Rainbow Resource Center to have the option to place a member on these committees alongside ASG representatives if they so choose.
5. Transparent Responses to Incidents on campus:
a. When responding to bias incidents or acts of violence on campus, the administration should give the University community as much specific information about the incident as is legally possible.
b. Correspondence dedicated to explaining an incident on campus needs to focus on communicating information to the community as efficiently as possible so that there is no opportunity for rumor or false information about a given incident to propagate.
c. When an incident on campus occurs that has serious implications for students of a given community, the University should make a particular effort to reach out to members of that community to debrief and discuss next steps.
6. WASC Transparency:
a. We advocate for increased accessibility and availability of WASC audits.
b. Full reports should be shared with students, parents, faculty, and staff via the SCU website, email updates, and postings on social media.
Recruitment and Orientation
1. Recruit a More Diverse Student Body:
a. We advocate the steady increase of the Black/African-American population on campus to 6% by 2020 with an eye towards of increasing the proportion of black students to reflect the nation’s black population percentage proportionately within the next 10 years.
b. To achieve this goal, a conscious effort must be made by the Admissions Office to recruit more students of color and especially Black/Pan African students.
c. The Admissions Office should expand its recruiting pool to include school visits and informational sessions at socioeconomically diverse schools and schools with a high percentage of students that are representative of the African Diaspora. With funding provided by the University, SCU Black Student Union, Igwebuike, can also conduct school visits alongside counselors to attract more students of color to Santa Clara.
d. Provide funding for travel expenses for students in the SADIE, APEX, and NOCHE programs to increase the likelihood of getting these students on campus.
2. Implement Changes in Admissions Profiles:
a. In order to increase the black student population on campus, we advocate for a change in the way admissions counselors review applications.
b. Though Santa Clara bases the majority of its decisions on merit while still considering the whole person, the focus on grades and numbers hinders many students of color from being accepted into the University. Several statistics show that marginalized populations do not consistently have access to college prep courses, AP classes, or other opportunities that make their application more competitive.
3. Increase Scholarships:
a. A commitment to create a scholarship fund specifically intended to aid the recruitment of more black and low-income students.
b. Increase donations to the endowment fund specifically for scholarships for black students and lowincome students.
c. This can be achieved by training student callers to ask for donations in these specific categories and working with the black alumni association.
4. Orientation Diversity Training:
a. Require Perspectives training of all Orientation Leaders as a prerequisite to their first orientation session.
b. Make conversations on diversity at SCU a feature of the orientation experience.
c. Engage incoming students in discussions about the consequences of bias by discussing incidents and experiences that have actually happened on our campus.
d. These discussions could take a variety of forms and could be added to existing Orientation sessions such as Community Values and/or Community Conversations.
Sarah Lawrence College Black Student Demands:
1. We, a collective of students of color at Sarah Lawrence College, demand that the College creates a million-dollar, need-based scholarship fund for the recruitment of black and brown students to our campus, and to aid them through their studies here at the College.
2. We demand that the College provide greater material resources to the Chief Diversity Officer, and the Office of Diversity and Campus Engagement. This demand includes more staff and financial support.
3. We demand that Sarah Lawrence meets the demands previously articulated by the Concerned Students of Color (1989), and Dangers of a Single Narrative (2012).
4. We demand that the College create a strategic 10-year plan that will increase retention rates for brown and black students and offer more courses and trainings that emphasize the lived experience of poor black and brown people. We demand that this plan be created by May 16, 2016 and that the voices of students of color currently at the college be centered in this conversation.
5. We demand that Sarah Lawrence require all students at the graduate and undergraduate level to partake in an anti-racist course or class for credit, such as is required for Physical Education.
6. We demand that the College create administrative positions similar to that of the Chief Diversity Officer, and Director of Diversity for graduate students where they are able to address issues of bias within their program.
7. We demand that the College establish a Multicultural Housing arrangement, as is practiced in other institutions of higher learning.
8. We demand that Sarah Lawrence provide more structure through workshops and education initiatives for first-year students and transfers to aid in their transition into this college. This is necessary because the College does not accurately reflect the diversity of the US.
9. We demand that President Lawrence meet with students of color to discuss long-term solutions to achieving racial equity on campus.
10. We demand that the College provide sustained and ongoing faculty and staff training around racism.
11. We demand that the Board of Trustees makes a public commitment to racial equity at the College. We demand that they meet with students of color to discuss long-term goals pertaining to racial inclusion at the College and the implementation of agreed-upon goals.
Southern Methodist University Black Student Demands:
1. SMU will hold students and student organizations accountable for racially insensitive conduct.
2. Black Student enrollment must increase until at least 10% of the general undergraduate student population is Black.
3. A cultural intelligence program for all incoming firstyear students must be mandatory.
4. Sensitivity training for all faculty and staff, including tenured professors, must be mandatory.
5. No less than one third of the PRW (Personal Responsibility and Wellness) course curriculum must be dedicated to cultural education.
6. All students considering initiation into any Greek letter organization must go through mandatory cultural intelligence and sensitivity training in order to be eligible.
7. Black professors must increase until at least 10% of the faculty is Black, at all levels of professorship.
8. SMU will allocate new financial resources towards the expansion of the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs into a Multicultural Center.
9. SMU will increase the amount of Black and minority administrators, including the members of The Board of Trustees.
10. SMU will hire a Chief Officer of Diversity and Inclusion.
St. Louis University Demands:

1. Increased budget for the African American Studies program.
2. Increased financial aid resources for retention of African American students at SLU.
3. Evaluation of SLU’s current scholarship programs to better serve African American populations.
4. Additional college prep workshops for students in the area’s most disadvantaged school districts.
5. Establishment of a K-12 bridge program, including summer programs, in the Normandy and Shaw neighborhoods to help increase the numbers of college-bound students from neighborhoods in those areas.
6. Establishment of a community center.
7. Mutually agreed upon commissioned artwork.
8. Development of an academic Center for Community and Economic Development.
9. Creation of a race, poverty, and inequality steering committee.
10. SLU sponsorship a national conference on racial equality.
11. Appointment of a Special Assistant to the President for Diversity and Community Empowerment.
12. Establishment of a diversity speaker series.
13. Bi-weekly meetings with an inclusive group, including the president, to continue to advance the University’s efforts to address inequality and poverty in our community.
SUNY New Paltz / Potsdam:
Hire four new tenure-track faculty in the Black Studies department. In particular, we would like to see those new faculty members include the following areas of scholarship:
- LGBTQ/Queer Studies
- Feminist approaches to Black Studies
- Studies of contemporary Africa
- Black psychology
- We require full-time tenure track faculty of color in Black Studies and on this campus
There are not enough faculty members on campus who meet our needs. Faculty of color enables this campus to be a safe place for students of color.
We need more female faculty members in the Black Studies department.
We need more students of color on this campus.
The college needs to engage in more active recruitment, enrollment, and retention of students of color, in particular, Black students. Black students make up a greater percentage of the incoming Freshman at Bard College (10%) than at SUNY New Paltz (5.4%). Our state university campus needs to look like the State of New York.
Towson University Black Student Demands
1. Increasing the number of black faculty on the tenure track by 16% by 2018. (Fall 2018)
2. Require ALL faculty and staff to take at least one cultural competency course every semester led by at least one person in the Center of Student Diversity office. (Fall 2016)
3. Require IFC Fraternities and Pan-Hellenic Sororities to have a Diversity Chair who will promote diversity within their respective organizations and interact with multicultural organizations on campus. (Spring 2016)
4. Reallocate and Redistribute funds given to white fraternities, sororities, and organizations more equally to black fraternities, sororities, and organizations. (Spring 2016)
5. Require the SGA to maintain harmonious communication with the Diverse Organizations and their leaders on campus through physical contact, wherein bills and policies that will affect the black student body will be made known and aware to them. (ASAP/Fall 2015)
6. Require the Diverse Focus Forum and other top-level diversity institutions to have at minimum one person of color on their board. White women should not be given positions to speak on behalf of what it is black students want from their university. (Fall 2016)
7. Require the College Promotion and Tenure Committee and other major University committees (admissions, graduate studies, etc) to have a person of color on the committee when deciding who will and will not receive tenure. (Spring 2016)
8. Require the Director Positions in the SGA to be elected by the people of this university instead of appointed, hired, and/or interviewed by the President. The Diversity Chair is a direct representative of minority students and should be elected directly by and for minority students. (Spring 2016)
9. Return the Towson University Debate Team to a traveling debate team by next semester. The Debate Team is an intellectual fixture in the Towson University black community where black students have been nationally successful and active contributors to bringing justice to black people at this institution. (Spring 2016)
10. Utilize an honest and strict no-tolerance policy on racial, sexual, and homophobic epithets for faculty, staff, and students with the same sincerity as the University’s no-tolerance policy for drinking and smoking. This means that when racial, sexual, and homophobic epithets are said the University will impose real consequences from citations to even potential expulsion. The mental and emotional health of this University’s black students across all intersections need to be taken as seriously as their physical health. (ASAP/Fall 2015)
11. Require that policing practices be equitable for black events and white events alike. (ASAP/Fall 2015)
12. Require a course on American race relations. (Fall 2016)
13. Ensure that the results of Professors who receive tenure be made public so that the student body will always be informed about which Professors did and did not receive tenure. (Spring 2016)
Tufts University Black Student Demands:
President Monaco, Tufts University Administrators, and Board of Trustees,
On November 13th, 2015, as Tufts University president, you sent out an e-mail titled “Building an Inclusive Community” in reaction to the recent protests by Black college students in Missouri and other universities across the country.
Your message addresses the previous top-down solutions to campus racism that Tufts has proposed, including the creation of the Africana Center in 1969 and the hiring of a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) in January of this year. While these steps are significant, we must not lose sight of the reality that the Black community has historically had our needs both dismissed and deferred by this institution. We have noted little effort from the CDO, Mark Vargas, to engage with Black students on campus, and we acknowledge that it was the history of Black student activism that eventually convinced Tufts to compromise and provide the Africana Center instead of establishing the Black Studies Major that Black students had been fighting for in 1969. We recognize that this struggle was revitalized in 2011 when, once again, Black student activism led to the creation of the Africana Studies major.
Additionally, your message suggests an increase in cross-racial dialogue in order to build a more “inclusive community.”
However agreeable this may sound, the reality is that taking this suggestion would disproportionately benefit White students. An increase in cross-racial dialogue puts the burden of educating White people about race on people of Color, on whom the majority of the burden already is being placed, and this education is a labor. It is a labor that is both emotionally and intellectually taxing. It is a labor that goes unpaid for students of Color, meanwhile race-evasive professors receive full salaries and benefits. It is an unpaid labor by students of Color, enacted on a campus built on a former slave plantation that was stolen from Indigenous peoples – the perpetuation of institutional racism. In this moment, we find ourselves at the intersections of history yet again. Tufts’ Black student enrollment and retention are falling as the university’s endowment and total undergraduate population are rising. It is an undeniable reality that students of Color resist racism every single day on this campus. This is not rhetoric that Tufts hasn’t heard before. Every day this reality goes unaddressed is an assault on our bodies. It is an assault on our education. It is an assault on our people.
We, a large collective of Black students at Tufts University, uniting under the name #TheThreePercent, have come together to demand that Tufts address our treatment as second-class citizens by this university. #TheThreePercent refers not only to our underrepresentation here as undergraduate students, but also to the same numerical underrepresentation that we have across Tufts faculty. We recognize that these demands are by no means all-encompassing, nor have we created them in order to suggest that their implementation will serve as a definitive solution to the systemic and interpersonal racism here at Tufts. Rather, woven into these words are the voices of the people of Color that came before us to this campus, whose narratives have been silenced and forgotten, heard and ignored. Imprinted into this page is the ink of the student activists that came before us to this campus, whose work was never translated into a grade point average. And guiding our message is the light we have seen in the radical professors that came before us to this campus, whose wisdom bolsters our resistance.
These words are our words. They are our truths. They are our demands.
The following demands are a result of the labor of generations of Black communities at Tufts University. The needs addressed in this document have been generated and written by Black people, about Black people, for Black people. In that, we mean to speak on behalf of solely the Black undergraduate students at Tufts Medford/ Somerville campus. We have not made these demands to imply that no other forms of institutional racism and oppression are perpetuated on this campus, but rather, in these demands is a collection of the specific changes that must be addressed in order for Tufts to carry out its obligations to its Black students.
Additionally, #TheThreePercent has organized with the intention of seeking authentic solidarity with non-Black students of Color and the factions of White students dedicated to social justice on this campus.
I. We demand that Black-identifying students make up 13% of Tufts’ undergraduate population.
While annual endowment, campus construction, and total undergraduate population have seen an increase in recent years, Tufts’ Black undergraduate population has consistently been dropping since 2003. In 2003, 7% of all undergraduates were Black-identifying. This percentage has since been cut in half, falling to where it is now, hovering between three and four percent.
We begin our demands with the understanding that Black Americans make up 13% of the United States’ total population. Any intention of the university to limit our representation significantly beyond this number is insidious, especially when comparable ivy-league universities such as Harvard and historically segregationist universities like the University of Mississippi have up to 12% and 17% Black undergraduates, respectively. Our implementation strategies for reaching 13% include:
• guaranteeing a minimum of 200 enrolled Black-identifying students for the class of 2020, each class thereafter should admit a minimum of 13% of Black-identifying students per class,
• setting up an endowed scholarship fund specifically for Black students from urban public schools
o holding monthly fundraisers in the dining halls that redistribute meal swipe money into this endowed fund
o working alongside Tufts Black Alumni Association (TBAA) in order to develop this fund
• implementing a policy for need-blind admissions
• Going into majority Black areas with the purpose of recruiting black students
II. We demand that Tufts be better prepared to address the mental health needs of Black students.
The 2013 Diversity Report addresses Tufts inability to provide adequate counseling services for Black students. Black students report seeking less support from Tufts Counseling, despite experiencing “a higher rate of unfair treatment due to culture” (page 59). In nearly two years since its release, Tufts has failed to hire a single full-time Black counselor and has not shown efforts to provide anything aside from temporary solutions. Our implementation strategies for meeting the mental health needs of Black students include:
- Hiring no less than two full-time Black counselors that specifically cater to the needs of Black students
- Forming a committee of no less than five Black undergraduates from diverse social locations, who play pivotal roles in the hiring process; these students should be nominated and chosen through the Africana Center
- Meeting this demand by the end of the fiscal year
III. We demand an immediate end to the racial profiling of Black bodies and the increased event surveillance of predominantly Black events by Tufts University Police Department (TUPD).
Black students on this campus face racial profiling, heightened surveillance, and discriminatory treatment from TUPD. Black organizations looking to host Campus center events have been forced to come up with an additional $1000 to pay up to five TUPD officers to stand inside these events and oversee Black students. These groups already have limited funding, due to the racialized funding distribution of TCU, and are then made to pay for the university’s racist surveillance. Additionally, we are made to empty our pockets, be frisked down, and walk through metal detectors. These practices have never been implemented at Fraternity houses, or any of the other predominantly white spaces that hold comparable events and have historically been responsible for the majority of underage drinking, sexual assault, and illicit drug use. Our implementation strategies include:
- Conducting an investigation into the history of racial profiling conducted by University police
- Implement a policy that does not permit any police officer to stand inside of a campus center event without justifiable cause
- Utilizing the activities fund at the Africana Center to take the burden of paying no more than two officers to stand outside of events
IV. We demand that Tufts be better prepared to facilitate the transition to Tufts for undocumented, international, and first-generation students.
Undocumented, international, and first-generation students – particularly Black and working-class students – have experienced difficulty supporting themselves financially during their time at Tufts. These difficulties result in less access to extracurricular engagement, and academic support, and an increase in feelings of isolation on this campus. Moreover, students across the nation are currently advocating that universities increase the minimum wage for students. On April 1, 2015, the University of Washington increased the minimum pay to students to $11. Students on financial aid must bear the burden of working extensive hours — some students have claimed up to 20+ hours — to fulfill their work-study program in addition to maintaining academic excellence. This puts students on financial aid at a higher risk of failing classes, not graduating, and being more susceptible to mental health issues caused by overworking such as depression and general anxiety disorder. Increasing the minimum student wage would decrease the number of hours a student would need to achieve their work-study program. Our implementation strategies include:
• Hiring a full-time financial advisor that specializes in meeting the needs of undocumented, international, and first-generation students. They will match these students with on-campus jobs by identifying locations that employ non-work study students, and will assist international and undocumented students in securing work permits.
• Increasing the minimum wage for students to $11/an hour
V. We demand a 25% increase in both the budget of the Africana Center and an increase in Black student agency in determining the operations of the Africana Center.
Outside of the Africana Center’s student organizations, Black students have little agency in determining the Center’s budget allocations.
With the increase in Black student enrollment, the Center will have increased financial needs that must also be met. However, allocating additional money to the Center that is not directly tied to additional student agencies will undermine not only the mission of the Africana Center but the university as a whole. Our implementation strategies include:
• Giving the Africana Center and its Peer Advising program the power to design their own pre-orientation program (see Team Q orientation program at Tufts University, First-Generation Pre-orientation program at Williams College)
• In the event that additional funds are not allocated to the pre-orientation program, they will be used to fund Africana Center-sponsored events
• Setting up an activities fund at the Africana Center for students without going through a specific student group
VI. We demand that Black professors make up 13% of Tufts total Full-Time and Part-Time faculty.
In the same vein that Black Americans make up 13% of the United States’ total population, we assert that having just 3% or 26 full- and part-time faculty is unacceptable. In order to provide more adequate academic support for Black students, Tufts faculty must reflect the Black representation of the student body. We as students on campus have recognized the lack of black professors in certain fields, such as STEM, which has discouraged black students from entering certain departments. Our implementation strategies include:
• Formulating Black professorships with Black students as an integral part of the hiring process
VII. We demand that Tufts redefine their commitment to “active citizenship” to hold Tufts accountable for their discriminatory practices against student activists.
Tisch College defines a person engaging in active citizenship as one who “understands the obligation and undertakes the responsibility to improve community conditions, build healthier communities, and address social problems” (Tisch). Currently, students engaging in active citizenship at Tufts and across greater Boston have been intimidated, disciplined, and demonized by the institution. It is discriminatory for Tufts to only value active citizenship when predominantly privileged students engage in it through this accredited programming. For these reasons, we will hold Tisch College accountable and we will be critical of the work they do under the Tufts name.
For example, Tisch’s 1+4 program sends students to work in predominantly Black, urban neighborhoods like Detroit, yet not only does Tufts not admit many students from this Black community, but the program also fails to send Black students to these cities. In the effort to extend Tufts’ definition of active citizenship, our implementation strategies include:
• Allowing student activists to draw from the activities fund at the Africana center to financially support movements
• Implementing a policy that recognizes grassroots student activism as an intellectual and academic endeavor.
• This policy must acknowledge the pain of racial injury and the labor of student activism as being justifiable means for academic extensions and must require professors to comply with the requests made by students.
VIII. We demand that Tufts be transparent about the demographics of its students, academic departments, and professors.
The 2013 Diversity Report and other documents that contain demographic information, such as Tufts Fact Book, are currently inaccessible to the everyday Tufts student. The statistics frequently lump together all students of Color, and fail to acknowledge the diversity within the Black community at Tufts. This information is valuable and must be accessible to students. Our implementation strategies include:
• Making the 2013 Diversity Report accessible to a wider audience by creating a specific report for the Africana Center
• Requiring academic departments to publicize their faculty diversity by race, gender, and ethnicity
• Increasing the transparency of diversity statistics on the Tufts University website
IX. In the event that any of these demands are unable to be met, we demand the university make a public response explaining the explicit rationale for their non-compliance.
UCLA Black Student Demands:
1. Annual funding for Black student Programming on and off campus. The Afrikan Student Union is one of the largest student organizations, yet, there is no operating budget, and we have to beg the university for every dollar we receive. An annual budget of what it costs to run an effective Black community will be presented to UCLA administration.
2. A UCLA Anti-discrimination policy. It is a shame that discriminatory and racist incidents continue to happen on campus, and those responsible do not face any repercussions. An anti-discrimination policy would outline exactly what discriminatory behavior looks like, and what the consequences are when such a policy is violated. Professor Sander broke no policy, the Kanye Western party broke no policy. This is unacceptable.
3. A $30 million dollar endowment to help support Black students financially, akin to the initiative that is being implemented at UC Berkeley. Many Black students must work 2-3 jobs in order to pay for the continuing rising costs of education. Funding is one of the reasons why many Black students do not apply to UCLA, and also a hindrance to many that are accepted. For a University that is as “diverse” as UCLA, something must be done to make sure that Black students are financially secure.
4. A commitment to the hiring of more Black faculty across the different academic disciplines. With a rise in Black faculty members, the university will see a rise in Black graduate students. Many Black graduate and undergraduate students have experienced racist sentiments from their respective departments. It will also undoubtedly lead to an increased retention rate for Black students, and other students of color.
5. Rebranding the Afrikan Diaspora Floor with Residential Life. Black students lack spaces where they feel safe and comfortable. The Afrikan Diaspora floor is a way for us to connect more to other Black students, the Afrikan Student Union, and the Afro-Am department. The floor should be branded as a safe space for all Black students.
6. The creation and support of a UCLA Afro-house. Many Black students cannot afford to live in Westwood with the high prices of rent. An Afro-house would provide a cheaper alternative housing solution for Black students, that would also serve as a safe space for Black Bruins to congregate and learn from each other.
7. Create a student advisory board for the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Equity Diversity and Inclusion. This will make sure students are able to hold UCLA administration accountable, and also work with administration in their charge to improve the campus climate.
8. Provide additional funding for the hiring of an additional Black admission officer to increase the amount of Black students applying and being accepted to UCLA. The University should also provide additional funding to the access programs on campus targeting Black students and students of color. These programs include SHAPE (Students Heightening Academic Performance through Education), VIPs, and EAOP.
9. Create a UCLA community schools in a predominately Black Area of Los Angeles. Black Students are one of the smallest populations at UCLA, and the university should be doing all it can to reach out to them. Currently, community schools are 80% Latino and 14% Asian. UCLA should be focusing on its smallest populations of Black and American Indian students.
10. Creation of a Black Student Leadership Task Force, comprised of Black alumni, students, Faculty, and Staff. Black student leaders are some of the hardest working people on campus, and lack institutionalized support from other members of the campus community would make Black student leaders have higher retention rate, and more training.
University of Alabama Demands:

1. Create a division of diversity and equity at the University of Alabama with a Vice President or Vice Provost of Diversity.
2. Remove the names of white supremacists, klansmen, confederate generals, and eugenicists from classroom buildings or include a visual marker to indicate the history of racism that the building’s namesake was associated with.
3. Increase funding for student organizations and offices that do intersectional work, specifically; Counseling Center, Women’s and Gender Resource Center, Safe Zone, Center for Service and Leadership, Crossroads, Wellness, and Gender and Race Studies Department.
4. Take steps to reinstate the Black Alumni Network with sufficient funding.
University of Baltimore Black Student Demands:
1. Increased Faculty Diversity & Opportunities for Minority Candidates
Historically people of color have faced many overt obstacles to achieve the same successes of their white counterparts when it comes to the working world. Institutional barriers still exist to this day that prevents minorities from reaching positions they would be fit for. We want to see this rectified.
Firstly, we want to see tenured and tenure-track faculty diversity increase by 20% and a 10% increase overall in faculty diversity by the 2018-19 Academic Year. Many studies show the negative impact on the learning experiences (and life experiences) of people of color at institutions where the diversity of the faculty and staff does not adequately reflect the diversity of the student body.
Secondly, we want an investigation into the HR screening and selection process. We have concerns in regard to the overall control and potential bias present in this process. We also want at least one of all finalists brought to campus to be a person of color.
We firmly believe in affirmative action and equal employment policies because the landscape today does not adequately make it fair enough for candidates of color to achieve positions or reach opportunities that should be available to them.
2. Cultural Competency Training & Training to Employ Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
This university is increasingly becoming a multicultural environment. With people from many diverse backgrounds, the opportunity to miscommunication and insensitivity is ripe. Specifically, this university has a problem with faculty being insensitive to students of color and promoting instances of outright discrimination and microaggressions. There is a responsibility for this university to create positive environments of learning and form effective working relationships amongst all in this community.
Cultural competency training should be given on a semester basis (this includes workshops, lectures, and interactive courses) and be mandatory for students, faculty, and staff. We also demand that faculty members are put through intensive training on how to implement culturally relevant teaching techniques and curricula that breeds an environment of inclusiveness and understanding in the classroom.
3. Diversification of Courses and Degree Programs
Historically, degree programs and classes are taught from a euro-centric point of view. It denies students of color the ability to identify with and understand the historical and practical implications of their ethnic backgrounds. Erasure is at play when classes and degree programs do not include perspectives of diverse backgrounds and have social implications.
An increase in courses that apply the skills and theories taught in each particular discipline to the issues and concerns facing marginalized communities (specifically History, Interdisciplinary Studies, and other classes that focus on perspectives from other cultures and demographics) is necessary. Along with that, they must employ culturally relevant pedagogy (refer to point above).
For degree programs, we want to see at least the following majors included: Africana studies, African-American studies, and Urban Renewal & Development.
4. Oversight and Accountability in Student Experience Disparities
There have been instances of disparities in how students of color are treated in situations versus white students. These disparities include claims of unequal treatment in the student disciplinary process, abuse of academic freedom by professors, and unequal access and support provided by Student Affairs employees that negatively impact cultural groups.
A standardized reporting and discipline process is necessary to counteract faculty who violate this trust with students. Along with this, a non-discriminatory clause should be placed in all syllabi. We ask for institutional reporting on student disciplinary outcomes broken down by ethnicity and gender, and an opportunity for students to be involved in the reform process if discrepancies are involved. Finally, we ask for a Cultural Tolerance Assessment to be completed by students, faculty, and staff on a semester basis that allows for instances of discrimination and bias to be reported anonymously and proper institutional reporting of the statistics.
5. Have Diversity Become a Top Five Goal on the Strategic Plan
Recruitment, retention, and academic support are the three greatest challenges to maintaining a diverse student body on this campus. Change in admissions standards resulted in a decrease in the diversity of incoming freshmen. Students were not consulted in this change, whereas faculty primarily drove this. There is also a perceived lack of recruitment from urban schools.
When it comes to retention, students of color face a far grimmer outlook than students. By making diversity a top five strategic goal, these issues will become institutional priorities. They will make sure proper academic support and efforts will be taken to maintain diversity on this campus. Included in this is making diversity come from within the community. It is unacceptable that this is a Baltimore city anchor institution without primarily recruiting from within the community.
6. Creation of Chief Diversity Officer position in the President’s Executive Cabinet & Affirmative Action/EEOC Officer
To show the seriousness in which this University is taking the issues of race and diversity we think it is necessary a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) position is made with executive-level privileges and access. This officer’s role will focus specifically on initiatives to create diversity and inclusion on campus and within the Baltimore community, they will oversee the process of making sure diversity is a primary motivating factor in setting curricula, infrastructure plans, policies, and programming.
We also want an institutional process for investigating instances of discrimination & bias brought against faculty and staff with meaningful disciplinary outcomes. To run this process we want the creation of an Affirmative Action/EEOC Officer who would also be the Title IX coordinator on campus. This person would have oversight and investigation ability.
7. Increase the scope, staffing, and financing of the cultural diversity center expanding beyond just student events.
The current role of the Cultural Diversity Center on this campus is completely underserving the university community. Its focus solely on student events and experiences discounts the fact that cultural diversity and inclusiveness is a campus-wide effort. The current staffing of the Cultural Diversity Center (one staff member) also gives off the impression that diversity is not a primary concern to this university.
To combat these issues and allow the Cultural Diversity Center to utilize a more prominent role in these initiatives, we call on their increase of the scope, staffing, and financing. We want them to be reorganized into the Office of Cultural Diversity (OCD), they would be directly overseen by the CDO.
University of California, Berkeley Demands:

WE DEMAND the creation of an African American Student Development Resource Center, to be named the Fannie Lou Hamer Resource Center, with a designated office space as well as space for hosting events, at a central campus location. This center is to be under the purview of the African American Student Development Office.
WE DEMAND the hiring of two full-time admissions staff members that have extensive experience working with Black students, and a series of enhanced recruitment strategies, with a budget of $300,371, to recruit Black students to UC Berkeley. We maintain that this funding comes from the Chancellor’s office and not from the Division of Student Affairs.
WE DEMAND the hiring of one full-time Program Director to work with the Recruitment and Retention Centers within the idgeulti cultural Resource Center, with a budget of $113,932. We maintain this funding comes from the Chancellor’s office and not from the Division of Student Affairs.
WE DEMAND the hiring of two fulltime psychologists that have extensive experience working with Black students at UC Berkeley. We maintain that the funding for this (which includes recruitment expenses) come from the office of the Chancellor.
WE DEMAND the current Getting into Graduate School (GiGS) mentorship program budget to be doubled in order to expand and strengthen the program
WE DEMAND the hiring of two fulltime Black Student Athlete Development Advisors be available and provide mentorship and academic guidance for all Black student-athletes.
WE DEMAND the immediate creation of a committee submit recommendations for the aggressive recruitment and retention of Black staff and faculty within and outside of the African American Studies Department. This Task Force shall have representatives from the African American Studies Department, the Director of the African American Student Development office, and the Black Student Union, among other key students, staff, faculty, and administration members.
WE DEMAND that the name of Barrows Hall be changed to Assata Shakur
WE DEMAND the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Vice Chancellor of Equity and Inclusion, and the Dean of Students meet with members of the Triad (Black Student Union, Black Recruitment and Retention Center, African American Student Development) at least once every academic semester.
WE DEMAND full funding to sustain the American Cultures and Engaged Scholarship (ACES) program at UC Berkeley. We demand that this funding comes from the Chancellor’s office and not solely from grant funding. Additionally, we demand two additional staff members to enhance the program.
WE DEMAND that all of our demands be fully implemented within the next 36 months and that the Chancellor give us his official response no later than 5 pm on March 6th 2015.
University of Cincinnati Student Demands:

1. We demand that the University of Cincinnati immediately restrict Phillip Kidd and David Lindenschmidt from patrolling on or off of campus.
2. We demand that the University of Cincinnati enforces a fully funded comprehensive racial awareness curriculum that is mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and police structured by a caucus comprised of students, community members, and administrators of diverse backgrounds to be put in place by the start of the 2017-2018 academic year.
3. We demand that the University of Cincinnati conducts holistic profiles including extensive background checks, mental evaluations, and accounts of past misbehaviors of all faculty/staff/police hired at the University of Cincinnati, starting immediately.
4. We demand a recurrent substantial monetary allotment to go to all offices and initiatives that directly support and impact the recruitment, retention, and matriculation of Black students on this campus, starting in the Fiscal Year 2017.
5. We demand that the University of Cincinnati allocate appointed voting student senate seats in Student Government from selected representatives from underrepresented communities (race, sexuality, and gender). Additionally, Student Government must report their composition each year including race, gender, sexual orientation, and other self-identifying information for each faction.
6. We demand that the University of Cincinnati hire at minimum 16 staff and senior Black faculty over the next 3 years, starting today, October 14th 2015.
7. We demand the University of Cincinnati doubles the amount of Black students on main campus over the next 3 years, starting today, October 14, 2015.
8. We demand that the University of Cincinnati builds a stand-alone AACRC or renovates in order for all of 60 W. Charlton to belong to the AACRC by August 1, 2018.
9. We demand that there exist a SACUB-funded student organization devoted to diversity initiatives and programming that promote cultural awareness, sensitivity, and competence by the start of the 2017-2018 academic year.
10. We demand that the University of Cincinnati divest from any companies involved in the operation of private prisons and establish a Socially Responsible Investment Committee (or at least adopt a socially responsible investment policy) for all investment transactions by the start of the 2017-2018 Academic Year.
University of Michigan Black Student Demands:
1. We demand the University give us an equal opportunity to implement change, the type of change that can only be completed with a full restoration of The Black Student Union’s purchasing power through an increased budget.
2. We demand the University give us available housing on central campus for those of lower socio-economic status at a rate in which students can afford to be a part of university life, and not just on the periphery.
3. We demand for an opportunity to congregate and share our experiences in a new TrotterMulticultural Center located on central campus.
4. We demand an opportunity to educate and be educated about America’s historical treatment and marginalization of groups of color through race/ethnicity requirements throughout all schools and colleges within the university.5. We demand for an equal opportunity to succeed with emergency scholarships for blacks students in need of financial support to eliminate the mental anxiety of not being able to focus on and afford the university’s academic life.
6. We demand increased disclosure of all documents within the Bentley Library. There should be transparency about the University and its past dealing with race relations.
7. Lastly and most importantly, we demand an increase in black representation on this campus equal to 10%.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Demands:
Academics and University-Wide Political Education
1. We DEMAND that the University incorporate mandatory programming for all University constituents (students, faculty, staff, administrators, deans, chairs, etc.) that teaches the historical racial violence of this University and town as well as a historical and contemporary look at the ways in which racial capitalism, settler colonialism, and cisheteropatriarchy structure our world. This will come from an ungraded course created and facilitated by a coalition of students as part of a broader task force of workers, students, and staff. There is an acceptance of oppression as the norm at this University that must be called out and addressed. The program will be vetted by a University professor of our choosing.
2. We DEMAND equitable funding allocated to the Department of African, African American, and Diaspora Studies and the Department of Women and Gender Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill. They perform a critical role at our University, creating spaces to engage in discussions and work against violent structures of privilege and oppression. In the wake of the Wainstein Report, Black Studies was scapegoated and pathologized on this campus — this was not only unacceptable, but something that was not addressed by the University at large.
Admissions and Retention
2. We DEMAND that standardized tests such as the SAT, SAT II, and ACT no longer be considered during admissions process, as high scores on these tests correlate most closely with higher household income, disproportionately benefiting wealthier, white students. Following in the steps of Wake Forest University, UNC-Chapel Hill must become accessible to students who are presently marginalized from attending.
2. We DEMAND the University publish data on the homepage of the UNC website on the graduation rates of Black, Indigenous, and Latina/o students at UNC that account for students who drop out or transfer, disaggregating data for race, gender, and class. Currently this information is well-hidden by the administration and we believe residents of North Carolina, especially students, deserve to see this data in order to hold this institution accountable to its mandate to educate the residents of North Carolina.
3. We DEMAND that the University publish data on the homepage of the UNC website on the admission rates of Black, Indigenous, and Latina/o students and disaggregates for race, gender, and class.
4. We DEMAND that the University follow-up with all students who have decided to withdraw from the University or transfer and determine why they left and publish this data. For instance, we find that Black and Indigenous men who leave are often academically eligible, meaning the issue is more nuanced and has structural determinants that are not being considered.
Board of Governors
1. We DEMAND the immediate firing of Margaret Spellings. And any future President of the UNC system must be decided collectively by students, staff, faculty, workers, and those living in North Carolina who are marginalized by the University space.
a. Margaret Spelling was chosen behind closed doors. The secretive firing of Tom Ross was done with the purpose of instituting someone invested in the corporatization of the University system.
b. She has shown herself to be homophobic, describing LGBTQIA+ people’s lives as “those lifestyles.”
c. She was one of the architects of the No Child Left Behind Act as Secretary of Education under George W. Bush, and thus was responsible for pushing standardized testing that has cemented institutionally racist practices into schools across the country.
2. We DEMAND that students and workers of our choosing will be included in all committees commissioned for the hiring of top tier administrators (i.e. Chancellor, Dean, President). The current president of ASG, the student body president, and president of GPSF are already involved in some of these processes, and clearly we cannot rely on a few tokenized students.
3. We DEMAND that every Board of Governors meeting have a session for public comment and petition.
4. We DEMAND that students, non-academic workers, academic workers, and other North Carolina Constituents be given a vote on the Board of Governors. As it currently stands, even issuing a single student vote is insufficient to shift the balance of power.
5. We DEMAND that University cafeterias, gym memberships, libraries, and class registration be free to all residents of North Carolina regardless of admittance into the institution.
6. We DEMAND increased funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Throughout North Carolina, the majority of HBCUs have experienced decreased enrollment over the past few years as a result of precarious state and federal support.
1. We DEMAND that the UNC Management Company and the Board of Trustees should begin researching and carrying out an immediate divestment from:
a. Private jails, prisons, and detention centers
b. Israeli Apartheid
c. Coal
2. We DEMAND that the investments made on behalf of the University should be made with more transparency to ensure the endowment of the University can be tracked according to the industry, company, and funds that are being invested in. This information should be made available to the public via an online database.
3. We DEMAND an endowment oversight committee of students and workers of our choosing be immediately instituted in order to create a framework for ethical guidelines that will facilitate University investment decisions.
Financial Ties
1. We DEMAND the University stop contracting with Aramark and all other corporate entities. Aramark is a corporation deeply invested in the expansion of the prison industrial complex (PIC) and hence the massively growing prison economy, which is targeted at criminalizing and caging working class Black people.
a. The University should re-hire all current employees of Aramark.
b. We know the history of the 1970 Lenoir Workers Strike, where 200 Black cafeteria workers went on strike in response to management attempts to crush union organizing. UNC privatized food services in 1971, just one year after the strikes. We know that UNC contracts with Aramark in order to avoid providing decent working conditions, benefits and pay for Black and Brown workers, while undermining their ability to unionize and collectively bargain.
c. All other current contracts should adhere to the same or better standards of labor as the University and UNC Hospitals until these institutions stop contracting with other corporations and begin employing workers directly.
2. We DEMAND that the University NOT privatize UNC Student Stores, whether with Follett Corporation or another group. We stand with the workers who have given years of service to the campus and have demanded UNC reevaluate its push for privatization.
3. We DEMAND that the University evaluate all companies it is currently licensing with, and make decisions to cut contracting with corporations proven to have deeply exploitative and abusive track records toward workers. Given that, we DEMAND UNC cut its current licensing with:
a. VF Corporation
i. Signing the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh is insufficient, because VF Corporation, which makes UNC apparel, has moved their sites of production outside of Bangladesh, effectively nullifying the Accord.
b. Nike
i. The University signed a near $40 million 10-year contract with the corporation in 2009. Follow the lead of the University of Wisconsin, which cut ties amid labor concerns.
Health and Well-being of Students of Color
1. We DEMAND that the University’s Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) be directed by a task force of our choosing which would oversee the hiring of mental health care providers, with a strong mandate to aggressively recruit and hire mental health professionals of marginalized backgrounds, especially people of color.
We DEMAND that all hiring of therapists should make the utmost priority to hire people of color with a strong structural analysis of mental health and anti-oppression. Students should be able to attend counseling sessions that do not reinforce and antagonize them based on oppression that is already forcing them into the counseling session in the first place.
2. We DEMAND that the limit of 6-8 individual counseling sessions be lifted and that all students regardless of full-time or part-time enrollment may receive mental healthcare services through CAPS according to their needs. All outside referrals should ensure that the cost of care will be truly affordable or free to the student.
1. We DEMAND Gender Non-Specific housing and bathrooms across UNC’s campus.
2. We DEMAND that the University take responsibility in stopping and reversing the ongoing displacement of working class Black people out of Chapel Hill and Carrboro and demonstrate this through investment in collectively-owned housing projects.
3. We DEMAND that the University decriminalize sleeping on campus or being on campus after midnight for non-students. We know these policies are primarily meant to police poor, Black, and Brown bodies on supposedly “public” space.
Police and Prison Abolition
1. We DEMAND a task force of students and workers of our choosing be immediately instituted in order to create a timeline and action plan to address the University’s relation to policing and penal institutions. The first initiative of this taskforce is for the University to provide a statement calling for a moratorium on jail and prison construction in North Carolina. We say this in the wake of a new, larger jail being planned for Hillsborough, NC, which will continue the practice of holding Black, brown, undocumented, poor, queer, trans folks and people with mental illness in captivity.
2. We DEMAND that cameras surveilling students, workers, and white supremacist monuments on campus be deactivated and removed.
3. We DEMAND that police are trained on de-escalation techniques, so that they avoid the use of force in seemingly antagonistic encounters. Similarly, we DEMAND that campus police participate in the University-wide political education in order to learn about how our institutions of policing, prisons, and the courts have their roots in racism.
4. We DEMAND an end to the list of people banned from the University campus, who we are certain are disproportionately poor and homeless people of color.
5. We DEMAND that UNC not privatize its police force and/or contract with other security or surveillance firms now or in the future. Still, a public police is no better, if not worse. Policing as an institution must be abolished, and must be replaced with restorative and transformative justice practices, rather than functioning as a mouth into our penal system.
6. We DEMAND that no additional funding be provided to the UNC Department of Public Safety and call for a divestment from policing on our campus.
7. We DEMAND the complete disarming of the UNC Department of Public Safety (UNC Police) and UNC Hospital Police.
8. We DEMAND that the University take it upon itself to take demonstrable actions to decrease police harassment, arrests, and general police contact with working-class, poor, and homeless Black and Brown people. The University as a form of white space necessitates intensified policing and surveillance in all of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, particularly on campus and on Franklin Street.
Racialized Geography
1. We DEMAND public condemnation of the anti-Black Confederate rally that occurred on this campus and their terroristic intimidation of Black students at UNC.
2. We DEMAND the removal of the racist Confederate monument Silent Sam and ALL confederate monuments on campuses in the UNC-system.
3. We DEMAND that Carolina Hall, a whitewashing of Saunders Hall, be renamed Hurston Hall. A plaque on the exterior of the building should make clear that William Saunders was a chief architect of white supremacy in North Carolina as a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.
4. We DEMAND a space on campus to highlight the many Black leaders who were and are Greek on this campus. This space will honor their contributions to this campus, the surrounding community, and this country. The importance of plots transcends Greek life and crosses into the territory of Black history and legacies that have been erased from the University, particularly since the University has felt the need to allow the Silent Sam statue to remain intact.
5. We DEMAND that the Black Student Movement (BSM) reclaim control of the Upendo Lounge in the Student and Academic Services Building. As early as 1972, BSM had its own space in Chase Hall, called the Upendo Lounge; however, Chase Hall was demolished in 2003, and BSM currently does not have a meeting place under their complete jurisdiction.
Tuition and Financial Aid
1. We DEMAND the elimination of tuition and fees for all students. In achieving this, we call for an immediate moratorium on tuition and fee increases, decreases until all students are graduating without student debt, and the establishment of financial aid that is loan-free and labor-free (no work-study). These demands cut across study abroad programs outside of UNC and need-based initiatives such as the Covenant Scholars Program. We know that merit scholarships reproduce inequality as they primarily benefit wealthier, white students. Hence, we aim to end the mythology of meritocracy that is pervasive in higher education.
2. We DEMAND in-state tuition and full financial aid for all residents of North Carolina, regardless of immigration status.
3. We DEMAND a tuition task force of students and workers of our choosing be immediately instituted in order to create a timeline and action plan to create this reality.
Workers: Academic and Non-Academic
1. We DEMAND more aggressive recruitment of Black faculty and faculty of color. This includes positions in CAPS and Campus Health practitioners.
2. For all faculty, administrative, and staff positions, make formal priority to hire formerly incarcerated people, refugees, Black, Indigenous, and Latina/o people.
3. We DEMAND a faculty-hiring and tenure task force of students and workers of our choosing with full decision-making authority be immediately instituted in order to create a timeline and action plan for hiring procedures and practices.
4. We DEMAND all department heads and deans of African, African American and Diaspora Studies, Asian Studies, American Indian Studies, Latin American Studies, and other similar departments and programs MUST be faculty of color.
5. We DEMAND that priority must be given to hiring and tenuring of faculty of color over white faculty in those departments, to the extent that 80% of the faculty of said departments must be made up of faculty of color. White professors must be discouraged from leading and teaching departments about demographics and societies colonized, massacred, or enslaved under white supremacy.
6. We DEMAND a University and hospital-wide minimum wage of at least $25.00/hour that is commensurate with the living costs of downtown Chapel Hill plus full benefits for all workers regardless of temporary, permanent, part-time, full-time, or contracted status. For a household with a single working adult and three children $32.86 is the full-time minimum wage required for a family to live decently in Durham/Chapel Hill. People should not be compensated for their labor so that they can merely get by, but so that they can thrive. We DEMAND that an increase in wages should never result in a cutting of hours. Workers must be paid enough to live, work, and care for family in Chapel Hill, as white supremacist, patriarchal capitalism has made housing prices skyrocket and rendered the town unaffordable to one too many.
7. We DEMAND that all administrators be compensated at the same rate as workers. UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Carol Folt currently receives a base salary of $570,000. Her pay is symptomatic of the way universities have a bloated administrative system with numerous over-paid workers in executive positions.
8. We DEMAND that all workers at the UNC system & UNC Hospitals have the right to unionize and collectively bargain. We DEMAND that the UNC-System and UNC-Chapel Hill advocate for the right to unionize and collectively bargain for workers on a state and national level.
9. We DEMAND a minimum compensation of $15,000 per course for all adjunct faculty.
10. We DEMAND that the University and UNC Hospitals stop employment discrimination against formerly incarcerated people. Numerous scholars and activists have pointed out how the U.S. criminal punishment system has racism ingrained in its roots, as it has been tasked with the duty of criminalizing and caging primarily working class Black people.
a. “Ban the box” on University and UNC Hospitals job applications.
b. Stop criminal background checks for all faculty, staff, and administration.
11. We DEMAND that free childcare and after school care is provided to all staff, students, and faculty at UNC and UNC-Hospitals. We DEMAND transportation from Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to afterschool programs at UNC. We DEMAND that the University and hospital actively advocate for all staff, students, and faculty be eligible to enroll their children in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools.
12. We DEMAND that student-athletes are recognized as University employees, paid a base salary $25.00/hour with benefits, and, further, compensated in accordance with the level of revenue that they bring to the University. We recognize that men’s basketball and football, via the exploitation of Black men, are central to the athletics industrial complex (AIC) that runs the University. Hence, we DEMAND a complete dismantling of the AIC in the long term — education should not be a mode of racist, capitalist accumulation.
13. We DEMAND that sexual violence and all forms of racist, gendered violence should be seriously addressed in employment practices on this campus, particularly against women of color in the Housekeeping Department.
a. Former Housekeeping Director Bill Burston sexually abused refugee women from Burma: they traded sex for jobs and he actively tried to hire these women in place of Black women.
b. UNC failed to protect María Isabel Prudencio-Arias from retaliation for speaking out against the case.
14. We DEMAND that all workers receive free monthly GO Passes and free parking through employment with UNC or UNC-Hospitals. We know that workers in the Triangle and particularly in Chapel Hill are forced to live far away in order to afford housing and pay astronomical costs for transportation.
15. We DEMAND language justice for all workers at UNC. Trainings, materials, and all communication should be made available in all languages that workers prefer. We recognize that the University relies on the labor of a large number of refugee workers and Latin American immigrants, and these workers should be provided with the same access to information and communication as English-speaking workers. Additionally, verbal instructions and communication should be made available in addition to written materials for all workers, as we recognize that workers are often denied proper education, even for English-speakers born in the U.S.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro Demands:
1. WE DEMAND equitable funding of departments and programs that elevate the histories and challenges of traditionally marginalized and poor communities.
a. Fully fund programs that study marginalized communities such as African American Diaspora Studies (AADS) and Women & Gender Studies (WGS).
b. Make Introduction to African American Diaspora Studies and Women & Gender Studies mandatory for all students.
2. WE DEMAND accountability to the larger community.
a. Stop the Gentrification of Glenwood. UNCG must stop any further plans to expand the campus into the neighborhood and work with the community to decide what to do with the property already purchased by the university.
b. No more UNCG police patrolling through Glenwood neighborhood. The campus police department is unaccountable to the residents of the Glenwood neighborhood and should not police that community.
c. UNCG must join the growing movement of divestment from companies and other financial entities profiting from fossil fuels, private prisons, and the Israeli Occupation of Palestine. The university must reinvest these funds into non-extractive community-driven development funds and projects.
3. WE DEMAND UNCG respect the dignity of students, staff, alumni, and broader community.
a. Resolve UNCG’s Student Debt Crisis. Increasingly more students, disproportionately those of color, continue to drop out because of the inability to keep up with the increasing costs of education. Many others graduate with thousands of dollars in debt. UNCG must freeze all fee increases immediately, immediately cut executive administration pay by 25%, and allow all current students to opt-out of athletic-related student fees.
b. End Rape Culture and gender violence on UNCG’s campus. In order to create safe learning, living and working environments for all of UNCG’s community, the university must respond to campus violence against marginalized individuals, including:
c. Mandatory Inclusive Consent Training for all incoming freshman and transfer students, and on-going consent training for Fraternity/Sorority houses and all campus dorm residents.
d. Fully fund and staff an on-campus LGBTQ center that is fully capable of meeting the needs of trans*, gender non-forming, and gender-fluid students and staff.
e. Improve access to mental health support resources.
f. Convene experts in the field from the Greensboro community to create and implement a swift, comprehensive, trauma-informed response to sexual assault and gender violence on campus.
g. Fully fund and staff an on-campus Rape Crisis Center that is fully capable to meet the needs of trans*, gender non-forming, and gender-fluid students and staff.
h. Immediately institute a living wage of $15/h and support the unionization for all campus workers. UNCG should follow the University of Virginia and the UC system in taking measures towards instituting living wages and the right to organize a union.
i. UNCG must call for the removal of Margaret Spellings, the new President of the UNC school system, due to her history of discriminatory statements and actions targeting traditionally marginalized communities, in particular LGBTQ people.
3. WE DEMAND the removal of policies, groups, symbols, and icons glorifying white supremacy.
a. Aycock Auditorium must be renamed.
b. No Hate Groups on Campus. Ever. Freedom of speech should not be used as a justification for rampant hateful language or opinions that further marginalizes historically oppressed communities.
c. Require diversity training for all faculty and staff (including campus police) that includes LGBTQ Safe Zone Training and is developed with input from students, faculty, staff, alumni and the broader community..
d. Hold administration, students, and staff (including campus police) accountable for racist statements, policies, actions, and attacks.
e. Hire more faculty and staff from traditionally marginalized communities! We need a staff as diverse as the student body and the communities UNCG exists in and interacts with!
University of Oregon Black Student Demands:
1. Change the names of all of the KKK-related buildings on campus. DEADY Hall will be the first building to be renamed.
a. We cannot and should not be subjugated to walk in any buildings that have been named after people that have vehemently worked against the Black plight, and plight of everyone working to achieve an equitable society.
b. Allowing buildings to be named after members who support these views is in direct conflict with the university’s goal to keep black students safe on campus.
c. We demand this change be implemented by Fall 2016 To University of Oregon Administration From Black Student Task Force
2. Create an African-American Opportunities program that is comparable, in scope and impact, to the Opportunities program for the Latino student population and community.
a. We strongly believe that having an African-American opportunities program which will feature participation and outreach by Black UO students is the best way of connecting with prospective Black students as well as the Black community.
b. We demand that the individuals that lead the African-American Opportunities program identify as Black/African-American. This format is suited to cater to the unique needs of black students in particular. Such a format is demonstrated in the outreach program currently offered for the Latino student body/community and we believe a comparable format will work for African-American student body/community.
c. We demand that all participating students identify as Black/African-American.
d. We demand that this program be autonomous and separate from UO Orientation and Ambassador Program
e. We demand that this program be totally separate from the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE)
f. We demand to be on the hiring committee of the prospective advisor and lead faculty of this program
g. We demand that all of the Black student outreach participants receive financial compensation for their time and effort.
h. We demand that this program be implemented by Fall of 2016
3. Commit to creating a Funding Resource and Scholarship initiative that is designed exclusively to support and meet the unique needs of students that identify as Black/African American.
a. The Diversity Excellence Scholarship is NOT enough.
b. Due to the state/national population imbalance, it is simply unfair for Black students to compete with low-income white students and students who identify as Hispanic/Latino for the same scholarships.
c. We demand a commitment to working to secure funding for this initiative by Fall 2016 and demand implementation by Fall 2017.
4. Commit to having Ethnic Studies 101 as a graduation requirement.
a. The current multicultural requirement is not enough. The ethnic studies specific requirement will require students to learn about the importance of United States history in the context of social inequality and injustice, while emphasizing the often overlooked histories of African-American as well as the histories of other underrepresented sub-groups in the United States.
b. Ethnic Studies 101 is a critical course that teaches students the importance of diversity in the United States. Without taking this course, students are not sufficiently prepared with basic cultural competence skills to navigate the diverse world.
c. We are committed to working with the Faculty Senate and implementing this demand.
d. We demand that this be mandatory for all incoming students by Fall 2016 5. Commit to creating an Academic Residential Community (ARC) that will feature African American history/Oregon Black Diaspora.
e. This residential community is a great way for Black students to connect with other Black students and foster a relationship with Black student organizations such as Black Women of Achievement, Black Student Union, Black Male Alliance, African Student Association, Black Law Student Association, and Black Greek Life.
f. This residential community will increase the students’ understanding of African American history and foster a positive relationship with Black faculty, as well as the past and present Black residents of Eugene.
g. We demand that this initiative be implemented by Fall of 2016
6. Commit to hiring an African-American advisor/retention specialist as well as Black faculty across all academic disciplines, especially major UO departments such as Architecture, Business, Education, Math, and Science departments.
a. Have a minimum of 2-3 Black students on each department’s hiring committee, including the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE).
b. Many Black students at the UO have experienced racist sentiments from their respective departments.
c. A rise in African-American advisors/retention specialist as well as faculty will help decrease racist sentiments and lead to an increased retention rate for Black students.
d. We demand a commitment to this initiative by Fall 2016 and demand implementation by Fall 2017.
7. Create a substantial endowment fund and support system to FUND AND OPEN a Black Cultural Center.
a. Commit to helping find and fund a space directly on campus.
b. A cultural center is a place with sufficient space to function as 1) a classroom to teach courses such as African-American history, and 2) a meeting space for black student organizations. This cultural center should also have room for art and artifacts that pertain to black history.
c. This will be akin to one that exists at Oregon State University. Most importantly, space will be place for ALL students to go and learn about Black history.
d. We demand a commitment to this initiative by Fall 2016 and demand implementation by Fall 2017.
8. Commit to creating a Black Student Leadership Task Force.
a. This Student Leadership Task Force should be comprised of three branches: 1. Black Students. 2. Black Alumni. 3. Black Faculty and Staff.
b. We have established the Black Student branch. As we look to establish the Black Alumni and Black Faculty and Staff branch, we request and expect your unwavering support.
c. We demand a commitment to this initiative by Fall 2016 and demand implementation by Fall 2017.
9. Commit to conducting seminars and workshops by bringing in a black faculty from a peer institution who specializes in Black history and contemporary black issues.
a. Commit to 6 seminars/workshops each school year.
b. We demand that this initiative be implemented by Fall 2016
10. Commit to creating a Student Advisory Board for The Office of Equity & Inclusion and Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE).
a. We expect the advisory board to consist of students of color.
b. We expect the advisory board to be comprised of Black Students at UO. Moreover, we expect black student representation to be equal to the other under-represented student populations under CMAE
c. This will allow Black students to be involved and hold administration accountable for the hiring of staff and faculty as well as the overall turnover within CMAE.
d. We demand that this initiative be implemented by Fall 2016
11. A commitment to immediate change of Fraternity & Sorority Life Baseline Standards for University recognition.
a. The following is one of the Chapter Requirement for Recognition at the University of Oregon: A University of Oregon recognized Fraternity or Sorority must consist of 5 or more University of Oregon Incidental Fee paying students. Additionally, Oregon Fraternity Sorority Life (OSFL) does not recognize city wide or metropolitan chapters and therefore, all chapters must be based and chartered exclusively at UO.
b. This regulation is directly and structurally targeting Historically Black Fraternity and Sororities. In turn it is affecting the admission and retention of Black students at the UO.
c. We are demanding that the UO OSFL reduce the number of UO Incidental Fee Paying students to 1. Moreover, we are demanding that the UO OSFL recognize city wide or metropolitan Black Fraternity and Sorority chapters.
d. We are demanding that the UO administration, led by President Schill, fully support our effort in changing the aforementioned regulation.
e. We demand a commitment to this initiative by Spring 2016 and demand implementation by Fall 2017.
12. Commit to immediately keeping and publishing data on efforts to increase Black student acceptance, retention, and SAFETY.
a. We demand a commitment to this initiative by Winter 2016 and demand implementation by Fall 2017.
University of Ottawa Demands:
1. Equity Training for all staff, support staff, and central administration.
2. Therapists of Color to be hired at the human Right Centre.
3. The creation of a Black studies department.
4. Reserved space for a racialized students Centre.
5. Divestment from prisons and investment in communities.
6. Free tuition for all black and indigenous students.
University of Puget Sound Demands:
1. We demand that the University of Puget Sound build a Cultural Center in the space that will be available where Warner Gym currently resides. The current space given to students in the SDC is insufficient and limited. It is unable to meet the needs of marginalized students on campus, as over 30 clubs battle for time and space. It often is overcrowded and presents safety hazards, and the building itself is badly in need of repairs and additions. Student leaders from the University’s identity and faith-based clubs must be included in the layout and design of this new building. The University must provide sufficient space in the Cultural Center to allow for cultural events and programming, club meetings, a kosher kitchen, and a lounge.
2. We demand that the Office of Admission schedule diversity programming that highlights opportunities for involvement and inclusion for all prospective students who may identify with a traditionally marginalized identity. This programming should be in coordination with representatives from identity and culturally-based clubs for prospective students during Discover Puget Sound and Admitted Students Days.
3. We demand that all campus tours visit the Center for Intercultural and Civic Engagement and the Student Diversity Center and include information about cultural programming, opportunities, and safe spaces on campus. Further, we demand there be an option for tours to be conducted in the variety of languages that our university offers (i.e. Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and American Sign Language) and include information about where the nearest gender-neutral bathrooms are.
4. We demand that the Office of Admissions seek out students from underrepresented populations by visiting their communities and schools. We specifically demand that Admissions visit schools and communities that meet the following criteria:
1) Public High Schools
2) Schools with populations less than 30% Caucasian/White identifying
3) Low-income communities with a predominance of households earning less than twice the federal poverty line. This is a necessary demand to ensure students in these communities know of Puget Sound and have access to our institution.
5. We demand that the University of Puget Sound provide institutional support allowing students from cultural and identity-based groups (i.e. Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos, and Q&A) to be present during New Student Orientation. This support must include room and board, as well as designated time and space to develop meaningful relationships with incoming students who identify as a person from a marginalized or minoritized background.
6. We demand that Student Financial Services immediately endow the BSU’s One More Scholarship and Latinos Unidos for Cultural Education (LUCE) Leadership Scholarship to demonstrate the university’s commitment to ensuring students from diverse cultural backgrounds feel financially supported.
7. We demand that the University of Puget Sound require all students involved in our varsity sports teams, Greek Life, university faculty, and university staff members to attend a mandatory Diversity Summit provided by the Center for Intercultural and Civic Engagement.
8. We demand that the administration physically and financially support Peer Allies in order to demonstrate an institutional commitment to both supporting survivors of sexual assault as well as fostering a campus community of consent and respect.
9. We demand the university provide the Dean of Diversity and Inclusion and Title IX officer with additional staff to aid in the search processes to hire professors from underrepresented identities in disciplines that reside outside of their racial and sexual/gender identity. We demand these professors specifically be hired in STEM, English, Music, Theater, Politics & Government, Business, and International Political Economy which are disciplines traditionally filled by dominant identity groups.
10. We demand that students of the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound (FEPPS) at Purdy Women’s Correctional Facility receive equal course credit to students enrolled at UPS. Female students at Purdy who are enrolled in classes taught through FEPPS must receive credit towards a University of Puget Sound Bachelor’s degree.
11. We demand that before the presidential transition, the current administration of the University of Puget Sound personally guide Gender and Queer Studies and Latino Studies through the same framework toward becoming a major as established by African American Studies.
12. We demand that the future President-Elect of the University of Puget Sound be required to attend a meeting of every identity and faith-based group on campus to better understand the realities of the current campus climate and the needs and concerns of students moving into the future.
University of San Diego Demands:
Campus Culture and Leadership
I. We demand that President James Harris publicly state that Black Lives Matter. We demand that he do so without the clause “All Lives Matter” – for though all lives do matter, Black lives in particular have been the target of 400 years of unabated brutality. Such a clause invalidates the struggle and full humanity of Black people. We also demand that President James Harris participate in the custom amongst activists at USD of wearing Black Lives Matter shirts every Wednesday.
II. We demand that the Center for Inclusion and Diversity, the United Front Multicultural Center, and other centers on campus dedicated to diversity and social justice be radically decolonized and student-run. This includes a reevaluation of the operations of these centers, the nature of the support and funding they receive, and the extent to which they achieve their professed intentions.
III. We demand that the university’s current mascot, Diego Torero, be replaced by a non-human mascot, as Diego Torero is a racist and derogatory caricature of Spanish men.
IV. We demand more people of color, queer-identified people and women represented in positions of administrative and student leadership.
V. We demand the active inclusion of cultural, LGBT and feminist student organizations in the planning of campus events related to the concerns of these organizations.
VI. We demand the establishment of Black and multicultural Greek life on campus. We demand that representatives from Black and multicultural Greek organizations be present at the Alcala Bazaar, USD Greek functions, and other Greek events and operations.
VII. We demand the creation of a comprehensive orientation on racial, gender, and queer inclusion and diversity, mandatory to students, staff, faculty, and administration and maintained by a board comprised of students, staff, and faculty from diverse, less privileged backgrounds.
VIII. We demand that representatives from the university’s administration acknowledge the colonialist legacy of Junípero Serra, who established the Catholic California mission system that massacred the vast majority of native peoples in California. We demand that Serra Hall be renamed to a designation chosen by a coalition of native students, staff, and faculty.
IX. We demand that Yik Yak, an anonymous social media application, be banned from the USD area, as it provides a platform for hate speech inflected with racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and, especially recently, islamophobia, amongst several other bigotries.
X. We demand the installation of gender-neutral bathrooms in every building on campus.
I. We demand the increased employment of faculty of color and women faculty in every academic department, in every school at USD. In particular, we demand a 10% increase in the number of tenured Black professors in every academic department by November 18th, 2020, 5 years from today.
II. We demand the expansion of the Ethnic Studies department, which, in its current state, fails to meet the educational needs of the campus. There are currently 4 full-time faculty in the Ethnic Studies department. We demand that this number is tripled to 12 full-time faculty by November 18th, 2020, 5 years from today. We demand a significant increase in the number of Ethnic Studies courses provided each semester and the Ethnic Studies events made available to the entire university.
III. We demand that an Ethnic Studies course be a core curriculum requirement for all students. We also demand a rigorous reevaluation of the courses that currently fulfill the core curriculum’s diversity requirement, led by a board comprised of faculty of color who would be compensated for this service.
IV. We demand the development of a Gender and Queer Studies department with at least 12 full-time faculty.
V. We demand greater diversity in the honors program, in particular a dramatic increase in the number of Black and Latinx honors students, within the next 3 years.
Admissions, Retention and Support
I. We demand that the university strengthen its partnerships with high schools with large populations of students of color, including, but not limited to: Lincoln, Mission Bay, Garfield, Hoover, and Mar Vista, to promote the admission of more a more diverse group of students to USD.
II. We demand that all statistics and promotional material for USD be reevaluated and revised for accuracy, particularly in regard to the population of students, staff, and faculty of color, by a committee of student and faculty representatives of color and third-party statisticians.
III. We demand a rigorous revision of meal plan options, led by a diverse coalition of students, to make them more accommodating to socioeconomically disadvantaged students, commuter students, and students with alternative dietary needs, and ultimately make nutrition and nourishment accessible to all students.
IV. We demand a reformation of the university’s distribution of financial aid, such that it is significantly more accommodating for students of working- and middle-class backgrounds. This reformation must include the following adjustments:
a. Students continue to pay the amount of annual tuition that they paid their first year in the succeeding years of their education, unless the change in tuition is advantageous to them, i.e., the cost of tuition lowers in the succeeding years.
b. Students awarded external scholarships will not have their financial aid, provided by the university, diminished in any way. Outside scholarships and financial aid awards will remain completely separate and one will not have bearing on the other.
c. Students who live on campus will not have their financial aid diminished if they choose to move off campus.
V. We demand that the university greatly increase the number of counselors of color in both Career Services and Student Wellness. We also demand an increase in resources and support groups for queer and trans students of color.
VI. We demand that donors and patrons of USD have absolutely no monopoly upon the politics, configuration and affairs of the university. The university’s recent history has demonstrated how such inequitable power breaches the intellectual freedom that educational institutions such as USD are required to defend and utterly corrupt university administration.
University of South Carolina Demands:

1) We demand that our university acknowledge that this institution was built on the backs of enslaved Africans. Further, we expect that this acknowledgment is included in tours, especially areas like the garden directly behind the president’s house where slaves were once housed. This acknowledgment should be reflected in markers on historic buildings. Additionally, we expect that the university will raise the plaque marking the AAAS tree to increase its visibility.
2) We demand that our university improve and expand minority recruitment efforts in order to increase racial diversity on our campus. We call for the creation of a minority scholars program through the South Carolina Honors College.
3) We demand that our university provide gender-neutral housing and restrooms that are accessible and convenient. We call for our university to create a streamlined process for changing gender markers and names within university databases and records. We require that university personnel use personal gender pronouns as indicated by the individual. Additionally, we ask that our university provide informed, comprehensive health and mental health care that meets the specific needs of transgender students and ensure that all health and mental health care providers are competent on transgender issues.
4) We demand that our university acknowledge gender identity and expression as protected classes under Title IX.
5) We demand that a transparent and independent investigation be launched into the following university administrators: the Executive Assistant to the President for Equal Opportunity Programs; the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Academic Support, Student Life and Development; and the Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice Provost and Dean of Students.
6) We demand that our university increase the funding allocated to the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs. Additionally, we require that OMSA be housed in a new cultural center that celebrates all identities. As campus continues to grow, it is imperative that support for all students continues to grow.
7) We demand that our university increase funding for the Counseling Center, so that there are more available appointments and more appointments provided free of charge to each student.
8) We demand that all faculty and staff, especially those who engage students on a regular basis, participate in a mandatory diversity training provided by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. This training should be intersectional and representative of a wide variety of identity groups.
9) We demand that our university institute a policy of transparency through data collection and dissemination on the topics of admissions and enrollment, campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, and hazing by providing existing statistics in a communicable way and conducting new research to better identify its problems on campus.
10) We demand that our university provide a social justice minor and cognate to expand its current offerings to undergraduate students.
11) We demand that the Office of Student Disability Services be renamed the Office of Accessibility and Accommodation Services. Additionally, we call for the advancement of student knowledge of this office through new student orientation, residence life, the counseling center, psychiatric services, and student health services.
12) We demand that USC Homecoming be restructured to accurately reflect and celebrate the various communities and cultures that exist and continue to grow within our campus, our alumni, and our community. As it stands, Homecoming is just for some, but we all want something to come home to.
University of Southern California Equality Demands:
By USC Undergraduate Student Government:
BE IT RESOLVED, the University of Southern California adopt the following policies to effectively measure and improve the diversity, equity, and inclusion climate on USC’s campus relevant to ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, gender, sexuality, and ability,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California hire a Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with experience and expertise in diversity and equity as well as inclusion who will be responsible for developing a strategic plan to improve the campus climate and have oversight of student, faculty and administration in regards to diversity, equity and inclusion,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will have oversight of multicultural and minority affairs, international affairs, student support services, cultural centers, retention and pipeline offices, community outreach initiatives, training and development operations, equity and compliance offices, and research units,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Academic Deans hire a Vice Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for each academic division or school at the university who would have involvement and influence in the hiring and promotion of faculty and staff, and the recruitment, yield and retention of both undergraduate and graduate students within their academic division or school,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty, staff and alumni representing the various multicultural groups affiliated with USC, are involved in the selection process for the Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as well as the Vice Deans of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California Academic Division or School Vice Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion employ graduate and undergraduate students in the form of graduate assistants and student workers, respectively, to advocate for diversity support and coordinate for inclusion programming,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Vice Deans of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion require and ensure that each syllabus within an academic division or school at the university include information on the resources available to students for reporting bias, discrimination and Title IX violations and that they work with departments to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion components in course curricula, (e.g. introduce multiple perspectives when discussing subjective material; multiple perspectives include, but are not limited to, various scholarly theories and authors of different backgrounds),
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California increase transparency, accountability, and accessibility of demographic metrics (race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, etc.) of students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty (tenured, non-tenured, clinical and adjunct) and staff (university officers, academic administrator and support staff).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California increase transparency (e.g. provide easily understood flowcharts or infographics of the process for reporting incidences of bias), accountability (e.g. provide students who have filed a timeline for follow-up), and accessibility (e.g., place the information or links to the information on the main pages of all USC websites for or referencing bias and discrimination), of metrics from the Bias Assessment Response and Support Bias Reporting forms and general information (total number of reports each year, type of complaint [race, gender, etc.], incident location [school, department, off-campus houses/ venues, etc.]) from Title IX/Discrimination Complaints reported to the Office of Diversity and Equity,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California hire an additional Title IX investigator to ensure timely handling of student code of conduct violations under the purview of the Title IX office,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California develop a Diversity Strategic Plan endorsed by the Trustee Board Chair, championed by the University President, and led by the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to measure and analyze diversity, inclusion and equity within a year as well as publically report and significantly increase recruitment, enrollment/hiring/appointment, and retention of students, as well as the recruitment, yield, and retention of faculty, staff, and trustees of underrepresented populations so as to be competitive with our colleagues at peer institutions in these areas by 2025,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California specifically outline its definition of “diversity” and recommit itself to that definition of diversity,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California creates opportunities where students, faculty, and administration can intermingle and intermittently have directed dialogues regarding issues on campus, in the community, and within the nation and world at large,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California has administrators hold public office hours for the purposes of accessibility and transparency towards students,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California create an international student resource center to foster community, promote education and provide resources beyond paperwork assistance for international students, within the same framework as other cultural resource centers (e.g. Asian Pacific American Student Services, Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs, El Centro Chicano, the LGBT Resource Center),
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California implement mandatory, recurring online diversity and cultural competency trainings for faculty on campus with an additional mandatory in-person workshop led by cultural resource centers for questions and dialogue,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California implement mandatory, yearly, in-person diversity and cultural competency trainings led by cultural resource centers for student leaders on campus, including but not limited to all student government (Undergraduate Student Government, Graduate Student Government, Residential Student Government, etc.), Greek Councils, and all university-recognized student groups,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California implement mandatory first-semester online training for distance learning students and in-person training for on campus students on diversity, equity, and inclusion during orientation related to issues of race, gender sexuality, etc.,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California re-implement the Diversity Requirement for all incoming students, and students must complete the Diversity Requirement within their first four semesters at USC. All classes must include a discussion of contemporary race, class, and gender or a framework that can be applied to contemporary race, class, and gender in order to fulfill this Diversity Requirement. These classes should introduce multiple perspectives when discussing subjective material; multiple perspectives include, but are not limited to, various scholarly theories and authors of different backgrounds. The new Diversity Requirement will be integrated into the GE system through a grandfather clause so students can fulfill the Diversity Requirement while completing their General Education requirements,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California invest in the growth, expansion, and visibility of cultural resource centers, which are currently understaffed and underfunded,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California create a multicultural center at the new University Village to be opened for use in 2017 in order to encourage students to learn about the various identities and cultures at our university. This center will also retain the cultural specific models of Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs, LGBT Resource Center, El Centro Chicano, and Asian Pacific American Student Services, with discrete offices and full staff allotted for each,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California hire an outside vendor by 2016 to conduct a Campus Climate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion survey annually, and upon the completion of the survey provide recommendations based on annual trends that will be disseminated with the data publicly and accessibly,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California establish an endowed fund and allow for donations to be specifically directed this fund of $100 million for scholarships, fellowships, programming, and mentorship for both graduate and undergraduate students as well as tenured and tenure track faculty positions from underrepresented backgrounds by 2025,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California will earmark donations from its $6 billion endowment goal to provide for the measures listed above and no moneys will be diverted away from current student resources and initiatives for underrepresented populations (i.e. cultural centers),
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the University of Southern California will implement the measures listed above, contingent on the necessary funds being supplied without raising student tuition or through the application of additional student fees
University of Toronto Student Equality Demands:

1. Stop the funding freeze to the Transitional Year Program. Increase its funding and provide it with a standalone, autonomous space and the recognition it deserves as a pioneering program gifted to the University of Toronto from the Black community. The Transitional Year Program has helped hundreds of students over the years, and the systemic erasure of the program by the administration is shameful.
2. Address the underrepresentation of Black administrators, faculty, and teaching staff with the goal to increase the percentage of black faculty and staff members to at least 8.5 percent (proportional to the population of Black people in Toronto) by 2017-18. One of the primary experiences students referenced was frustration at never seeing themselves represented amongst even our teaching assistants, let alone their faculty and administration. This lack of representation, even in programs where we would be represented. This is a major issue that the University of Toronto should investigate and seek to address, in the same manner as would be done if this was an issue of gender.
3. Intentionally address the underrepresentation of Black students, especially in professional programs and graduate programs. While the university often uses our images to promote itself as a diverse campus, our presence on campus is disproportionately small, especially in very expensive programs. You should begin by collecting census data so that we can accurately assess and effectively address the issue. You should also create a strategic plan to increase retention rates for marginalized students, sustain diversity curriculum and training, and promote a more safe and inclusive campus by 2016-17.
4. Develop a two-year plan to establish, adequately fund, and support a standalone African & Caribbean Studies Department. Despite Canada’s history with respect to enslavement, the benefits Canada received as a result of enslavement, the establishment of Black refugee communities, Canada’s continued direct involvement in the economics and politics of the Caribbean and Canada’s role as one of the most favored destinations for diasporic migrants of African descent, there is very little support given to the existing undergraduate African Studies and Caribbean Studies programs. Even more egregiously, there are no such programs in existence at the graduate level; an omission we doubt could occur with other regions of the world and be ignored in assessments of UofT’s rankings.
5. Establish mandatory equity training for all faculty, students, governors, and all other administrative bodies. This entails mandatory anti-oppression training for all persons employed by the University, and an equity breadth requirement for all students.
6. Solicit and increase the number of scholarships and funding resources available to Black students and Black students only, especially in professional, graduate, and Phd Programs. Financial insecurity is one of the most limiting factors t the academic success and attainment of Black students. The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) has systematically worked against providing Black students with adequate monetary resources to finance undergraduate and graduate education. Additionally, there are very few U of T scholarships and bursaries designated specifically for Black students to ensure their scholastic achievement and success. The University of Toronto should also work to ensure they are reaching out to those who have specified funding resources available to them.
7. Establish counseling and mental health services on the U of T campus that are culturally appropriate and representative for addressing the mental emotional, and psychological needs of Black students. Current health services at U of T lack the African epistemology to understand the mental health needs of Black students. Mental health services at U of T fail to acknowledge how the intersection of racism, classism, and sexism has negatively impacted the well being of Black students.
8. Divest from the American for-profit prison industry. The University of Toronto has several relationships with some of the largest investors in for-profit, private prisons and corporations who benefit off of prison (slave) labor. Black people are disproportionately targeted and incarcerated throughout North America in a racist policing and incarceration system. Our tuition dollars should not support such a system, and U of T should be taking a proactive approach in making ethical investments and spending responsibly.
9. Implement free education for Black and Indigenous students. As a result of years of colonization of Black and Indigenous people, the University of Toronto is a beneficiary of the twin project of:
a. Dispossessing Indigenous people of their land; and
b. The slave labor of the Americas, was responsible for enriching Britain and its colonies.
c. In recognition of this history and in its resultant responsibility, the University of Toronto should ensure free admission to Black and Indigenous students.
University of Virginia Student Equality Demands:

Establish a Culture of Truth:
1. President and Dean of Students should deliver statements promoting acceptance and acknowledging the University’s deeply troubled history. These statements must acknowledge past and present racial and gender discrimination, as well as the need for full participation to repair a broken community.
Such remarks should not reference Thomas Jefferson, because of his decidedly mixed racial legacy – one with which this university has not yet come to terms. Our administrators, instead, should endorse a progressive mentality in line with the current times; the statements should address inequality, cross-cultural biases, and the very real feeling of isolation by some in the university community.
According to President Teresa Sullivan, “scholarship done right is a search for truth. It requires that we examine assumptions and question what we know. It includes the expectation that we can and will change our minds as we learn”. the president’s Commission on Slavery is the first step, but few must confront that committee’s careful work in their day-to-day experience. Our administrators must encourage the student body to search for truth and to examine our assumptions; that begins when we grapple with a shared history that affects Grounds today, instead of ignoring it.
These administrators must also publicly acknowledge that the University’s tense racial history did not end with emancipation, or with the integration of the University’s student body, but continues into today.
2. To restore meaningful dialogue, administrators and student media outlets must use existing communication channels to start, continue, and deepen our discussion of racism and ethnocentrism. Posters in First-Year dorms and on Stall Seat Journals, and other educational, promotional tools should focus on prejudice and oppression and should offer examples of implicit biases in student-to-student, faculty-to-student interactions. and student-to-Charlottesville resident interactions. Student-run University agencies such as The Honor Committee and The Student Council should prioritize the creation of initiatives aimed towards engaging the student body in conversations surrounding race and inclusivity as elements of our University ideals. 2 The HonorCommittee, after all, has attempted to take responsibility for the ideal of honor – social behavior, including accepting and embracing cultural pluralism, is very much a part of this ideal.
3. President Sullivan should order the creation of a mandatory online summer cultural competency training module and a fall orientation presentation. This training should include a University-wide online training module on discrimination and micro-aggressions, akin to the alcohol awareness online course, which is mandatory for incoming first years to complete. A similar training module should be created for all incoming faculty. Subsequently, the Vice President for Student Affairs should provide funding for minority groups to develop a mandatory session on race relations on grounds to be held during fall orientation, similar to the discussion on sexual assault held in JohnPaul Jones Arena. The intent of the module and fall orientation presentation will be to become conscious of behaviors and language that might alienate or isolate other students. Faculty and students should take active roles in developing this module. ResidentAdvisors should be part of creating these modules. Then, VPSA should require all HRL staff, including professional staff, to both take safe space training and undergo training on facilitating conversations about race, gender, and sexuality. Third, RAs should host discussions on the racial history of U.Va. and Charlottesville. Should a situation arise, students should feel comfortable going to their RA.
4. A required public comment period at Board of Visitors meetings. The Board of Visitors, including the Board’s Financial and Education Policy Committees, have made decisions about tuition hikes and AccessUVA cuts without publicly engaging with the students, whom all of their decisions directly affect. A public comment period during such major administrative meetings would provide exactly that opportunity. This public comment period would allow the administration to directly respond to the concerns of affected students and can occur before or after meetings. The City of Charlottesville currently has a defined public comment period, during which City Council members must listen to community concerns and can offer responses. The Board of Visitors should adopt this model.
5. President Sullivan should order an immediate and recurring in-depth study of the condition of Black people at the University of Virginia at all levels, akin to a 1987 “An Audacious Faith” commissioned by President Robert O’Neil. A representative committee should oversee the study, which should examine the condition of Black students, faculty, and staff, as well as the relationship between the University and the local Black community, thoroughly using both quantitative and qualitative measures.
The Black Student Alliance and Office of African American Affairs (OAAA) should each be able to appoint members to the oversight committee, while all three groups should be able to add items to the official agenda for the report. Topics examined regularly should include student race relations on Grounds, reporting on current and historical conditions, and quantifiable changes to Black student, staff, and faculty conditions on Grounds. The report must offer actionable and quantifiable recommendations to keep the University accountable. Furthermore, these recommendations should be adapted into policy and concrete changes.
6. Students of the University of Virginia must be knowledgeable and conscious about the history of racial oppression and discrimination in the current and historic U.Va. and Charlottesville communities. We offer two potential ways to provide this education:
a. Work with Faculty Senate and respective school Deans to create a required one-credit course (UVA101) for all First-Year students. This course would be similar to the Elon 101 course at Elon University. The course would discuss the founding of the University and the development of the University’s culture from various perspectives, including but not limited to race, gender, and socioeconomic status. Not only will this course challenges students to think critically about the institution they attend, but it would also give them an additional shared First-Year experience unique to U.Va.
b. Housing and Residence Life develop a semester-long project assigned according to First Year Residence during which students are tasked with identifying and addressing an issue related to existing forms of oppression – racism, sexism, classism – in the University and Charlottesville community.
c. Incoming First-Years should have a three-credit seminar requirement that analyzes systems of power in regards to race, sex, sexual orientation, and other areas. The purpose of these courses is to nurture and develop the critical skills necessary to be informed and socially responsible citizens. These courses would have a more comprehensive look into specific topics aiming at eliminating discrimination. Although the seminar is required, students would have the option to choose a variety of topics, similar to the current ENWR requirement. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences along with the Provost can determine which of the two options are most effective.
7. Deans of all Academic Divisions should work with the various DepartmentChairs and Program Directors to ensure the incorporation of minority perspectives and viewpoints in their coursework. We ask all faculty to refer to the open letter from students regarding what they need from faculty4. Every course should strive to recognize minority perspectives and every department should make it a goal to offer multiple courses that include or focus on minority perspectives within their field each semester. For example, Biology could study genetics across minority communities, or the ethical history of “progress” in relation to eugenics; Systems Engineering could discuss culturally sensitive industrial organizations, and Classics could review the writings and lives of ancient minority writers. Students should experience minority perspectives as part of their day-to-day coursework, to ensure the delivery of a holistic and comprehensive education for the students at The University of Virginia.
8. The University should immediately begin a Capital Campaign to benefit the construction of a permanent and proper slave memorial on the Grounds. Currently, there is limited recognition of the efforts enslaved laborers undertook to construct this University. Black students would see the construction of an area within the Academical Village with an explanation of both the past abuses of the University and their current effects on Charlottesville as a step toward proper acknowledgment of and a move toward actively looking to make up for past and current wrongdoing.
9. Departmental Status for the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African American and African Studies. The Carter G. Woodson Institute must be given departmental status, an expansive budget to jumpstart the department, and the autonomy to hire faculty independent of other departments if it so chooses. The requirement of joint appointments is paternalistic and patronizing. If the University truly values diversity of thought and scholarship, then it must begin to support African American and African Studies.10. Quality Assurance and Accountability for Administration. Considering the robust infrastructure that the University of Virginia has built in regard to racial equity, we must turn a critical eye toward the institutions that, in theory, should already be tackling the issues presented in this document. Although institutions like the Office of African American Affairs and the Office of Diversity and Equity exist, many of the same problems that were present before their establishment still remain. This is certainly in part due to an underfunding and understaffing of these offices, and to a flippant disregard to which issues of race are often subject. Still, this document would be remiss if we did not also critique and make recommendations for the institutions that are most directly a result of the plights of the students and are meant to serve students of color. a. Clarity of Purpose. The Office of African American Affairs and Office of Diversity and Equity must have clear, objective mission statements and tangible, measurable goals.
b. Increase Student Access. The Office of African American Affairs must increase student access. At present, the OAAA has only 9 to 5 hours, hardly conducive to college study habits. They must increase services to students, including more tutoring and advice for various subjects beyond medicine, commerce, and law; and a career services component.
c. Tenured Faculty. The Office of African American Affairs should include tenured faculty as members of its staff. This will give students direct access to professors and their colleagues for guidance in navigating academia.
d. Centralization of Efforts. The Office of Diversity and Equity must oversee the centralization of minority faculty recruitment efforts and funding to increase minority faculty representation at the University.
e. OAAA & ODE Student Advisory Boards. There must be an establishment of a Student Advisory Board to offer advice and the student perspective in the operation of student programs. Black Students must be able to exercise student self-governance when dealing with their own affairs. This Advisory Board will also be instrumental in closing the ever-widening gap between the administration and the majority of students of color. Furthermore, in order for this board to be effective and transparent in its purpose and existence, these students should not be appointed by the Deans, but by the students themselves.
f. Both the Head Dean of OAAA & the Director of LPJ must establish and maintain a bi-weekly newsletter that will present Black students, alumni, and parents with updates as to the happenings and progress, or lack thereof, of the office and LPJ Cultural Center.
g. Inclusion of Students. Administrators should include black students when selecting administrative and staff appointments at the Office of African American Affairs. Among other things, students should sit on the selection committees, participate in group interviews, and discuss potential candidates with hiring administrators. This ensures that the potential hire understands that OAAA’s top priority is students.
h. Quantifiability. There must be a stated goal and quantifiable course of action across all administrative offices, not just the Office of African American Affairs and the Office of Diversity and Equity, to increase Black administrators.
Increasing Black Presence:
1. Increase and Support Black Students
a. The percentage of Black students at the university must aim to match the percent of Black people in the Commonwealth. The University of Virginia is a publicly funded and state flagship University. As such, this public entity must commit to making itself accessible to the public and must commit to educating all those within the state. U.Va. as it currently stands is grossly misrepresentative of the racial demographic of the Commonwealth ofVirginia, and thus is not fulfilling that obligation. If the University prides itself on being a diverse institution of higher learning, increasing the percentage of Black students from its current percentage of 6% to reflect the state demographics of nearly 20% represents one step that the University should take to make this statement true.
b. The University and the Office of Admissions should focus on increasing enrollment from areas of the Commonwealth that have consistently attracted low numbers of applications and matriculations. There should be working and functional relationships to the high school guidance counselors in these areas to ensure that exposure to the University begins sooner in their high school careers so that is remains on their radar for years before even beginning the application process.
c. The University must re-evaluate its recruitment tactics and strategies when attempting to attract top Black talent. It must work to study and understand the underlying reasons for the perception and reputation of this institution amongst students of color across the state. The yield of accepted Black students has decreased every year since 200745. The University must commit itself to identifying and addressing the reasons for these numbers.
University of Wyoming Diversity Demands:
Short Term:
1. We demand, individual town hall meetings be held that target specific marginalized identities and communities so all are given equal time and space to express the unique concerns they have on campus. Here these marginalized communities can present specific demands and recommendations unique to their lived experiences in a space that is safe for these marginalized identities.
2. We demand, by the end of the 2015-2016 academic year, an external and independent agency evaluate the campus climate throughout the University, as well as the current retention and recruitment efforts by the University, targeted towards marginalized identities. The results of this evaluation should be released to the public as soon as possible. If this effort is already underway, then the agency should be identified immediately and the results released to the public upon completion.
3. We demand, by the end of the 2015-2016 academic year the University release detailed policy initiatives to implement in the coming years to combat the campus climate issues identified through the individual town hall meetings, as well as the external and independent agency evaluation.
4. We demand, marginalized students be given more direct input in the current Presidential search and ultimate Presidential decision to insure the next President has previous experience dealing with campus climate, diversity, and inclusion issues.
Long Term:
1. We demand, a Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion position be created that will oversee all of the efforts of the University to create a safe and welcoming environment for marginalized students, as well as all retention and recruitment efforts targeted towards marginalized identities.
2. We demand, all freshmen and first-year students be required to take and pass a course with a curriculum focused on social justice concepts, cultural relevancy, and cultural awareness.
3. We demand, the student code of conduct be revised to hold students accountable to hate crimes, hate speech, and sexual assault and a detailed reporting structure be developed for students to report such incidents. This reporting structure should be easily accessible to anyone who wishes to report such incidents without retaliation.
4. We demand, that more faculty and staff be hired that either represent marginalized backgrounds themselves or have specific experience working with marginalized communities. If faculty and staff do not meet these requirements, an intensive University-wide training structure should be created and required in order to educate such faculty and staff on how to appropriately interact with those from marginalized backgrounds.
Virginia Commonwealth University Black Student Demands:
1. Double the number of black faculty members to 10 percent of the total number of professors by 2017
2. Have at least one of every three candidates interviewing for a faculty position be black, and create a position to make sure the policies are being implemented.
3. The creation of a cultural competency course for all students and the hiring of an ombudsman so students have someone who will relate to their experiences and concerns.
4. An increase in funding for cultural organizations and events on campus.
Washington University in St. Louis Demands:

Select Summary of Demands:
In order to improve the experience of staff, faculty, and students of color on our campuses, the university…
A. Publicly support the Quality Policing Initiative (QPI) and establish QPI-compliant policies including mental health support and bias training for all WUPD officers.
B. Begin using a phone application approved by WU SSIS to allow university students, and affiliates to report incidents of police bias. In addition, WUPD put a link to a similar web application on police.wustl.edu.
C. Share information about all incidents of bias reported to the university through the BRSS, Residential Life, or other means, with a committee of students, faculty, and staff appointed by the DAC and the CDI.
D. Increase enrollment of minority students by raising the population of Black students to 10%, and the population of Latina and Latino students to 10%, creating a way to measure the population of students of Middle Eastern descent.
E. Increase the diversity of faculty and administration by hiring more underrepresented faculty and administration across all disciplines. In order to facilitate the development of a more socially conscious student body, faculty, and staff, the university . . .
In order to facilitate the development of a more socially conscious student body, faculty, and staff, the university . . .
F. Engage students in the creation of the diversity course, mentioned by Provost Thorp at the MLK commemoration ceremony.
G. Revise curricula to require courses that address the social, political, economic, and history and landscape of St. Louis. H. Encourage alumni to invest in social justice-oriented programs, projects, and research. Create an option for alumni to donate to this group of recipients in addition to specific programs within it.
I. Facilitate the expansion of service learning opportunities available to students by providing greater support to faculty to create these courses.
J. Join the Ban the Box movement in respect to admissions and the hiring of staff and faculty.
In order to improve the relationship between the greater St. Louis community and Washington University, the university…
L. Widen the pipeline to higher education for local K-12 students, many of whom attend schools with under-resourced college prep programs.
O. Establish two committees to ensure the ethical investment of the university endowment per the example of Yale, Stanford, and other institutions.
Webster University Demands:
We, the Association for African American Collegians, demand the following actions for the administration to make our time and tuition spent at Webster University as fair and equitable as possible for an institution that emphasizes “global citizenship” and “diversity.”
I. We demand the formation of Afro-American Studies program. This can be within the Critical Race & Ethnic Studies program which will later include a separate Afro-American Studies major AND minor by fall of 2018.
II. We demand the increase of minority admission and recruitment in specific in departments such as the Conservatory, the Dance department and the Community Music School.
III. We also demand an increase of the black faculty members and professors in all departments of the Webster Groves campus. A minimum of 4-5 black faculty members by spring 2017.
IV. We demand the incorporation of an Afro-American Studies course into the Global Citizenship Program by fall 2016.
V. We demand an increase in the efforts for retention and graduation rates of black students, as well as the creation of a Minority Student Retention officer separate from the pre-existing Retention Officer immediately.
VI. We demand to have an open discussion and possible revision of the duties for the Associate Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion by the end of spring 2016.
VII. We also demand the upgrading and eventual moving of the Multicultural Center and International Student Affairs department to a more student-central location. (The updating of these facilities was agreed on in the 1988 ten-point proposal by AAAC to be every 2 years.) The facilities upgrading should be done by spring 2017 and the departmental move by fall 2018.
VIII. We demand the formation of a Minority Scholarship Fund. If something like this already exists, we demand the money for this fund to be increased by fall 2016.
IX. We also demand that Webster makes minority scholarships more accessible.
X. We demand the creation of safe spaces for black students on campus by spring 2017. A short-term solution for this could the repurposing of space temporarily until a permanent space is created.
XI. We demand an increase of full-time faculty by spring 2017.
XII. We also demand Critical racial sensitivity training that is REQUIRED for ALL which includes (but is not limited to) faculty, staff, student leaders, and administration members immediately.
XIII. We demand that tuition is decreased by 16 percent across the board by fall 2018.
XIV. We demand that tuition DOES NOT increase again (unless it is due to inflation) effective immediately.
XV. We also demand that members of the administration DO NOT receive any bonuses in the future starting immediately.
XVI. We demand the University releases all information pertaining to university spending as well as the allocation of funds in the past 5 years by the end of fall 2015.
XVII. We demand that the university increases events every month of February for Black History Month starting immediately.
XVIII. We demand meetings with the faculty & administration increase of at least once a month.
XIX. Lastly, we demand student involvement in ALL processes bringing these demands to fruition, as well as full, total transparency during all of the above (or related) processes.
Wesleyan University Equality & Inclusion Demands:
We, members of the student of color community (SOC), demand to be holistically included as part of Wesleyan University’s student body, to have our demands heard on campus, and to be recognized and respected as individuals, not simply as numbers to fill the institution’s diversity quota.
We demand a written statement addressed to the Wesleyan Community, within 48 hours, from the President of Wesleyan University, Michael Roth, and Vice President for Equity and Inclusion/Title IX Officer, Antonio Farias, to commit to these demands by the specified deadlines via an action plan that works towards a more equitable and inclusive campus environment. This statement should highlight the administration’s inaction and lack of dedication to adequately support students of color and acknowledge the ways that the senior administrators have failed the SOC community, including but not limited to:
A. Perpetuating the vilification of students of color and their voices
B. Failing to reach out to the student of color community (Black and Brown students) when campus controversies that directly affect us occur:
i. Failing to reach out to the student of color community regarding the Argus’ article controversy
C. Perpetuating the devaluation of Black and Brown lives by failing to address the Wesleyan community and express sympathy and compassion when international tragedies occur outside of Europe.
i. January 2015, Michael Roth, sent personal emails to French students, expressing condolences, in regards to the Charlie Hebdo shooting
ii. April 2015, No campus update or email of condolence was sent in response to Kenyan tragedy at Garissa University
iii. November 2015, No message of condolence was sent in response to attacks in Beirut, Lebanon
iv. November 2015, Michael Roth, sent a campus update expressing solace and confirming all students in Paris study abroad program are safe in regards to the attacks in Paris
D. For transparency, we also demand the creation of a website similar to the one implemented at the University of Missouri (https://transparency.missouri.edu/) for the administration to provide updates on the progress of these initiatives and demands.
The Equity advocate will work under the Office of Student Affairs to engage with students regarding equity within the confines of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, age, religion, culture, gender identity, and physical or mental impairment. This individual’s job description includes, but is not limited to:
i. Organizing co-curricular, intentional dialogue between students, faculty, staff, and administration regarding systemic injustices that students with marginalized identities face
ii. Organizing workshops and programs to educate the larger community about privilege and identity
iii. Providing daily office hours open to all students
iv. Hiring student intern(s) working with them for accountability
v. Hosting mandatory social justice workshops for administration, staff, faculty, and Public Safety officers in order to enrich their understanding of how to appropriately interact with students from marginalized backgrounds
vi. Working as a resource for students to discuss and/or report their experiences of discrimination, harassment, or exclusion from administration, staff, faculty, or Public Safety officers on the grounds of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, age, religion, culture, gender identity, and physical or mental impairment
vii. The hiring of this equity advocate should involve a board primarily composed of underrepresented students, with full transparency and disclosure throughout the hiring process.
B. Within 48 hours: President’s Office commits to hiring the equity advocate to start in Fall, 2016.
A. The Multicultural Center will exist as a non-residential space to garner community and support amongst students of color. This space would support all students who possess an interest in social programming, advocacy, education, and community engagement to expand the social awareness of current issues that affect historically marginalized students at Wesleyan. In addition, the center will provide administrative funding for multicultural programs, activities, and events proposed by students and approved by the Director.
B. The offices of the Director of Multicultural Affairs and the Equity Advocate will be located in this center. The Center for African-American Studies (CAAS) and the University Organizing Center (UOC), though essential, are not substitutes for a Multicultural Center. The UOC exists as a student-run space and CAAS is specific to African American Studies and members of the African Diaspora. The multicultural center must be provided with institutional support and additional financial resources. Furthermore, it would be the location of an archive specifically for student activism around SOC-related issues and empowerment.
i. By January 20th, 2016: President’s office present a plan for the center including location, funding, and the timeline for the establishment of the multicultural center.
ii. By May 14th, 2016: University updates on the progress of the center, what work will be done during the summer, and plans for the next full academic year
iii. Fall 2018: Establishment of the Multicultural Center
By November 30th, 2015: Report on how student input will be integrated into the formation of an anonymous student reporting system for cases of bias, including microaggressions, perpetrated by faculty and staff. By Spring, 2016: Revision of end-of-semester professor evaluations to include a section dedicated to reporting classroom biases, including microaggressions, perpetrated by instructors.
Yale University Demands:

1) An ethnic studies distributional requirement for all Yale undergraduates and the immediate promotion of the Ethnicity, Race & Migration program to departmental status
a. The promotion of Native American Studies, Chicanx & Latinx Studies, Asian American Studies, and African Studies to program status under the ER&M department.
b. Curricula for classes that satisfy the ethnic studies distributional requirement must be designed by Yale faculty in the aforementioned areas of study
2) Mental health professionals that are permanently established in each of the four cultural centers with discretionary funds
a. More mental health professionals of color in Yale Mental Health.
3) An increase of two million dollars to the current annual operating budget for each cultural center.
a. Five full-time staff members in each of the cultural centers
b. Additional emergency and miscellaneous funds from the provost’s office to support the needs of first-generation, low-income, undocumented, and international students
4) Rename Calhoun College. Name it and the two new residential colleges after people of color.
a. Abolish the title “master”
b. Build a monument designed by a Native artist on Cross Campus acknowledging that Yale University was founded on stolen indigenous land.
5) Immediate removal of Nicholas and Erika Christakis from the positions of Master and Associate Master of Silliman College
a. The development of racial competence and respect training and accountability systems for all Yale affiliates
b. The inclusion of a question about the racial climate of the classrooms of both teaching fellows and professors in semester evaluations.
c. Bias reporting system on racial discrimination and an annual report that will be released to the Yale community.
6) The allocation of resources to support the physical well-being of international, first-generation, low-income, and undocumented students, in these ways, at these times:
a. Stipends for food and access to residential college kitchens during breaks
b. Dental and optometry services implemented as part of the Basic Yale Health plan
c. Eight financial aid consultants who are trained to deal specifically with financial aid application processes of international and undocumented students